Figures and data

Participant flow chart describing inclusion and exclusion criteria from the UK Biobank.

Study design from the UK Biobank.
(a) 117,698 individuals had metabolomics data available from the UK Biobank, which was divided into a training and test set to formulate a metabolic risk score (MRS) model. (b) The inclusion of metabolites (either 168 metabolites on the NMR platform or a subset of 27 metabolites with European Union (EU) certification) in relation to prevalent glaucoma risk prediction was studied. (c) A histogram showing the polygenic risk score (PRS) distribution is shown. Overall, 4,658 cases and 113,040 individuals without glaucoma are available for analysis. The metabolomic signature of resilience to the top 10% of glaucoma PRS was assessed among 1,693 cases (14.4%) and 10,077 individuals without glaucoma (85.6%). (d) Interactions of prevalent glaucoma with MRS and PRS quartiles were examined.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the UK Biobank study population assessed in 2006-2010.

Inclusion of metabolite data into glaucoma prediction algorithms.
Model 1 includes metabolites only; Model 2 incorporates additional covariates including age, sex, genetic ancestry, season, time of day of specimen collection, and fasting time; Model 3 incorporates covariates in Model 2 and smoking status (never, past, and current smoker), alcohol intake (g/week), caffeine intake (mg/day), physical activity (metabolic equivalent of task [MET], hours/week), body mass index (kg/m2), average systolic blood pressure (mm Hg), history of diabetes, HbA1c (mmol/mol), history of coronary artery disease, systemic beta-blocker use, oral steroid use, and spherical equivalent refractive error (diopters); Model 4 incorporates covariates in model 3 and a glaucoma polygenic risk score (PRS). Each color represents a different panel of metabolites (grey = no metabolites; light blue = 27 metabolites; and dark blue = 168 metabolites). The white text represents the AUC ± 95% confidence interval. Abbreviations: ROC, receiver operator curve; AUC, area under the curve; EU, European Union.

Stratification of glaucoma by ethnicity, age, and gender for predictive assessment with and without using metabolite data.

The distribution of glaucoma cases and no glaucoma stratified by polygenic risk score (PRS) deciles.
Participants were divided into the bottom 50% and top 10% based on their glaucoma PRS, where the prevalence of glaucoma cases from (A) the bottom 50% (n=58,358) was 1.3% and from the top 10% (n=11,770) was 14.4%. (B) Box plot illustrating the distribution of participants with glaucoma (top) and no glaucoma (bottom) as a function of PRS decile. The blue line denotes participants at the bottom 50% of glaucoma PRS, the red line highlights the participants at the top decile of glaucoma PRS, and the red box represents the participants resilient to glaucoma despite high PRS.

Demographic and clinical characteristics in 2006-2010 of participants among the top 10% of glaucoma polygenic risk score (PRS).

Demographic and clinical characteristics in 2006-2010 of participants among the bottom 50% of glaucoma polygenic risk score (PRS).

Metabolites associated with glaucoma among participants in the top decile and the bottom half of glaucoma polygenic risk score.

Interaction of three putative resilient metabolites (lactate, pyruvate, and citrate) and polygenic risk score (PRS) on glaucoma risk.
(A) The bar chart shows the interaction of resilient probit-transformed metabolite sum with glaucoma genetic predisposition in each PRS quartile. In each glaucoma PRS quartile, the lowest metabolic sum quartile (Q1) is the metabolite reference group used to calculate the odds ratios. Each color represents resilient-metabolite sum quartiles (red = second quartile; blue = third quartile; and green = fourth quartile). Error bars show 95% confidence interval (CI). The table under the bar chart shows the ranges for the PRS and metabolite sum value quartiles. (B) The table shows odds ratios for glaucoma by PRS and putative resilient metabolite sum within various quartiles. The number of glaucoma cases within each resilient metabolite sum quartile and the number of glaucoma cases in the first quartile of resilient metabolite sum (Q1, labeled as glaucoma metabolite reference) are used to calculate the odd ratios. This analysis is adjusted for time since the last meal/drink (hours), age, age-squared, sex, ethnicity (Asian, Black, White, and other), season, time of day of specimen collection (morning, afternoon, night), smoking status (never, past, and current smoker), alcohol intake, caffeine intake, physical activity (metabolic equivalent of task [MET] hours/week), body mass index (kg/m2), average systolic blood pressure (mm Hg), history of diabetes (yes or no), HbA1c (mmol/mol), history of coronary artery disease, systemic beta-blocker use, oral steroid use, and spherical equivalent refractive error (diopters).

Interaction of the holistic metabolite risk score (n=168 metabolites) and polygenic risk score (PRS) on glaucoma risk.
(A) The bar chart plots the odds ratio of glaucoma as a function of holistic probit-transformed MRS quartile with further stratification by glaucoma PRS in each MRS bin. The lowest quartile of glaucoma PRS and MRS is the reference group (see dotted red line) for the entire population. Each color represents the MRS quartiles (red = first quartile; blue = second quartile; green = third quartile; and purple = fourth quartile). Error bars show 95% confidence interval (CI). The table under the bar chart shows the ranges for the PRS and MRS quartiles. (B) Table showing odds ratios for glaucoma by polygenic risk score (PRS) and MRS within various quartiles. The number of glaucoma cases within each MRS and the number of glaucoma cases in PRS Q1 and MRS Q1 are used to calculate the odds ratios. This analysis is adjusted for time since the last meal/drink (hours), age, age-squared, sex, ethnicity (Asian, Black, White, and other), season, time of day of specimen collection (morning, afternoon, night), smoking status (never, past, and current smoker), alcohol intake, caffeine intake, physical activity (metabolic equivalent of task [MET] hours/week), body mass index (kg/m2), average systolic blood pressure (mm Hg), history of diabetes (yes or no), HbA1c (mmol/mol), history of coronary artery disease, systemic beta-blocker use, oral steroid use, and spherical equivalent refractive error (diopters).

Pyruvate treatment protects from IOP elevation and glaucoma.
(A) Representative photos of eyes from mice of the indicated genotypes and treatments (Unt = untreated, Pyr = pyruvate treated). Lmx1b is expressed in the iris and cornea and so Lmx1bV265Dmutant eyes have primary abnormalities of the iris and cornea. This includes corneal haze, which is present prior to IOP elevation in many eyes and likely reflects a direct transcriptional role of LMX1B in collagen gene expression. Lmx1bV265D mutant eyes also develop anterior chamber deepening (ACD), a sensitive indicator of IOP elevation in mice. The WT and pyruvate-treated mutant eyes have shallow anterior chambers, while the untreated mutant eye has a deepened chamber (arrowheads). (B) Distributions of ACD are based on a previously defined scoring system.30 Groups are compared by Fisher’s exact test. n > 30 eyes were examined in each group. (C) Boxplots of IOP (interquartile range and median line) in WT and mutant eyes. Pyruvate treatment significantly lessens IOP elevation in mutants compared to untreated mutant controls. Groups were compared by ANOVA followed by Tukey’s honestly significant difference. n > 30 eyes were examined in each Lmx1bV265D mutant group, and n > 20 eyes were examined in WT groups. (D) Distributions of damage based on analysis of PPD-stained optic nerve cross sections from 5.5-month-old mice (Methods). Pyruvate treatment lessened the incidence of glaucoma (Fisher’s exact test). No glaucoma was found in WT mice. Geno = genotype. n > 40 nerves examined per group. NOE = no glaucoma, MOD = moderate. SEV = severe, and V. SEV = very severe (see Methods).