(A) The subcortical areas involved in control of respiration were classified according to their main function and plotted at their approximate location on a sagittal projection of the mouse brain. 7N = facial nucleus, 12N=hypoglossal nucleus, BotC = Bötzinger complex, BPn = basal pons, BST = bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, Ce = central amygdala, Ck = Clarke’s column, CN = cerebellar nuclei, CR = caudal raphe nucleus, CSC = cervical spinal cord, cVRG = caudal ventral respiratory group, Cx = cerebellar cortex, DM = dorsomedial hypothalamus, DR = dorsal raphe nucleus, IO = inferior olive, KF = Kölliker-Fuse nucleus, LC = locus coeruleus, LH = lateral hypothalamus, LPBN = lateral parabrachial nucleus, LPfN = lateral parafacial nucleus, MDJ = nuclei of the mesodiencephalic junction, Mo5=trigeminal motor nucleus, MPBN = medial parabrachial nucleus, NA = nucleus ambiguus, NTS = nucleus of the solitary tract, Pa5=paratrigeminal nucleus, PAG = periaqueductal gray, Pa = paraventricular hypothalamus, Ph = phrenic nucleus, PiCo = postinspiratory complex, PPTg = pedunculopontine tegmental area, preBotC = pre-Bötzinger complex, RF = reticular formation, RTN = retrotrapezoid nucleus, rVRG = rostral ventral respiratory group, Sp5 = spinal trigeminal nucleus, TMN = thoracic motor neurons, Vest = vestibular nuclei. Neural tracing can reveal monosynaptic connections between brain regions, as illustrated with an example using an anterograde tracer in the cerebellar nuclei (B; see injection needle in panel A, AAV-RFP, pseudocolored in magenta), and a retrograde tracer in the inferior olive (C; AAV-retro-GFP, pseudocolored in yellow). DN = dentate nucleus, FN = fastigial nucleus, IN = interposed nucleus, MAO = medial accessory olive. (D) Both tracers can be observed in the MDJ, indicating the presence of monosynaptic projections from the cerebellar nuclei to the MDJ and from there to the inferior olive. Sagittal sections from rostral to caudal (see schemes in the lower left corners with red rectangles indicating locations of images). FR = fasciculus retroflexus, RN = red nucleus. (E) A neuron (yellow) in the MDJ that projects to the inferior olive. Close to the soma of this neuron, a bouton (magenta) of a neuron originating from the cerebellar nuclei can be seen (insets below, imaged at two levels 0.7 µm apart). Panels B-E originate from a representative mouse and are modified from Figure 7 from Wang et al., 2022.