In silico self-propelled Voronoi model recapitulates competition-dependent mechanical features to discover differential collective compressibility, empirically tested by Gel Compression Microscopy.
A. Junctional tension at the edges shared by cells in a circular island of transformed mutant (M) cells (which constitute 12% of the total number of cells in a randomly generated ensemble, with the island’s diameter being approximately 40% of the length of the box) is significantly lower than that of their surrounding wild-type (WT) counterparts. This is due to the single-cell parameters of the M cells, which includeKMA = 0.7, AM0 = 0.8, PM0 = 3.8, which corresponds to a shape index of in contrast to the WT cells with parameters KWTA = 1.0, AWT0 = 1.0, PWT0 = 3.65 (i.e. qWT0 = 𝐴 0 0 0 3.65). As a result, the M colony exhibits lower edge tension and is less rigid than its surrounding WT cells. B. the average pressure in the M island (with the same spatial distribution as shown in Fig. 2F and coarse-grained over 50 ensembles of initial configurations) is elevated, with single-cell parameters ofKMA = 0.7, AM0 = 1.5, PM0 = 3.8. In contrast, WT 𝐴 0 0 cells have the same single-cell parameters as in A. C. the relative compaction level, denoted by Δρ = A0/Ā − 1, of the M population is a function of the average pressure (Π) and depends on an array of cell area elasticity ratios, 𝑘 =KMA⁄KWTA. In the M island, an increase in the value 𝐴 𝐴 of Π is driven by an increase in AM0. D. the linear-response compressibility, denoted by , for M and WT cells as a function of 𝑘. E,F. Conceptual representation depicting the E, basis and functionality, and F, the data acquisition as done when performing Gel Compression Microscopy (GCM). Micropatterned PDMS mould (shown in blue) with a 150 µm polyacrylamide (PAA) gel (shown in teal) casting donut shaped cavity, is mounted on the glass in a 35mm glass bottom dish. pH-responsive gel (shown in yellow) is casted as a slab in the center of the donut shaped PAA gel. Cells of interest are cultured on top of the collagen-I coated PAA gel of defined stiffness. During GCM, the pH-responsive gel expands radially outwards and compresses the cells-PAA gel interface in turn, which is imaged in live (depicted by the imaging region of interest (ROI)). G. Representative image panels for 4 kPa PAA gel control, WT cells or M cells cultured on 4 kPa PAA gels for GCM. Pre-compression ROIs are shown to depict PAA gel alone or cells-PAA gel interface (marked by yellow dotted lines) as well as their respective post-compression ROIs representing the respective interfaces after 90 mins of continuous compression (marked by white dotted lines), Scale bar, 50 µm. H. Creep analysis where compressive strain (as fraction to the pre-compression perpendicular shift of the interface) incurred during GCM is plotted as a function of the corresponding time of compression in minutes, Data are mean±sem from three independent experiments. I. Analytical representation depicting the methodology and equations used to quantitate compressive strain and relative compressibility (relative to the respective PAA gel alone control). J. Relative compressibility measurement based on I, shows a distinct and lower value for WT population whereas M population shows no distinction compared to the PAA gel case. Data are mean±sem from three-four independent experiments. Statistical significance is calculated using Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction. K. Representative image panels for 0.87 kPa PAA gel control, WT cells or M cells cultured on 0.87 kPa PAA gels for GCM. Pre-compression ROIs are shown to depict PAA gel alone or cells-PAA gel interface (marked by yellow dotted lines) as well as their respective post-compression ROIs representing the respective interfaces after 90 mins of continuous compression (marked by white dotted lines), Scale bar, 50 µm. L. Relative compressibility measurement based on I, shows a distinct and lower value for WT population as also seen in J. Importantly, M population shows a distinctly lower value compared to the PAA gel alone case but higher than the WT population. Data are mean±sem from three-four independent experiments. Statistical significance was calculated using Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction.