Advantageous and disadvantageous inequality aversion can be taught through vicarious learning of others’ preferences

  1. State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning & IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
  2. Department of Neurobiology, German Primate Center, Göttingen, Germany
  3. Cognitive, Linguistics and Psychological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, United States
  4. Carney Institute for Brain Sciences, Brown University, Providence, United States
  5. Department of Psychology, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
  6. Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Cerveau et l’Apprentissage (CIRCA), Montréal, Canada
  7. Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montréal, Canada

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Clare Press
    University College London, London, United Kingdom
  • Senior Editor
    Christian Büchel
    University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


Zhang et al. addressed the question of whether advantageous and disadvantageous inequality aversion can be vicariously learned and generalized. Using an adapted version of the ultimatum game (UG), in three phases, participants first gave their own preference (baseline phase), then interacted with a "teacher" to learn their preference (learning phase), and finally were tested again on their own (transfer phase). The key measure is whether participants exhibited similar choice preferences (i.e., rejection rate and fairness rating) influenced by the learning phase, by contrasting their transfer phase and baseline phase. Through a series of statistical modeling and computational modeling, the authors reported that both advantageous and disadvantageous inequality aversion can indeed be learned (Study 1), and even be generalised (Study 2).


This study is very interesting, it directly adapted the lab's previous work on the observational learning effect on disadvantageous inequality aversion, to test both advantageous and disadvantageous inequality aversion in the current study. Social transmission of action, emotion, and attitude have started to be looked at recently, hence this research is timely. The use of computational modeling is mostly appropriate and motivated. Study 2, which examined the vicarious inequality aversion in conditions where feedback was never provided, is interesting and important to strengthen the reported effects. Both studies have proper justifications to determine the sample size.


Despite the strengths, a few conceptual aspects and analytical decisions have to be explained, justified, or clarified.

(1) Two terms seem to be interchangeable, which should not, in this work: vicarious/observational learning vs preference learning. For vicarious learning, individuals observe others' actions (and optionally also the corresponding consequence resulting directly from their own actions), whereas, for preference learning, individuals predict, or act on behalf of, the others' actions, and then receive feedback if that prediction is correct or not. For the current work, it seems that the experiment is more about preference learning and prediction, and less so about vicarious learning. The intro and set are heavily around vicarious learning, and later the use of vicarious learning and preference learning is rather mixed in the text. I think either tone down the focus on vicarious learning, or discuss how they are different. Some of the references here may be helpful: Charpentier et al., Neuron, 2020; Olsson et al., Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2020; Zhang & Glascher, Science Advances, 2020

(2) For each offer type, the experiment "added a uniformly distributed noise in the range of (-10 ,10)". I wonder what this looks like? With only integers such as 25:75, or even with decimal points? More importantly, is it possible to have either 70:30 or 90:10 option, after adding the noise, to have generated an 80:20 split shown to the participants? If so, for the analyses later, when participants saw the 80:20 split, which condition did this trial belong to? 70:30 or 90:10? And is such noise added only to the learning phase, or also to the baseline/transfer phases? This requires some clarification.

(3) For the offer conditions (90:10, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70, 10:90) - are they randomized? If so, how is it done? Is it randomized within each participant, and/or also across participants (such that each participant experienced different trial sequences)? This is important, as the order especially for the learning phase can largely impact the preference learning of the participants.

(4) In Study 1 DI offer types (90:10, 70:30), the rejection rate for DI-AI averse looks consistently higher than that for DI averse (ie, the blue line is above the yellow line). Is this significant? If so, how come? Since this is a between-subject design, I would not anticipate such a result (especially for the baseline). Also, for the LME results (eg, Table S3), only interactions were reported but not the main results.

(5) I do not particularly find this analysis appealing: "we examined whether participants' changes in rejection rates between Transfer and Baseline, could be explained by the degree to which they vicariously learned, defined as the change in punishment rates between the first and last 5 trials of the Learning phase." Naturally, the participants' behavior in the first 5 trials in the learning phase will be similar to those in the baseline; and their behavior in the last 5 trials in the learning phase would echo those at the transfer phase. I think it would be stronger to link the preference learning results to the change between the baseline and transfer phase, eg, by looking at the difference between alpha (beta) at the end of the learning phase and the initial alpha (beta).

(6) I wonder if data from the baseline and transfer phases can also be modeled, using a simple Fehr-Schimdt model. This way, the change in alpha/beta can also be examined between the baseline and transfer phase.

(7) I quite liked Study 2 which tests the generalization effect, and I expected to see an adapted computational modeling to directly reflect this idea. Indeed, the authors wrote, "[...] given that this model [...] assumes the sort of generalization of preferences between offer types [...]". But where exactly did the preference learning model assume the generalization? In the methods, the modeling seems to be only about Study 1; did the authors advise their model to accommodate Study 2? The authors also ran simulation for the learning phase in Study 2 (Figure 6), and how did the preference update (if at all) for offers (90:10 and 10:90) where feedback was not given? Extending/Unpacking the computational modeling results for Study 2 will be very helpful for the paper.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


This study investigates whether individuals can learn to adopt egalitarian norms that incur a personal monetary cost, such as rejecting offers that benefit them more than the giver (advantageous inequitable offers). While these behaviors are uncommon, two experiments demonstrate that individuals can learn to reject such offers through vicarious learning - by observing and acting in line with a "teacher" who follows these norms. The authors use computational modelling to argue that learners adopt these norms through a sophisticated process, inferring the latent structure of the teacher's preferences, akin to theory of mind.


This paper is well-written and tackles a critical topic relevant to social norms, morality, and justice. The findings, which show that individuals can adopt just and fair norms even at a personal cost, are promising. The study is well-situated in the literature, with clever experimental design and a computational approach that may offer insights into latent cognitive processes. Findings have potential implications for policymakers.


Note: in the text below, the "teacher" will refer to the agent from which a participant presumably receives feedback during the learning phase.

(1) Focus on Disadvantageous Inequity (DI): A significant portion of the paper focuses on responses to Disadvantageous Inequitable (DI) offers, which is confusing given the study's primary aim is to examine learning in response to Advantageous Inequitable (AI) offers. The inclusion of DI offers is not well-justified and distracts from the main focus. Furthermore, the experimental design seems, in principle, inadequate to test for the learning effects of DI offers. Because both teaching regimes considered were identical for DI offers the paradigm lacks a control condition to test for learning effects related to these offers. I can't see how an increase in rejection of DI offers (e.g., between baseline and generalization) can be interpreted as speaking to learning. There are various other potential reasons for an increase in rejection of DI offers even if individuals learn nothing from learning (e.g. if envy builds up during the experiment as one encounters more instances of disadvantageous fairness).

(2) Statistical Analysis: The analysis of the learning effects of AI offers is not fully convincing. The authors analyse changes in rejection rates within each learning condition rather than directly comparing the two. Finding a significant effect in one condition but not the other does not demonstrate that the learning regime is driving the effect. A direct comparison between conditions is necessary for establishing that there is a causal role for the learning regime.

(3) Correlation Between Learning and Contagion Effects:
The authors argue that correlations between learning effects (changes in rejection rates during the learning phase) and contagion effects (changes between the generalization and baseline phases) support the idea that individuals who are better aligning their preferences with the teacher also give more consideration to the teacher's preferences later during generalization phase. This interpretation is not convincing. Such correlations could emerge even in the absence of learning, driven by temporal trends like increasing guilt or envy (or even by slow temporal fluctuations in these processes) on behalf of self or others. The reason is that the baseline phase is temporally closer to the beginning of the learning phase whereas the generalization phase is temporally closer to the end of the learning phase. Additionally, the interpretation of these effects seems flawed, as changes in rejection rates do not necessarily indicate closer alignment with the teacher's preferences. For example, if the teacher rejects an offer 75% of the time then a positive 5% learning effect may imply better matching the teacher if it reflects an increase in rejection rate from 65% to 70%, but it implies divergence from the teacher if it reflects an increase from 85% to 90%. For similar reasons, it is not clear that the contagion effects reflect how much a teacher's preferences are taken into account during generalization.

(4) Modeling Efforts: The modelling approach is underdeveloped. The identification of the "best model" lacks transparency, as no model-recovery results are provided, and fits for the losing models are not shown, leaving readers in the dark about where these models fail. Moreover, the reinforcement learning (RL) models used are overly simplistic, treating actions as independent when they are likely inversely related (for example, the feedback that the teacher would have rejected an offer provides feedback that rejection is "correct" but also that acceptance is "an error", and the later is not incorporated into the modelling). It is unclear if and to what extent this limits current RL formulations. There are also potentially important missing details about the models. Can the authors justify/explain the reasoning behind including these variants they consider? What are the initial Q-values? If these are not free parameters what are their values?

(5) Conceptual Leap in Modeling Interpretation: The distinction between simple RL models and preference-inference models seems to hinge on the ability to generalize learning from one offer to another. Whereas in the RL models learning occurs independently for each offer (hence to cross-offer generalization), preference inference allows for generalization between different offers. However, the paper does not explore RL models that allow generalization based on the similarity of features of the offers (e.g., payment for the receiver, payment for the offer-giver, who benefits more). Such models are more parsimonious and could explain the results without invoking a theory of mind or any modelling of the teacher. In such model versions, a learner learns a functional form that allows to predict the teacher's feedback based on said offer features (e.g., linear or quadratic form). Because feedback for an offer modulates the parameters of this function (feature weights) generalization occurs without necessarily evoking any sophisticated model of the other person. This leaves open the possibility that RL models could perform just as well or even show superiority over the preference learning model, casting doubt on the authors' conclusions. Of note: even the behaviourists knew that as Little Albert was taught to fear rats, this fear generalized to rabbits. This could occur simply because rabbits are somewhat similar to rats. But this doesn't mean little Alfred had a sophisticated model of animals he used to infer how they behave.

(6) Limitations of the Preference-Inference Model: The preference-inference model struggles to capture key aspects of the data, such as the increase in rejection rates for 70:30 DI offers during the learning phase (e.g. Figure 3A, AI+DI blue group). This is puzzling.

Thinking about this I realized the model makes quite strong unintuitive predictions that are not examined. For example, if a subject begins the learning phase rejecting the 70:30 offer more than 50% of the time (meaning the starting guilt parameter is higher than 1.5), then overleaning the tendency to reject will decrease to below 50% (the guilt parameter will be pulled down below 1.5). This is despite the fact the teacher rejects 75% of the offers. In other words, as learning continues learners will diverge from the teacher. On the other hand, if a participant begins learning to tend to accept this offer (guilt < 1.5) then during learning they can increase their rejection rate but never above 50%. Thus one can never fully converge on the teacher. I think this relates to the model's failure in accounting for the pattern mentioned above. I wonder if individuals actually abide by these strict predictions. In any case, these issues raise questions about the validity of the model as a representation of how individuals learn to align with a teacher's preferences (given that the model doesn't really allow for such an alignment).

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation