615 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Awake responses suggest inefficient dense coding in the mouse retina

    Tom Boissonnet, Matteo Tripodi, Hiroki Asari
    Retinal visual response properties in awake mice are similar to those under anesthesia or ex vivo, but not exactly the same, so knowledge of retinal function cannot be simply translated from ex vivo to in vivo.
    1. Neuroscience

    Receptive field center-surround interactions mediate context-dependent spatial contrast encoding in the retina

    Maxwell H Turner, Gregory W Schwartz, Fred Rieke
    In the retina, the receptive field surround preserves the spatial contrast sensitivity of the center in the face of naturalistic changes in local luminance.
    1. Neuroscience

    Controlling gain one photon at a time

    Gregory W Schwartz, Fred Rieke
    Single absorbed photons trigger adaptational mechanisms that help the retina maintain sensitivity across a wide range of background illumination.
    1. Neuroscience

    Functional cell types in the mouse superior colliculus

    Ya-tang Li, Markus Meister
    Neurons in the mouse superior colliculus comprise about 20 types based on their responses to visual stimuli, and neurons of the same type tend to cluster together.
    1. Neuroscience

    A dynamic neural resource model bridges sensory and working memory

    Ivan Tomić, Paul M Bays
    Psychophysical measurement and computational modeling show that sensory information cannot contribute directly to a cognitive judgment, but must first be integrated into resource-limited working memory.
    1. Neuroscience

    General features of the retinal connectome determine the computation of motion anticipation

    Jamie Johnston, Leon Lagnado
    Feedforward inhibition generates motion anticipation by selectively decreasing sensitivity to a stimulus as it moves across the latter part of a retinal ganglion cell's receptive field.
    1. Neuroscience

    Range, routing and kinetics of rod signaling in primate retina

    William N Grimes, Jacob Baudin ... Fred Rieke
    Signals from primate rod photoreceptors do not exhibit the light-level-dependent routing through parallel retinal circuits observed in rodents and often invoked in interpreting psychophysical experiments.
    1. Neuroscience

    The functional organization of excitation and inhibition in the dendrites of mouse direction-selective ganglion cells

    Varsha Jain, Benjamin L Murphy-Baum ... Gautam Bhagwan Awatramani
    Accurate direction-selective information is present within small sections of the dendrites, raising the possibility that single dendrites utilize parallel processing schemes to process motion information.
    1. Neuroscience

    Cross-synaptic synchrony and transmission of signal and noise across the mouse retina

    William N Grimes, Mrinalini Hoon ... Fred Rieke
    Cells within the retina synchronize transmitter release across their output synapses in the dark, reducing the impact of noise generated at these synapses and allowing light-dependent signals to be transmitted with minimal added synaptic noise.
    1. Neuroscience

    Saccade suppression depends on context

    Eckart Zimmermann
    The ability to smoothly perceive the environment across saccades without disturbing retinal motion sensations is generated by eye movement contingent habituation.
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