Spatial transcriptomic profiles in ovarian cancer samples. A. We employed a permutation-based approach to pinpoint the areas of significant TC activity in spatial transcriptomic profiles. We ran 5,000 permutations for each TC-profile combination, yielding a p-value that indicates the extent to which the TC activity in the corresponding profile differs from what would be expected by chance (the null distribution). We then transformed these p-values into logarithmic values and represented them using a heatmap. Heatmaps of activity scores of the TCs are presented in individual rows for the HGSOC, serous papillary, and endometrioid adenocarcinoma of ovary samples. The first column represents the stained images of the samples. The second to seventh columns show heatmaps corresponding to the mentioned TCs. B. The heatmap illustrates the colocalization between two TC activities on spatial transcriptomic profiles from ovarian cancer samples. For each cell, the colocalization scores of the TCs at each of the three spatial transcriptomics samples OC 1, OC 2, and OC 3 are arranged in columns. A colocalization score of 4 between two TCs (red) indicates that the positively (+) and negatively (-) active regions of both TCs are perfectly colocalized. Conversely, a colocalization score of -4 between two TCs (blue) also indicates colocalization. Still, with inverse activity, i.e., the positively active regions of one TC are colocalized with the negatively active regions of the other TC or vice versa. A colocalization score close to 0 between two TCs (white) indicates that the activities of two TCs are spatially separated. The dashed and solid circle in the panel on the right side of the color bar represents two different TCs. Abbreviations: TC = transcriptional component.