4,833 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Behavioral evidence for nested central pattern generator control of Drosophila grooming

    Primoz Ravbar, Neil Zhang, Julie H Simpson
    Complex motor behaviors can be assembled from simpler repeating elements controlled by pattern-generation circuits operating at different time scales.
    1. Ecology
    2. Neuroscience

    Optimal searching behaviour generated intrinsically by the central pattern generator for locomotion

    David W Sims, Nicolas E Humphries ... Jimena Berni
    The nervous system circuitry that controls locomotion has evolved to intrinsically generate an optimal search pattern for resources.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Na+/K+ pump interacts with the h-current to control bursting activity in central pattern generator neurons of leeches

    Daniel Kueh, William H Barnett ... Ronald L Calabrese
    The dynamic current generated Na+/K+ pump interacts with the h-current to control the bursting activity of oscillator heart interneurons.
    1. Neuroscience

    Two conserved vocal central pattern generators broadly tuned for fast and slow rates generate species-specific vocalizations in Xenopus clawed frogs

    Ayako Yamaguchi, Manon Peltier
    Although courtship vocalizations are unique to each species, the basic architecture of the neural circuitries underlying this behavior is conserved among closely related species of frogs, suggesting behavior can diverge while utilizing the homologous neural network inherited through evolutionary lineage.
    1. Neuroscience

    Motoneurons regulate the central pattern generator during drug-induced locomotor-like activity in the neonatal mouse

    Melanie Falgairolle, Joshua G Puhl ... Michael J O’Donovan
    Motoneuron activity provides feedback to the spinal network responsible for generating locomotion in the developing mouse spinal cord.
    1. Neuroscience

    Laser ablation of Dbx1 neurons in the pre-Bötzinger complex stops inspiratory rhythm and impairs output in neonatal mice

    Xueying Wang, John A Hayes ... Christopher A Del Negro
    Laser-ablating neurons of a single genetic class reveals that Dbx1-derived interneurons comprise core respiratory rhythmogenic and premotor circuits and provides quantitative cellular parameters that govern network functionality
    1. Neuroscience

    A circuit mechanism for the propagation of waves of muscle contraction in Drosophila

    Akira Fushiki, Maarten F Zwart ... Akinao Nose
    Coordinated activation and deactivation of inhibitory neurons triggers sequential muscle contractions that enable fruit fly larvae to propel themselves backwards and forwards.
    1. Neuroscience

    Body side-specific control of motor activity during turning in a walking animal

    Matthias Gruhn, Philipp Rosenbaum ... Ansgar Büschges
    Turning in an insect is the combined result of body-side-specific modifications in processing of local sensory feedback, and modification of local central pattern generator activity.
    1. Neuroscience

    Opioids modulate an emergent rhythmogenic process to depress breathing

    Xiaolu Sun, Carolina Thörn Pérez ... Kaiwen Kam
    Inspiratory rhythmogenesis is mediated by an emergent mechanism independent of bursts associated with motor output and is modulated by opioids, pointing to strategies for ameliorating opioid-induced respiratory depression.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Integrative neuromechanics of crawling in D. melanogaster larvae

    Cengiz Pehlevan, Paolo Paoletti, L Mahadevan
    An integrative model of coordinated crawling in fruit fly maggots links neuromuscular dynamics to body-substrate mechanics in the presence of proprioceptive feedback.

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