Changes to the calvarial bone, periosteum and suture mesenchyme, and bone repair with aging and interventions
(A) Parietal Bone Volume/Total Volume (BV/TV) and (B) representative transverse micro computed tomography (microCT) sections in Young, Adult, and Aged mice. Statistical analysis: Welch’s test in n = 10 mice per condition. (C) Mean cross sectional area taken up by Endomucin (Emcn)-positive vascular cells and (D) representative immunofluorescence staining of Emcn (magenta) and DAPI (grey) in Young, Adult, and Aged mouse periosteum. Statistical analysis: Welch’s tests in n = 5 mice per condition. (E) Nuclear aspect ratio (long axis divided by short axis) of cells within the periosteum and suture mesenchyme and (F) representative DAPI-stained nuclei in Young, Adult, and Aged mice. Statistical analysis: Welch’s tests in n = 5 mice per condition. Green and red arrows highlight rounded and elongated nuclei, respectively. (G) Mean Phalloidin-488 fluorescence intensity and (H) representative images for filamentous actin (F-actin, green) and DAPI (grey) in Young, Adult, and Aged mouse periosteum and suture mesenchyme. Statistical analysis: Welch’s tests in n = 5 mice per condition. (I) Mean intensity and (J) representative images of live TMRM staining (red) and Hoechst (grey) in Young, Adult, and Aged mouse periosteum ex vivo. Statistical analysis: Welch’s tests in tissue from n = 3 mice per condition. (K) Percentage of CD90+ cells within the periosteum and suture mesenchyme, expressed relative to the total cellular number (DAPI+) in Young, Adult, and Aged mice. Representative images (N) show CD90 immunostaining (magenta) and DAPI (grey). Statistical analysis: Welch’s tests in n = 5 mice per condition. (M) Percentage of CD90+ cells within calvarial defects treated with Wnt3a-bandages (blue points) or inactive controls (white points), expressed relative to the total cellular number (DAPI+) in Young, Adult, and Aged mice. (N) Representative images show CD90 immunostaining (magenta) and DAPI (grey). Statistical analysis: ratio-paired two-tailed t tests in n = 5 mice per condition. (O) Percentage of repair and (P) representative top-down microCT images within calvarial defects treated with Wnt3a-bandages (blue points) or inactive controls (white points). Statistical analysis within age groups: ratio- paired two-tailed t tests; between age groups and Aged mice following the IF protocol or NMN or Akk supplementation: Welch’s tests; Young, Aged, Aged + IF, Aged + NMN, n = 10 mice; Aged + Akk, n = 9; Adult, n = 8. Complete statistical analysis between aged groups and treatments can be found in Supplementary Table 1. The yellow dashed circle highlights the 2 mm diameter defect size.