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  1. Robots work on the underbody sealing of a 2015 Chrysler 200 inside the paint shop at Chrysler Group’s Assembly Plant

    Reproducibility: automated.

    Repurposing continuous integration tools for scientific analyses takes the headache out of reproducible research.
  2. Icon linking document, data and code

    Reproducible Document Stack – supporting the next-generation research article

    With Substance and Stencila, we are developing the technology required to publish computationally reproducible research articles online.
  3. Designing Progressive Enhancement Into The Academic Manuscript

    Considering a design strategy to accommodate interactive research articles.
  4. A notepad and pen next to a laptop

    Redesigning an online scientific journal from the article up II: User testing

    How we validated our ideas using HTML prototypes and real users.
  5. ReFigure logo

    ReFigure – connecting scientific insights across the web

    Introducing ReFigure, an open-source browser extension for linking, curating and sharing scientific insights across publishers.
  6. Human outline surrounded by silhouettes of different animals used in research

    Connecting biomedical knowledge through the Monarch Initiative

    The Monarch Initiative integrates open life sciences and biomedical data to improve disease discovery and diagnostics.
  7. Magnifying glass held over ancient manuscript

    ScienceBeam - using computer vision to extract PDF data

    We outline a new project to convert PDF to XML with high accuracy by complementing existing tools with computer vision technology.
  8. A group gather round a table covered in post-its at a collaborative design session for Texture

    Texture - an open science manuscript editor

    Substance invite the community to use and contribute to a new XML-first text editor.