Development of liver in Orc2 KO mice.
A. Scheme of Alb+/--Orc2f/f ROSA26stop-EYFP crossed with Alb+/--Orc2f/f ROSA26stop-EYFP (All mice are with ROSA26stop-EYFP and so we do not include this in the genotypes below)
B. The ratio of observed to expected animals coming from A.
C. Western blot of hepatocytes from Orc2 f/f and Orc2 f/f Alb-Cre +/- animals. Tubulin was used as loading control.
D. Quantification of the Western blots of hepatocyte lysates from Orc2 f/f (without Alb-cre) mice and the same genotype but with Alb-Cre to show the levels of other key replication initiation proteins in the ORC2 KO hepatocytes.
E. Average body weight of Orc2f/f and Alb-Orc2f/f animals.
F. Average liver weight of Orc2f/f and Alb-Orc2f/f animals.
G. Average liver to body weight ratio of Orc2f/f and Alb-Orc2f/f animals.
H. Representative H&E staining of liver tissue from Orc2f/f (WT) and Alb-Orc2f/f (KO) animals. Both panels at same scale.
I. Quantification of hepatocyte nuclear size in Orc2f/f and Alb-Orc2f/f animals.
J. Quantification of hepatocyte nuclear size in Orc2f/f and Alb-Orc2f/f female mice.
K. Quantification of hepatocytes nuclear size in Orc2f/f and Alb-Orc2f/f male mice.
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, two-tailed Student’s t test.