Identification of females with non-mosaic X-inactivation
(A) The patterns of X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) in women resulting in mosaic (right female) or non-mosaic XCI (nmXCI). The presence of genetic variants can result in nmXCI females by (i) directly determining which X-chromosome can be inactivated (primary skewing, left female) or by (ii) imparting a selective advantage to a small number of cells (secondary skewing, middle female). Xa, active chr X; Xi, inactive chr X, Xm, maternal chr X, Xp, paternal chr X. (B) Single-tissue median allelic expression (AE) and standard error of all nonPAR genes on chromosome X (chr X) not previously classified as variable in all 285 women in GTEx. (C) Allelic expression per tissue of nonPAR chr X genes not previously classified as variable in mosaic females (median allelic expression < 0.475) and three females identified as non-mosaic, nmXCI-1, nmXCI-2 and UPIC (median allelic expression > 0.475). Boxplot indicating median, 25th and 75th percentile. (D) Copy number as log2 ratio of chromosome 17 (chr 17) for nmXCI females, UPIC, nmXCI-1 and nmXCI-2. Trisomy 17p in UPIC is highlighted.