Visualization of interactions for cationic astemizole (a), dofetilide (b), and quinidine (c) with different hERG channel models.
Each panel includes 3 subpanels showcasing drug interactions with the open-, inactivated, and closed-state hERG channel models. The estimated drug binding free energies, ΔGbind, are given in Rosetta energy units (R.E.U). In each subpanel, an overview of where the drug binds within the channel pore is shown on the upper left, a 3D visualization of interactions between each channel residue (blue, red, green, and tan residues are from the subunit A, B, C, or D, respectively) to the drug (magenta) is shown on the upper right, and a 2D ligand – protein interaction map is shown at the bottom. A continuous gray line depicts the contour of the protein binding site, and any breaks in this line indicate areas where the ligand is exposed to the solvent.