Spatial correlation of birth weight effects on brain structure change across datasets.
For each panel, the upper triangular matrix shows Pearson’s (r) pairwise spatial correlation between the different cohorts’ cortical maps. Data is shown as a color-density plot. The red line represents the fitting between the two maps. The lower triangular matrix shows the significance testing. The dashed-grey line shows the empirical correlation, while the orange histogram represents the null distribution based on the spin test. The diagonal shows the effect of birth weight on cortical structure (right hemisphere shown only). Note that the βeta-maps are shown as a percentile red-green-blue scale, where red represents a lower (or more negative) effect of birth weight on cortical structure and vice versa. See Supplementary Table 2 for stats. The different panels show the spatial correlation of birth weight effects on cortical a) area, b) thickness, and c) volume. Units in the density maps represent birth weight effects as mm/g, mm2/g, and mm3/g (10e-5) for cortical thickness, area, and volume, respectively.