Tissue resident memory CD4+ T cells are sustained by site-specific levels of self-renewal and replacement from precursors

  1. Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, Division of Infection and Immunity, UCL, Royal Free Hospital, London, United Kingdom
  2. Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, United States

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Gabrielle Belz
    University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
  • Senior Editor
    Tadatsugu Taniguchi
    University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


Compelling and clearly described work that combines two elegant cell fate reporter strains with mathematical modelling to describe the kinetics of CD4+ TRM in mice. The aim is to investigate the cell dynamics underlying the maintenance of CD4+TRM.

The main conclusions are that:
(1) CD4+ TRM are not intrinsically long-lived.
(2) Even clonal half-lives are short: 1 month for TRM in skin, and even shorter (12 days) for TRM in lamina propria.
(3) TRM are maintained by self-renewal and circulating precursors.


(1) Very clearly and succinctly written. Though in some places too succinctly! See suggestions below for areas I think could benefit from more detail.

(2) Powerful combination of mouse strains and modelling to address questions that are hard to answer with other approaches.

(3) The modelling of different modes of recruitment (quiescent, neutral, division linked) is extremely interesting and often neglected (for simpler neutral recruitment).

Weaknesses/scope for improvement:

(1) The authors use the same data set that they later fit for generating their priors. This double use of the same dataset always makes me a bit squeamish as I worry it could lead to an underestimate of errors on the parameters. Could the authors show plots of their priors and posteriors to check that the priors are not overly-influential? Also, how do differences in priors ultimately influence the degree of support a model gets (if at all)? Could differences in priors lead to one model gaining more support than another?

(2) The authors state (line 81) that cells were "identified as tissue-localised by virtue of their protection from short-term in vivo labelling (Methods; Fig. S1B)". I would like to see more information on this. How short is short term? How long after labelling do cells need to remain unlabelled in order to be designated tissue-localised (presumably label will get to tissue pretty quickly -within hours?). Can the authors provide citations to defend the assumption that all label-negative cells are tissue-localised (no false negatives)? And conversely that no label-positive cells can be found in the tissue (no false positives)? I couldn't actually find the relevant section in the methods and Figure S1B didn't contain this information.

(3) Are the target and precursor populations from the same mice? If so is there any way to reflect the between-individual variation in the precursor population (not captured by the simple empirical fit)? I am thinking particularly of the skin and LP CD4+CD69- populations where the fraction of cells that are mTOM+ (and to a lesser extent YFP+) spans virtually the whole range. Would it be nice to capture this information in downstream predictions if possible?

(4) In Figure 3, estimates of kinetics for cells in LP appear to be more dependent on the input model (quiescent/neutral/division-linked) than the same parameters in the skin. Can the authors explain intuitively why this is the case?

(5) Can the authors include plots of the model fits to data associated with the different strengths of support shown in Figure 4? That is, I would like to know what a difference in the strength of say 0.43 compared with 0.3 looks like in "real terms". I feel strongly that this is important. Are all the fits fantastic, and some marginally better than others? Are they all dreadful and some are just less dreadful? Or are there meaningful differences?

(6) Figure 4 left me unclear about exactly which combinations of precursors and targets were considered. Figure 3 implies there are 5 precursors but in Figure 4A at most 4 are considered. Also, Figure 4B suggests skin CD69- were considered a target. This doesn't seem to be specified anywhere.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):

This manuscript addresses a fundamental problem of immunology - the persistence mechanisms of tissue-resident memory T cells (TRMs). It introduces a novel quantitative methodology, combining the in vivo tracing of T-cell cohorts with rigorous mathematical modeling and inference. Interestingly, the authors show that immigration plays a key role in maintaining CD4+ TRM populations in both skin and lamina propria (LP), with LP TRMs being more dependent on immigration than skin TRMs. This is an original and potentially impactful manuscript. However, several aspects were not clear and would benefit from being explained better or worked out in more detail.

(1) The key observations are as follows:

a) When heritably labeling cells due to CD4 expression, CD4+ TRM labeling frequency declines with time. This implies that CD4+ TRMs are ultimately replenished from a source not labeled, hence not expressing CD4. Most likely, this would be DN thymocytes.

b) After labeling by Ki67 expression, labeled CD4+ TRMs also decline - This is what Figure 1B suggests. Hence they would be replaced by a source that was not in the cell cycle at the time of labeling. However, is this really borne out by the experimental data (Figure 2C, middle row)? Please clarify.

(2) For potential source populations (Figure 2D): Please discuss these data critically. For example, CD4+ CD69- cells in skin and LP start with a much lower initial labeling frequency than the respective TRM populations. Could the former then be precursors of the latter? A similar question applies to LN YFP+ cells. Moreover, is the increase in YFP labeling in naïve T cells a result of their production from proliferative thymocytes? How well does the quantitative interpretation of YFP labeling kinetics in a target population work when populations upstream show opposite trends (e.g., naïve T cells increasing in YFP+ frequency but memory cells in effect decreasing, as, at the time of labeling, non-activated = non-proliferative T cells (and hence YFP-) might later become activated and contribute to memory)?

(3) Please add a measure of variation (e.g., suitable credible intervals) to the "best fits" (solid lines in Figure 2).

(4) Could the authors better explain the motivation for basing their model comparisons on the Leave-One-Out (LOO) cross-validation method? Why not use Bayesian evidence instead?

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation