D-box variants can drive degradation in mitotic cells.
(A) Schematic of D-box-mNeon constructs used in fluorescence timelapse imaging. (B) mNeon fluorescence levels in individual cells plotted over time to show D-box mediated degradation of mNeon in mitosis. Fluorescence measurements from individual cells are normalized to fluorescence at metaphase then in silico synchronized to anaphase onset. Mean degradation curves are shown, with error bars representing SDs. (C) Degradation rate curves show rate of change in relative fluorescence of the D-box variants and reveal maximum degradation rate for each construct. Error bars are depicted as shaded regions and indicate SDs. (D) Levels of relative fluorescence in each cell at t = 1 hour after anaphase onset. Degradation of each D-box construct was significant relative to D0 control, using Welch’s t-test. ****, p ≤ 0.0001. In (B)-(D), n = D0 (20) D1 (23), D2 (40), D3 (38), D19 (34) with data pooled from two or more independent experiments.