Ubiquitylation of S.flexneri ΔmxiE is dependent on RNF213 but not LUBAC.
(A) Immunoblotting for HOIP, HOIL-1, and RNF213 protein expression in untreated and IFNγ-primed WT and the corresponding gene deletion (KO) A549 cells. (B) Percentage of M1-linked ubiquitin positive ΔmxiE S.flexneri in IFNγ-primed WT, HOIPKO, HOIL-1KO and RNF213KO A549 cells. (C) Percentage of WT and 7KR INT-Ub-positive ΔmxiE S. flexneri in IFNγ-primed WT, HOIPKO, and RNF213KO A549 cells. (D – F) Untreated and IFNγ-primed A549 and HT29 cells were infected with the indicated S. flexneri strains and immuno-stained for RNF213 and ubiquitin (FK2). Representative immunofluorescence microscopy images are shown for A549 infections in (E). RNF213-S. flexneri colocalization percentages were quantified in A549 (D) and HT29 (F) cells. (G) Quantification of ubiquitin and RNF213 colocalization with ΔmxiE S. flexneri in A549 cells. Percentages of ΔmxiE S. flexneri staining positive for antibodies specific for K27-linked (H) and K63-linked ubiquitin (I) are also provided. All data are represented by the mean ± SEM from at least three independent experiments. One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s multiple comparisons were performed of all groups against WT A549 group in (A). Two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison tests were performed in (C, D and F). an unpaired t-test was performed between “both Ub+RNF213” groups (gray bars) in (G). For (H and I), an unpaired-t test was performed. **p<0.01;; **** p<0.0001.