6,586 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Vacillation, indecision and hesitation in moment-by-moment decoding of monkey motor cortex

    Matthew T Kaufman, Mark M Churchland ... Krishna V Shenoy
    Trial-by-trial analysis of neuronal activity in monkeys performing a decision-making task reveals the neural correlates of behaviours including wavering, hesitation and sudden changes of mind.
    1. Neuroscience

    Human complex exploration strategies are enriched by noradrenaline-modulated heuristics

    Magda Dubois, Johanna Habicht ... Tobias U Hauser
    Humans supplement complex, resource-demanding strategies with simple heuristics for solving the exploration-exploitation dilemma, and noradrenaline functioning controls their utilisation.
    1. Neuroscience

    Dopamine enhances model-free credit assignment through boosting of retrospective model-based inference

    Lorenz Deserno, Rani Moran ... Raymond J Dolan
    Cooperation between model-free and model-based control systems is boosted by enhancing dopamine levels.
    1. Neuroscience

    Monkeys exhibit human-like gaze biases in economic decisions

    Shira M Lupkin, Vincent B McGinty
    A novel animal model of economic decision-making captures complex patterns of choice behavior similar to those of humans, opening the way for mechanistic studies to probe the neural basis for this important form of executive function.
    1. Neuroscience

    Complementary encoding of priors in monkey frontoparietal network supports a dual process of decision-making

    Lalitta Suriya-Arunroj, Alexander Gail
    Probability of upcoming actions modulates subclasses of neurons in frontoparietal motor-planning areas in a complementary fashion and frontal-lobe processing takes the leading role when primates commit to a decision.
    1. Neuroscience

    Balancing model-based and memory-free action selection under competitive pressure

    Atsushi Kikumoto, Ulrich Mayr
    People compete by trying to outsmart their opponents as long as they win, but show random behavior, and neural signs of suppressing knowledge about opponents’ strategies, when they lose.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural precursors of decisions that matter—an ERP study of deliberate and arbitrary choice

    Uri Maoz, Gideon Yaffe ... Liad Mudrik
    The readiness potential—a long-established neural precursor of voluntary action claimed to precede the onset of the conscious decision to move—is absent, or at least significantly reduced, for deliberate decisions.
    1. Neuroscience

    A parameter-free statistical test for neuronal responsiveness

    Jorrit S Montijn, Koen Seignette ... J Alexander Heimel
    A simple and robust statistical test for neuronal stimulus response, that outperforms PSTH-based approaches such as t-tests and ANOVAs.
    1. Neuroscience

    The roles of online and offline replay in planning

    Eran Eldar, Gaëlle Lièvre ... Raymond J Dolan
    Replay of recently experienced trajectories during a decision task is coupled with more effective adaptation to change, whereas replay during rest is associated with limited decision making flexibility.
    1. Neuroscience

    Distinct effects of prefrontal and parietal cortex inactivations on an accumulation of evidence task in the rat

    Jeffrey C Erlich, Bingni W Brunton ... Carlos D Brody
    Quantitative modeling of inactivations shows the prefrontal cortex (but not parietal cortex) of the rat is obligatory for decisions guided by evidence accumulating longer than 240 ms.

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