Normative evidence weighting and accumulation in correlated environments

  1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, United States
  2. Department of Psychology, New York University, United States
  3. Department of Neuroscience, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, United States

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Tobias Donner
    University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
  • Senior Editor
    Michael Frank
    Brown University, Providence, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


The behavioral strategies underlying decisions based on perceptual evidence are often studied in the lab with stimuli whose elements provide independent pieces of decision-related evidence that can thus be equally weighted to form a decision. In more natural scenarios, in contrast, the information provided by these pieces is often correlated, which impacts how they should be weighted. Tardiff, Kang & Gold set out to study decisions based on correlated evidence and compare the observed behavior of human decision-makers to normative decision strategies. To do so, they presented participants with visual sequences of pairs of localized cues whose location was either uncorrelated, or positively or negatively correlated, and whose mean location across a sequence determined the correct choice. Importantly, they adjusted this mean location such that, when correctly weighted, each pair of cues was equally informative, irrespective of how correlated it was. Thus, if participants follow the normative decision strategy, their choices and reaction times should not be impacted by these correlations. While Tardiff and colleagues found no impact of correlations on choices, they did find them to impact reaction times, suggesting that participants deviated from the normative decision strategy. To assess the degree of this deviation, Tardiff et al. adjusted drift-diffusion models (DDMs) for decision-making to process correlated decision evidence. Fitting these models to the behavior of individual participants revealed that participants considered correlations when weighing evidence, but did so with a slight underestimation of the magnitude of this correlation. This finding made Tardiff et al. conclude that participants followed a close-to-normative decision strategy that adequately took into account correlated evidence.


The authors adjust a previously used experimental design to include correlated evidence in a simple, yet powerful way. The way it does so is easy to understand and intuitive, such that participants don't need extensive training to perform the task. Limited training makes it more likely that the observed behavior is natural and reflective of everyday decision-making. Furthermore, the design allowed the authors to make the amount of decision-related evidence equal across different correlation magnitudes, which makes it easy to assess whether participants correctly take account of these correlations when weighing evidence: if they do, their behavior should not be impacted by the correlation magnitude.

The relative simplicity with which correlated evidence is introduced also allowed the authors to fall back to the well-established DDM for perceptual decisions, which has few parameters, is known to implement the normative decision strategy in certain circumstances, and enjoys a great deal of empirical support. The authors show how correlations ought to impact these parameters, and which changes in parameters one would expect to see if participants mis-estimate these correlations or ignore them altogether (i.e., estimate correlations to be zero). This allowed them to assess the degree to which participants took into account correlations on the full continuum from perfect evidence weighting to complete ignorance. With this, they could show that participants in fact performed rational evidence weighting if one assumed that they slightly underestimated the correlation magnitude.


The experiment varies the correlation magnitude across trials such that participants need to estimate this magnitude within individual trials. This has several consequences:

(1) Given that correlation magnitudes are estimated from limited data, the (subjective) estimates might be biased towards their average. This implies that, while the amount of evidence provided by each 'sample' is objectively independent of the correlation magnitude, it might subjectively depend on the correlation magnitude. As a result, the normative strategy might differ across correlation magnitudes, unlike what is suggested in the paper. In fact, it might be the case that the observed correlation magnitude underestimates corresponds to the normative strategy.

(2) The authors link the normative decision strategy to putting a bound on the log-likelihood ratio (logLR), as implemented by the two decision boundaries in DDMs. However, as the authors also highlight in their discussion, the 'particle location' in DDMs ceases to correspond to the logLR as soon as the strength of evidence varies across trials and isn't known by the decision maker before the start of each trial. In fact, in the used experiment, the strength of evidence is modulated in two ways:
(i) by the (uncorrected) distance of the cue location mean from the decision boundary (what the authors call the evidence strength) and
(ii) by the correlation magnitude. Both vary pseudo-randomly across trials, and are unknown to the decision-maker at the start of each trial. As previous work has shown (e.g. Kiani & Shadlen (2009), Drugowitsch et al. (2012)), the normative strategy then requires averaging over different evidence strength magnitudes while forming one's belief. This averaging causes the 'particle location' to deviate from the logLR. This deviation makes it unclear if the DDM used in the paper indeed implements the normative strategy, or is even a good approximation to it.

Given that participants observe 5 evidence samples per second and on average require multiple seconds to form their decisions, it might be that they are able to form a fairly precise estimate of the correlation magnitude within individual trials. However, whether this is indeed the case is not clear from the paper.

Furthermore, the authors capture any underestimation of the correlation magnitude by an adjustment to the DDM bound parameter. They justify this adjustment by asking how this bound parameter needs to be set to achieve correlation-independent psychometric curves (as observed in their experiments) even if participants use a 'wrong' correlation magnitude to process the provided evidence. Curiously, however, the drift rate, which is the second critical DDM parameter, is not adjusted in the same way. If participants use the 'wrong' correlation magnitude, then wouldn't this lead to a mis-weighting of the evidence that would also impact the drift rate? The current model does not account for this, such that the provided estimates of the mis-estimated correlation magnitudes might be biased.

Lastly, the paper makes it hard to assess how much better the participants' choices would be if they used the correct correlation magnitudes rather than underestimates thereof. This is important to know, as it only makes sense to strictly follow the normative strategy if it comes with a significant performance gain.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


This study by Tardiff, Kang & Gold seeks to: i) develop a normative account of how observers should adapt their decision-making across environments with different levels of correlation between successive pairs of observations, and ii) assess whether human decisions in such environments are consistent with this normative model.

The authors first demonstrate that, in the range of environments under consideration here, an observer with full knowledge of the generative statistics should take both the magnitude and sign of the underlying correlation into account when assigning weight in their decisions to new observations: stronger negative correlations should translate into stronger weighting (due to the greater information furnished by an anticorrelated generative source), while stronger positive correlations should translate into weaker weighting (due to the greater redundancy of information provided by a positively correlated generative source). The authors then report an empirical study in which human participants performed a perceptual decision-making task requiring accumulation of information provided by pairs of perceptual samples, under different levels of pairwise correlation. They describe a nuanced pattern of results with effects of correlation being largely restricted to response times and not choice accuracy, which could partly be captured through fits of their normative model (in this implementation, an extension of the well-known drift-diffusion model) to the participants' behaviour while allowing for mis-estimation of the underlying correlations.


As the authors point out in their very well-written paper, appropriate weighting of information gathered in correlated environments has important consequences for real-world decision-making. Yet, while this function has been well studied for 'high-level' (e.g. economic) decisions, how we account for correlations when making simple perceptual decisions on well-controlled behavioural tasks has not been investigated. As such, this study addresses an important and timely question that will be of broad interest to psychologists and neuroscientists. The computational approach to arrive at normative principles for evidence weighting across environments with different levels of correlation is very elegant, makes strong connections with prior work in different decision-making contexts, and should serve as a valuable reference point for future studies in this domain. The empirical study is well designed and executed, and the modelling approach applied to these data showcases a deep understanding of relationships between different parameters of the drift-diffusion model and its application to this setting. Another strength of the study is that it is preregistered.


In my view, the major weaknesses of the study center on the narrow focus and subsequent interpretation of the modelling applied to the empirical data. I elaborate on each below:

Modelling interpretation: the authors' preference for fitting and interpreting the observed behavioural effects primarily in terms of raising or lowering the decision bound is not well motivated and will potentially be confusing for readers, for several reasons. First, the entire study is conceived, in the Introduction and first part of the Results at least, as an investigation of appropriate adjustments of evidence weighting in the face of varying correlations. The authors do describe how changes in the scaling of the evidence in the drift-diffusion model are mathematically equivalent to changes in the decision bound - but this comes amidst a lengthy treatment of the interaction between different parameters of the model and aspects of the current task which I must admit to finding challenging to follow, and the motivation behind shifting the focus to bound adjustments remained quite opaque. Second, and more seriously, bound adjustments of the form modelled here do not seem to be a viable candidate for producing behavioural effects of varying correlations on this task. As the authors state toward the end of the Introduction, the decision bound is typically conceived of as being "predefined" - that is, set before a trial begins, at a level that should strike an appropriate balance between producing fast and accurate decisions. There is an abundance of evidence now that bounds can change over the course of a trial - but typically these changes are considered to be consistently applied in response to learned, predictable constraints imposed by a particular task (e.g. response deadlines, varying evidence strengths). In the present case, however, the critical consideration is that the correlation conditions were randomly interleaved across trials and were not signaled to participants in advance of each trial - and as such, what correlation the participant would encounter on an upcoming trial could not be predicted. It is unclear, then, how participants are meant to have implemented the bound adjustments prescribed by the model fits. At best, participants needed to form estimates of the correlation strength/direction (only possible by observing several pairs of samples in sequence) as each trial unfolded, and they might have dynamically adjusted their bounds (e.g. collapsing at a different rate across correlation conditions) in the process. But this is very different from the modelling approach that was taken. In general, then, I view the emphasis on bound adjustment as the candidate mechanism for producing the observed behavioural effects to be unjustified (see also next point).

Modelling focus: Related to the previous point, it is stated that participants' choice and RT patterns across correlation conditions were qualitatively consistent with bound adjustments (p.20), but evidence for this claim is limited. Bound adjustments imply effects on both accuracy and RTs, but the data here show either only effects on RTs, or RT effects mixed with accuracy trends that are in the opposite direction to what would be expected from bound adjustment (i.e. slower RT with a trend toward diminished accuracy in the strong negative correlation condition; Figure 3b). Allowing both drift rate and bound to vary with correlation conditions allowed the model to provide a better account of the data in the strong correlation conditions - but from what I can tell this is not consistent with the authors' preregistered hypotheses, and they rely on a posthoc explanation that is necessarily speculative and cannot presently be tested (that the diminished drift rates for higher negative correlations are due to imperfect mapping between subjective evidence strength and the experimenter-controlled adjustment to objective evidence strengths to account for effects of correlations). In my opinion, there are other candidate explanations for the observed effects that could be tested but lie outside of the relatively narrow focus of the current modelling efforts. Both explanations arise from aspects of the task, which are not mutually exclusive. The first is that an interesting aspect of this task, which contrasts with most common 'univariate' perceptual decision-making tasks, is that participants need to integrate two pieces of information at a time, which may or may not require an additional computational step (e.g. averaging of two spatial locations before adding a single quantum of evidence to the building decision variable). There is abundant evidence that such intermediate computations on the evidence can give rise to certain forms of bias in the way that evidence is accumulated (e.g. 'selective integration' as outlined in Usher et al., 2019, Current Directions in Psychological Science; Luyckx et al., 2020, Cerebral Cortex) which may affect RTs and/or accuracy on the current task. The second candidate explanation is that participants in the current study were only given 200 ms to process and accumulate each pair of evidence samples, which may create a processing bottleneck causing certain pairs or individual samples to be missed (and which, assuming fixed decision bounds, would presumably selectively affect RT and not accuracy). If I were to speculate, I would say that both factors could be exacerbated in the negative correlation conditions, where pairs of samples will on average be more 'conflicting' (i.e. further apart) and, speculatively, more challenging to process in the limited time available here to participants. Such possibilities could be tested through, for example, an interrogation paradigm version of the current task which would allow the impact of individual pairs of evidence samples to be more straightforwardly assessed; and by assessing the impact of varying inter-sample intervals on the behavioural effects reported presently.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation