Criterion placement threatens the construct validity of neural measures of consciousness

  1. Department of Applied and Experimental Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. Institute for Brain and Behavior Amsterdam (iBBA), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  3. Department of Cognitive Psychology, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands
  4. Department of Psychology, Charlotte Fresenius Hochschule, Hamburg, Germany
  5. Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  6. Brain and Cognition, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Peer review process

Revised: This Reviewed Preprint has been revised by the authors in response to the previous round of peer review; the eLife assessment and the public reviews have been updated where necessary by the editors and peer reviewers.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Ming Meng
    South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
  • Senior Editor
    Joshua Gold
    University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public review):

The study aimed to investigate the significant impact of criterion placement on the validity of neural measures of consciousness, examining how different standards for classifying a stimulus as 'seen' or 'unseen' can influence the interpretation of neural data. They conducted simulations and EEG experiments to demonstrate that the Perceptual Awareness Scale, a widely used tool in consciousness research, may not effectively mitigate criterion-related confounds, suggesting that even with the PAS, neural measures can be compromised by how criteria are set. Their study challenged existing paradigms by showing that the construct validity of neural measures of conscious and unconscious processing is threatened by criterion placement, and they provided practical recommendations for improving experimental designs in the field. The authors' work contributes to a deeper understanding of the nature of conscious and unconscious processing and addresses methodological concerns by exploring the pervasive influence of criterion placement on neural measures of consciousness and discussing alternative paradigms that might offer solutions to the criterion problem.

The study effectively demonstrates that the placement of criteria for determining whether a stimulus is 'seen' or 'unseen' significantly impacts the validity of neural measures of consciousness. The authors found that conservative criteria tend to inflate effect sizes, while liberal criteria reduce them, leading to potentially misleading conclusions about conscious and unconscious processing. The authors employed robust simulations and EEG experiments to demonstrate the effects of criterion placement, ensuring that the findings are well-supported by empirical evidence. The results from both experiments confirm the predicted confounding effects of criterion placement on neural measures of unconscious and conscious processing.

The results are consistent with their hypotheses and contribute meaningfully to the field of consciousness research.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


The study investigates the potential influence of the response criterion on neural decoding accuracy in consciousness and unconsciousness, utilizing either simulated data or reanalyzing experimental data with post-hoc sorting data.


When comparing the neural decoding performance of Target versus NonTarget with or without post-hoc sorting based on subject reports, it is evident that response criterion can influence the results. This was observed in simulated data as well as in two experiments that manipulated subject response criterion to be either more liberal or more conservative. One experiment involved a two-level response (seen vs unseen), while the other included a more detailed four-level response (ranging from 0 for no experience to 3 for a clear experience). The findings consistently indicated that adopting a more conservative response criterion could enhance neural decoding performance, whether in conscious or unconscious states, depending on the sensitivity or overall response threshold.


(1) In the realm of research methodology, conducting post-hoc sorting based on subject reports raises an issue. This operation leads to an imbalance in the number of trials between the two conditions (Target and NonTarget) during the decoding process. Such trial number disparity introduces bias during decoding, likely contributing to fluctuations in neural decoding performance. This potential confounding factor significantly impacts the interpretation of research findings. The trial number imbalance may cause models to exhibit a bias towards the category with more trials during the learning process, leading to misjudgments of neural signal differences between the two conditions and failing to accurately reflect the distinctions in brain neural activity between target and non-target states. Therefore, it is recommended that the authors extensively discuss this confounding factor in their paper. They should analyze in detail how this factor could influence the interpretation of results, such as potentially exaggerating or diminishing certain effects, and whether measures are necessary to correct the bias induced by this imbalance to ensure the reliability and validity of the research conclusions.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):


Fahrenfort et al. investigate how liberal or conservative criterion placement in a detection task affects the construct validity of neural measures of unconscious cognition and conscious processing. Participants identified instances of "seen" or "unseen" in a detection task, a method known as post hoc sorting. Simulation data convincingly demonstrate that, counterintuitively, a conservative criterion inflates effect sizes of neural measures compared to a liberal criterion. While the impact of criterion shifts on effect size is suggested by signal detection theory, this study is the first to address this explicitly within the consciousness literature. Decoding analysis of data from two EEG experiments further shows that different criteria lead to differential effects on classifier performance in post hoc sorting. The findings underscore the pervasive influence of experimental design and participant reports on neural measures of consciousness, revealing that criterion placement poses a critical challenge for researchers.

Strengths and Weaknesses

One of the strengths of this study is the inclusion of the Perceptual Awareness Scale (PAS), which allows participants to provide more nuanced responses regarding their perceptual experiences. This approach ensures that responses at the lowest awareness level (selection 0) are made only when trials are genuinely unseen. This methodological choice is important as it helps prevent the overestimation of unconscious processing, enhancing the validity of the findings.
The authors also do a commendable job in the discussion by addressing alternative paradigms, such as wagering paradigms, as a possible remedy to the criterion problem (Peters & Lau, 2015; Dienes & Seth, 2010). Their consideration of these alternatives provides a balanced view and strengthens the overall discussion.

Our initial review identified a lack of measures of variance as one potential weakness of this work. However we agree with the authors' response that plotting individual datapoints for each condition is indeed a good visualization of variance within a dataset.

Impact of the Work:

This study effectively demonstrates a phenomenon that, while understood within the context of signal detection theory, has been largely unexplored within the consciousness literature. Subjective measures may not reliably capture the construct they aim to measure due to criterion confounds. Future research on neural measures of consciousness should account for this issue, and no-report measures may be necessary until the criterion problem is resolved.

Author response:

The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


The paper proposes that the placement of criteria for determining whether a stimulus is 'seen' or 'unseen' can significantly impact the validity of neural measures of consciousness. The authors found that conservative criteria, which require stronger evidence to classify a stimulus as 'seen,' tend to inflate effect sizes in neural measures, making conscious processing appear more pronounced than it is. Conversely, liberal criteria, which require less evidence, reduce these effect sizes, potentially underestimating conscious processing. This variability in effect sizes due to criterion placement can lead to misleading conclusions about the nature of conscious and unconscious processing.

Furthermore, the study highlights that the Perceptual Awareness Scale (PAS), a commonly used tool in consciousness research, does not effectively mitigate these criterion-related confounds. This means that even with PAS, the validity of neural measures can still be compromised by how criteria are set. The authors emphasize the need for careful consideration and standardization of criterion placement in experimental designs to ensure that neural measures accurately reflect the underlying cognitive processes. By addressing this issue, the paper aims to improve the reliability and validity of findings in the field of consciousness research.


(1) This research provides a fresh perspective on how criterion placement can significantly impact the validity of neural measures in consciousness research.

(2) The study employs robust simulations and EEG experiments to demonstrate the effects of criterion placement, ensuring that the findings are well-supported by empirical evidence.

(3) By highlighting the limitations of the PAS and the impact of criterion placement, the study offers practical recommendations for improving experimental designs in consciousness research.


The primary focused criterion of PAS is a commonly used tool, but there are other measures of consciousness that were not evaluated, which might also be subject to similar or different criterion limitations. A simulation could applied to these metrics to show how generalizable the conclusion of the study is.

We would like to thank reviewer 1 for their positive words and for taking the time to evaluate our manuscript. We agree that it would be important to gauge generalization to other metrics of consciousness. Note however, that the most commonly used alternative methods are postdecision wagering and confidence, both of which are known to behave quite similarly to the PAS (Sandberg, Timmermans , Overgaard & Cleeremans, 2010). Indeed, we have confirmed in other work that confidence is also sensitive to criterion shifts (see Although it has been claimed that confidence-derived aggregate metrics like meta-d’ or metacognitive efficiency may overcome criterion shifts, it would require empirical data rather than simulation to settle whether this is true or not (also see the discussion in Furthermore, out of these metrics, the PAS seems to be the preferred one amongst consciouness researchers (see figure 4 in Francken, Beerendonk, Molenaar, Fahrenfort, Kiverstein, Seth, Gaal S van, 2022; as well as Thus, given the fact that other metrics are either expected to behave in similar ways and/or because it would require more empirical work to determine along which dimension(s) criterion shifts would operate in alternative metrics, we see no clear path to implement the suggested simulations. We anticipate that aiming to do this would require a considerable amount of additional work, figuring out many things which we believe would better suit a future project. We would of course be open to doing this if the reviewer would have more specific suggestions for how to go about the proposed simulations.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


The study investigates the potential influence of the response criterion on neural decoding accuracy in consciousness and unconsciousness, utilizing either simulated data or reanalyzing experimental data with post-hoc sorting data.


When comparing the neural decoding performance of Target versus NonTarget with or without post-hoc sorting based on subject reports, it is evident that response criterion can influence the results. This was observed in simulated data as well as in two experiments that manipulated the subject response criterion to be either more liberal or more conservative. One experiment involved a two-level response (seen vs unseen), while the other included a more detailed four-level response (ranging from 0 for no experience to 3 for a clear experience). The findings consistently indicated that adopting a more conservative response criterion could enhance neural decoding performance, whether in conscious or unconscious states, depending on the sensitivity or overall response threshold.


(1) The response criterion plays a crucial role in influencing neural decoding because a subject's report may not always align with the actual stimulus presented. This discrepancy can occur in cases of false alarms, where a subject reports seeing a target that was not actually there, or in cases where a target is present but not reported. Some may argue that only using data from consistent trials (those with correct responses) would not be affected by the response criterion. However, the authors' analysis suggests that a conservative response criterion not only reduces false alarms but also impacts hit rates. It is important for the authors to further investigate how the response criterion affects neural decoding even when considering only correct trials.

We would like to thank reviewer 2 for taking the time to evaluate our manuscript. We appreciate the suggestion to investigate neural decoding on only correct trials. What we in fact did is consider target trials that are 'correct' (hits = seen target present trials) and 'incorrect' (misses = unseen target present trials) separately, see figure 4A and figure 4B. This shows that the response criterion also affects the neural measure of consciousness when only considering correct target present trials. Note however, that one cannot decode 'unseen' (target present) trials if one only aims to decode 'correct' trials, because those are all incorrect by definition. We did not analyze false alarms (these would be the 'seen' trials on the noise distribution of Figure 1A), as there were not enough trials of those, especially in the conservative condition (see Figure 2C and 2D), making comparisons between conservative and liberal impossible. However, the predictions for false alarms are pretty straightforward, and follow directly from the framework in Figure 1.

(2) The author has utilized decoding target vs. nontarget as the neural measures of unconscious and/or conscious processing. However, it is important to note that this is just one of the many neural measures used in the field. There are an increasing number of studies that focus on decoding the conscious content, such as target location or target category. If the author were to include results on decoding target orientation and how it may be influenced by response criterion, the field would greatly benefit from this paper.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion to decode orientation of the target. In our experiments, the target itself does not have an orientation, but the texture of which it is composed does. We used four orientations, which were balanced out within and across conditions such that presence-absence decoding is never driven by orientation, but rather by texture based figure-ground segregation (for similar logic, see for example Fahrenfort et al, 2007; 2008 etc). There are a couple of things to consider when wanting to apply a decoding analysis on the orientation of these textures:

(1) Our behavioral task was only on the presence or absence of the target, not on the orientation of the textures. This makes it impossible to draw any conclusions about the visibility of the orientation of the textures. Put differently: based on behavior there is no way of identifying seen or unseen orientations, correctly or incorrectly identified orientations etc. For examply, it is easy to envision that an observer detects a target without knowing the orientation that defines it, or vice versa a situation in which an observer does not detect the target while still being aware of the orientation of a texture in the image (either of the figure, or of the background). The fact that we have no behavioral response to the orientation of the textures severely limits the usefulness of a hypothetical decoding effect on these orientations, as such results would be uninterpretable with respect to the relevant dimension in this experiment, which is visibility.

(2) This problem is further excarbated by the fact that the orientation of the background is always orthogonal to the orientation of the target. Therefore, one would not only be decoding the orientation of the texture that constitutes the target itself, but also the texture that constitutes the background. Given that we also have no behavioral metric of how/whether the orientation of the background is perceived, it is similarly unclear how one would interpret any observed effect.

(3) Finally, it is important to note that – even when categorization/content is sometimes used as an auxiliary measure in consciousness research (often as a way to assay objective performance) - consciousness is most commonly conceptualized on the presence-absence dimension. A clear illustration of this is the concept of blindsight. Blindsight is the ability of observers to discriminate stimuli (i.e. identify content) without being able to detect them. Blindsight is often considered the bedrock of the cognitive neuroscience of consciousness as it acts as proof that one can dissociate between unconscious processing (the categorization of a stimulus, i.e. the content) and conscious processing of that stimulus (i.e. the ability to detect it).

Given the above, we do not see how the suggested analysis could contribute to the conclusions that the manuscript already establishes. We hope that – given the above - the reviewer agrees with this assessment.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):


Fahrenfort et al. investigate how liberal or conservative criterion placement in a detection task affects the construct validity of neural measures of unconscious cognition and conscious processing. Participants identified instances of "seen" or "unseen" in a detection task, a method known as post hoc sorting. Simulation data convincingly demonstrate that, counterintuitively, a conservative criterion inflates effect sizes of neural measures compared to a liberal criterion. While the impact of criterion shifts on effect size is suggested by signal detection theory, this study is the first to address this explicitly within the consciousness literature. Decoding analysis of data from two EEG experiments further shows that different criteria lead to differential effects on classifier performance in post hoc sorting. The findings underscore the pervasive influence of experimental design and participants report on neural measures of consciousness, revealing that criterion placement poses a critical challenge for researchers.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

One of the strengths of this study is the inclusion of the Perceptual Awareness Scale (PAS), which allows participants to provide more nuanced responses regarding their perceptual experiences. This approach ensures that responses at the lowest awareness level (selection 0) are made only when trials are genuinely unseen. This methodological choice is important as it helps prevent the overestimation of unconscious processing, enhancing the validity of the findings.

A potential area for improvement in this study is the use of single time-points from peak decoding accuracy to generate current source density topography maps. While we recognize that the decoding analysis employed here differs from traditional ERP approaches, the robustness of the findings could be enhanced by exploring current source density over relevant time windows. Event-related peaks, both in terms of timing and amplitude, can sometimes be influenced by noise or variability in trial-averaged EEG data, and a time-window analysis might provide a more comprehensive and stable representation of the underlying neural dynamics.

We thank reviewer 3 for their positive words and for taking the time to evaluate our manuscript. If we understand the reviewer correctly, he/she suggests that the signal-to-noise ratio could be improved by averaging over time windows rather than taking the values at singular peaks in time. Before addressing this suggestion, we would like to point out that we plotted the relevant effects across time in Supplementary Figure S1A and S1B. These show that the observed effects were not somehow limited in time, i.e. only occuring around the peaks, but that they consistenly occured throughout the time course of the trial. In line with this observation one might argue that the results could be improved further by averaging across windows of interest rather than taking the peak moments alone, as the reviewer suggests. Although this might be true, there are many analysis choices that one can make, each of which could have a positive (or negative) effect on the signal to noise ratio. For example, when taking a window of interest, one is faced with a new choice to make, this time regarding the number of consecutive samples to average across (i.e. the size of the window), etc. More generally there is a long list of choices that may affect the precise outcome of analyses, either positively or negatively. Having analyzed the data in one way, the problem with adding new analysis approaches is that there is no objective criterion for deciding which analysis would be ‘best’, other than looking at the outcome of the statistical analyses themselves. Doing this would constitute an explorative double-dipping-like approach to analyzing the results, which – aside from potentially increasing the signal to noise ratio – is likely to also result in an increase of the type I error rate. In the past, when the first author of this manuscript has attempted to minimize the number of statistical tests, he has lowered the number of EEG time points by simply taking the peaks (for example see, and that is the approach that was taken here as well. Given the above, we prefer not to further ‘try out’ additional analytical approaches on this dataset, simply to improve the results. We hope the reviewer sympathizes with our position that it is methodologically most sound to stick to the analyses we have already performed and reported, without further exploration.

It is helpful that the authors show the standard error of the mean for the classifier performance over time. A similar indication of a measure of variance in other figures could improve clarity and transparency.

That said, the paper appears solid regarding technical issues overall. The authors also do a commendable job in the discussion by addressing alternative paradigms, such as wagering paradigms, as a possible remedy to the criterion problem (Peters & Lau, 2015; Dienes & Seth, 2010). Their consideration of these alternatives provides a balanced view and strengthens the overall discussion.

We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Note that we already have a measure of variance in the other figures too, namely showing the connected data points of individual participants. Indvidual data points as a visualization of variance is preferred by many journals (e.g., see, and also shows the spread of relevant differences when paired points are connected. For example, in Figure 2, 3 and 4, the relevant difference is between the liberal and conservative condition. When wanting to show the spread of the differences between these conditions, one option would be to first subtract the two measures in a pairwise fashion (e.g., liberal-conservative), and then plot the spread of those differences using some metric (e.g. standard error/CI of the mean difference). However, this has the disadvantage of no longer separately showing the raw scores on the conditions that are being compared. Showing conditions separately provides clarity to the reader about what is being compared to what. The most common approach to visualizing the variance of the relevant difference in such cases, is to plot the connected individual data points of all participants in the same plot. The uniformity of the slope of these lines in such a visualization provides direct insight into the spread of the relevant difference. Plotting the standard error of the mean on the raw scores of the conditions in these plots would not help, because this would not visualize the spread of the relevant difference (liberal-conservative). We therefore opted in the manuscript to show the mean scores on the conditions that we compare, while also showing the connected raw data points of individual participants in the same plot. One might argue that we should then use that same visualization in figure 3A, but note that this figure is merely intended to identify the peaks, i.e. it does not compare liberal to conservative. Furthermore, plotting the decoding time lines of individual participants would greatly diminish the clarity of this figure. Given our explanation, we hope the reviewer agrees with the approach that we chose, although we are of course open to modifying the figures if the reviewer has a suggestion for doing so while taking into account the points we raise here in our response.

Impact of the Work:

This study effectively demonstrates a phenomenon that has been largely unexplored within the consciousness literature. Subjective measures may not reliably capture the construct they aim to measure due to criterion confounds. Future research on neural measures of consciousness should account for this issue, and no-report measures may be necessary until the criterion problem is resolved.

Recommendations for the authors:

Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):

The authors could further elaborate on the results of the PAS to provide a clearer insight into the impact of response criteria, which is notably more complex than in other experiments. Specifically, the results demonstrate that conservative response criterion condition displays a considerably higher sensitivity compared to those with a liberal response criterion. It would be interesting to explore whether this shift in sensitivity suggests a correlation between changes in response criteria and conscious experiences, and how the interaction between sensitivity and response criteria can affect the neural measure of consciousness.

We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Note that the change in sensitivity that we observed is minor compared to the change we observed in response criterion (hedges g criterion in exp 2 = 2.02, compared to hedges g sensitivity/d’ in exp 2 = 0.42). However, we do investigate the effect of sensitivity (disregarding response criterion) on decoding accuracy. To this end we devised Figure 3C (for the full decoding time course see Supplementary Figure S1B). These figures show that the small behavioral sensitivity effects observed in both experiments (hedges g sensitivity in exp 1 = 0.30, exp 2 = 0.42) did not translate into significant decoding differences between conservative and liberal in either experiment. This comes as no surprise given the small corresponding behavioral effects. Note that small sensitivity differences between liberal and conservative conditions are commonplace, plausibly driven by the fact that being liberal also involves being more noisy in one’s response tendencies (i.e. sometimes randomly indicating presence). Further, the reviewer suggests that we might correlate changes in response criteria to changes in conscious experience. The only relevant metric of conscious experience for which we have data in this manuscript is the Perceptual Awareness Scale (PAS), so we assume the reviewer asks for a correlation between experimentally induced changes in response criterion with the equivalent changes in d’. To this end we computed the difference in the PAS-based d’ metric between conservative and liberal, as well as the difference in the PAS-based criterion metric between conservative and liberal, and correlated these across subjects (N=26) using a Spearman rank correlation. The result shows that these metrics do not correlate r(24)=0.04, p=0.85. Note however that small-N correlations like these are only somewhat reliable for large effect sizes. An N of 26 and a mere power of 80% requires an effect size of at least r=0.5 to be detectable, so even if a correlation were to exist we may not have had enough power to detect it. Due to these caveats we opted to not report this null-correlation in the manuscript, but we are of course willing to do so if the reviewer and/or editor disagrees with this assessment.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation