Untargeted metabolomics of tachyzoites treated with 6 screening hits effective against both stages of T. gondii.
Volcano plots showing the parasitic, intracellular metabolic phenotype caused by MMV Pathogen Box compounds that inhibited tachyzoites and bradyzoites during the screen. The metabolome was measured with two columns of complementary chemistries to enhance metabolite coverage. Blue dots indicate metabolites which were significantly reduced compared to DMSO treated parasites and red dots indicate significantly accumulated metabolites (p < 0.05, log2 fold change <-1 or = 1, 3x biological replicates with 3x technical replicates each, n = 9). Abbreviations: AcCoA = Acetyl-CoA, AcCys = Acetylcysteine, AcPhe = Acetylphenylalanine, AMP = Adenosinemonophosphate, ATP = Adenosinetriphosphate, CarbAsp = Carbamoylaspartate, cGMP-AMP = cyclic Guanosinemonophosphate- adenosinemonophosphate, CMP = Cytosinemonophosphate, DHO = Dihydroorotate, GABA = gamma-Aminobutyratic acid, GluCys = Glutamylcysteine, GluGln = Glutamylglutamine, Gro1P = Glyceraldehyde 1-phosphate, Gro3P = Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, GSH = Glutathione oxidized, GSSG = Glutathione reduced, GTP = Guanosinetriphosphate, HP4 = forth chromatographic peak of 260.02972, HydKyn = Hydroxylkynurenine, MEP = 2-C-Methyl-D- erythritol 4-phosphate, NAcAla = N-Acetylalanine, NAcCys = N-Acetylcysteine, NAcMet = N- Acetylmethionine, NAcPhe = N-Acetylphenylalanine, OAcSer = O-Acetylserine, PalmCarn = Palmitoylcarnitine, PEP = Phosphoenolpyruvate, PseudoU = Pseudouridine, Trp = Tryptophane, UMP = Uridinemonophosphate, UTP = Uridinetriphosphate