(A) Representative fluorescence mant-ATP decays from single muscle fibers isolated from Ursus arctos skeletal muscle measured over 300 s. (B–C) Percentage of myosin heads in the P1/DRX (B) or P2/SRX …
(A–B) Percentage of myosin heads in the P1/DRX (A) or P2/SRX (B) from E. quercinus single muscle fibers obtained during active, interbout arousal (IBA) or torpor periods. Values were separated based …
(A) Representative X-ray diffraction recordings from permeabilized skeletal muscle bundles from Ictidomys tridecemlineatus from summer active (SA), interbout arousal (IBA) and torpor. The M3 and M6 …
(A) T1 value in seconds denoting the ATP turnover lifetime of the DRX in I. tridecemlineatus at 8 °C. (B) T2 value in seconds denoting the ATP turnover lifetime in seconds of the SRX in I. …
(A–B) Percentage of myosin heads in the P1/DRX (A) or P2/SRX (B) from I. tridecemlineatus single muscle fibers obtained during summer active (SA), interbout arousal (IBA) or torpor periods at 8 °C. …
(A) Peptide mapping of differentiated phosphorylation sites upon MYH2 protein during SA, IBA and torpor periods. Heat map demonstrates all sites observed to be differentiated following the …
(A) Peptide mapping of differentiated phosphorylation sites upon MYH7 protein during summer and winter periods. Heat map demonstrates all sites observed to be differentiated following the …
arctos is altered during winter periods. (A) Peptide mapping of differentiated phosphorylation sites upon MYH2 protein during summer and winter periods. Heat map demonstrates all sites observed to …
(A) Principal component analysis for all animals analyzed during SA, IBA and torpor periods. (B) Volcano plot displaying proteins which are differentially expressed during torpor vs active periods. …
(A) All upregulated pathways identified in Metascape in torpor vs SA periods. Pathways are listed in order of significance by -log10(p). (B) All downregulated pathways identified in Metascape in …
A. All upregulated pathways identified in Metascape in IBA vs SA periods. Pathways are listed in order of significance by -log10(p). (B) All downregulated pathways identified in Metascape in IBA vs …
(A) Quantification of metabolites from the skeletal muscle tissue of I. tridecemlineatus during SA, IBA, and torpor periods. Presented in µmol of metabolite per gram of tissue. (B) Quantification of …
(A) Principal component analysis for all animals analyzed during summer and winter periods. (B) Volcano plot displaying proteins which are differentially expressed during winter vs summer periods. …
(A) All upregulated pathways identified in Metascape in winter vs summer periods. Pathways are listed in order of significance by -log10(p). (B) All downregulated pathways identified in Metascape in …
Fiber type compositions from animals used for this study.
Table demonstrating the percentage of fibers which were analyzed during Mant-ATP chase assays that were either MyHC type I or MyHC type II. Data is presented as mean for each animal ± SD. One-way ANOVA was used to calculate significance between hibernation periods in I. tridecemlineatus and E. quercinus. Student’s t-test was used to calculate significant between hibernating periods in U. arctos and U. americanus and between MyHC type I and MyHC type II in all animals. ##=p < 0.01 vs MyHC type I in corresponding group. ####=p < 0.0001 vs MyHC type I in corresponding group. n=5 individual animals per group.
Detailed protein lists for top five differentially expressed ontological clusters in I. tridecemlineatus in torpor vs SA periods.
A. Table details the list of proteins which were found to be differentially upregulated in torpor vs SA in each corresponding ontological cluster as identified by Metascape. Clusters are arranged by order of statistical significance. Proteins are listed in alphabetical order within each cluster. B. Table details the list of proteins which were found to be differentially downregulated in torpor vs SA in each corresponding ontological cluster as identified by Metascape. Clusters are arranged by order of statistical significance. Proteins are listed in alphabetical order within each cluster. n=5 individual animals per group.
Detailed protein lists for top five differentially expressed ontological clusters in I. tridecemlineatus in IBA vs SA periods.
A. Table details the list of proteins which were found to be differentially upregulated in IBA vs SA in each corresponding ontological cluster as identified by Metascape. Clusters are arranged by order of statistical significance. Proteins are listed in alphabetical order within each cluster. B. Table details the list of proteins which were found to be differentially downregulated in IBA vs SA in each corresponding ontological cluster as identified by Metascape. Clusters are arranged by order of statistical significance. Proteins are listed in alphabetical order within each cluster. n=5 individual animals per group.
Detailed protein lists for top five differentially expressed ontological clusters in U. arctos in winter vs summer periods.
A. Table details the list of proteins which were found to be differentially upregulated in winter vs summer in each corresponding ontological cluster as identified by Metascape. Clusters are arranged by order of statistical significance. Proteins are listed in alphabetical order within each cluster. B. Table details the list of proteins which were found to be differentially downregulated in winter vs summer in each corresponding ontological cluster as identified by Metascape. Clusters are arranged by order of statistical significance. Proteins are listed in alphabetical order within each cluster. n=5 individual animals per group.