Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorJohn EwerUniversidad de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile
- Senior EditorClaude DesplanNew York University, New York, United States of America
Joint Public Review:
In the current paper, Jones et al. describe a new framework, named coccinella, for real-time high-throughput behavioral analysis aimed at reducing the cost of analyzing behavior. In the setup used here each fly is confined to a small circular arena and able to walk around on an agar bed spiked with nutrients or pharmacological agent. The new framework, built on the researchers' previously developed platform Ethoscope, relies on relatively low-cost Raspberry Pi video cameras to acquire images at ~0.5 Hz and pull out, in real time, the maximal velocity (parameter extraction) during 10 second windows from each video. Thus, the program produces a text file, and not voluminous videos requiring storage facilities for large amounts of video data, a prohibitive step for many behavioral analyses. The maximal velocity time-series is then fed to an algorithm called Highly Comparative Time-Series Classification (HCTSA)(which itself is based on a large number of feature extraction algorithms) developed by other researchers. HCTSA identifies statistically salient features in the time-series which are then passed on to a type of linear classifier algorithm called support vector machines (SVM). In cases where such analyses are sufficient for characterizing the behaviors of interest this system performs as well as other state-of-the-art systems used in behavioral analysis (e.g., DeepLabCut).
In a pharmacobehavior paradigm testing different chemicals, the authors show that coccinella can identify specific compounds as effectively as other more time-consuming and resource-consuming systems.
The new paradigm should be of interest to researchers involved in drug screens, and more generally, in high-throughput analysis focused on gross locomotor defects in fruit flies such as identification of sleep phenotypes. By extracting/saving only the maximal velocity from video clips, the method is fast. However, the rapidity of the platform comes at a cost--loss of information on subtle but important behavioral alterations. When seeking subtle modifications in animal behavior, solutions like DeepLabCut, which are admittedly slower but far superior in terms of the level of details they yield, would be more appropriate.
The manuscript reads well, and it is scientifically solid.
1- The fact that Coccinella runs on Ethoscopes, an open source hardware platform described by the same group, is very useful because the relevant publication describes Ethoscope in detail. However, the current version of the paper does not offer details or alternatives for users that would like to test the framework, but do not have an Ethoscope. Would it be possible to overcome this barrier and have coccinella run with any video data (and, thus, potentially be used to analyze data obtained from other animal models)?
2- Readers who want background on the analytical approaches that the platform relies on following maximal velocity extraction, will have to consult the original publications. In particular, the current manuscript does not provide much information on Highly Comparative Time-Series Classification (HCTSA) or SVM; this may be reasonable because the methods were developed earlier by others. While some readers may find that the lack of details increases the manuscript's readability, others may be left wanting to see more discussion on these not-so-trivial approaches. In addition, it is worth noting that the same authors who published the HCTSA method also described a shorter version named catch22, that runs faster with a similar output. Thus, explaining in more detail how HCTSA operates, considering that it is a relatively new method, will make the method more convincing.