Lists of proteins and species used in this study.
Tab1, Full list. The list contains species names, their taxonomies, Genbank accession numbers of proteins, PMID of references supporting the 5mC status, and genome sequence assembly statistics. ND; not detected. DNMT5 proteins shown in red lack the Snf2-like ATPase domain. UHRF1 proteins shown in red lack the Ring-finger E3 ubiquitin-ligase domain. CDCA7 proteins shown in red indicate ambiguous annotation as described in the main text. CDCA7 orthologs that contain additional conserved domains found by NCBI CD-search were shown in light blue. Tab2, Full list 2. The list is used to make presence (1) or absence (0) list. Tab3 Ecdysozoa CoPAP. List of presence/absence annotations for Ecdysozoa species used for CO-PAP analysis. Tab4 Full CoPAP1. List of presence/absence data annotations for the panel of all 180 species used for CO-PAP analysis. Fungal CDCA7F proteins with class II zf-4CXXC_R1 are included in CDCA7. Tab5 Full CoPAP2. List of presence/absence data annotations for the panel of all 180 species used for CO-PAP analysis. Fungal CDCA7F proteins are included in class II zf-4CXXC_R1. Tab6 Full clustering. Table used for clustering analysis. Tab7 Metazoan invertebrates. Table used for clustering analysis for metazoan invertebrates. Tab7 No 5mC list. List of species where absence of genomic 5mC has been experimentally shown.