a) Task Overview. Our main task consists of 3 phases. In the Baseline Phase participants acted as a Receiver, responding to offers of different inequity level and rated their perceived fairness towards the offers on three out of every five trials. While, in the subsequent Learning Phase, participants acted as an Agent, deciding on behalf of the Receiver (Teacher) and Proposer. Again, they rated the fairness on three out of every five trials. Finally, participants made choices in a Transfer Phase which was identical to the Baseline Phase. b) Preferences and Fairness Ratings governing the Teacher’s feedback in the Learning Phase (See Table S1 and Table S2). c) Baseline and Transfer phase, in which participants played the Ultimatum game as a Receiver, making choices on their own behalf. dIn the Learning phase, participants acted as a third party (the agent), making decisions on behalf of the Proposer and the Receiver (Teacher), playing a Vicarious Ultimatum game. In a Vicarious Ultimatum game, the Agent make decisions for the Receiver, if he/she rejects the proposed split, both the Proposer and the Receiver receive nothing. If he/she accepts, the Proposer and the Receiver are rewarded with the proposed split.