Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorJason LerchUniversity of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Senior EditorJonathan RoiserUniversity College London, London, United Kingdom
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This work integrates two timepoints from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study to understand how neuroimaging, genetic, and environmental data contribute to the predictive power of mental health variables in predicting cognition in a large early adolescent sample. Their multimodal and multivariate prediction framework involves a novel opportunistic stacking model to handle complex types of information to predict variables that are important in understanding mental health-cognitive performance associations.
The authors are commended for incorporating and directly comparing the contribution of multiple imaging modalities (task fMRI, resting state fMRI, diffusion MRI, structural MRI), neurodevelopmental markers, environmental factors, and polygenic risk scores in a novel multivariate framework (via opportunistic stacking), as well as interpreting mental health-cognition associations with latent factors derived from partial least squares. The authors also use a large well-characterized and diverse cohort of adolescents from the ABCD Study. The paper is also strengthened by commonality analyses to understand the shared and unique contribution of different categories of factors (e.g., neuroimaging vs mental health vs polygenic scores vs sociodemographic and adverse developmental events) in explaining variance in cognitive performance
The paper is framed with an over-reliance on the RDoC framework in the introduction, despite deviations from the RDoC framework in the methods. The field is also learning more about RDoC's limitations when mapping cognitive performance to biology. The authors also focus on a single general factor of cognition as the core outcome of interest as opposed to different domains of cognition. The authors could consider predicting mental health rather than cognition. Using mental health as a predictor could be limited by the included 9-11 year age range at baseline (where many mental health concerns are likely to be low or not well captured), as well as the nature of how the data was collected, i.e., either by self-report or from parent/caregiver report.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
This paper by Wang et al. uses rich brain, behaviour, and genetics data from the ABCD cohort to ask how well cognitive abilities can be predicted from mental-health-related measures, and how brain and genetics influence that prediction. They obtain an out-of-sample correlation of 0.4, with neuroimaging (in particular task fMRI) proving the key mediator. Polygenic scores contributed less.
This paper is characterized by the intelligent use of a superb sample (ABCD) alongside strong statistical learning methods and a clear set of questions. The outcome - the moderate level of prediction between the brain, cognition, genetics, and mental health - is interesting. Particularly important is the dissection of which features best mediate that prediction and how developmental and lifestyle factors play a role.
There are relatively few weaknesses to this paper. It has already undergone review at a different journal, and the authors clearly took the original set of comments into account in revising their paper. Overall, while the ABCD sample is superb for the questions asked, it would have been highly informative to extend the analyses to datasets containing more participants with neurological/psychiatric diagnoses (e.g. HBN, POND) or extend it into adolescent/early adult onset psychopathology cohorts. But it is fair enough that the authors want to leave that for future work.
In terms of more practical concerns, much of the paper relies on comparing r or R2 measures between different tests. These are always presented as point estimates without uncertainty. There would be some value, I think, in incorporating uncertainty from repeated sampling to better understand the improvements/differences between the reported correlations.
The focus on mental health in a largely normative sample leads to the predictions being largely based on the normal range. It would be interesting to subsample the data and ask how well the extremes are predicted.
A minor query - why are only cortical features shown in Figure 3?