Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.
Suggestions to the authors:
• Please re-analyze findings by omitting from all Tables and Figures all data of comparators who were not randomized (BAC). I understand the difficulties of running this trial but the results of excess reduction of mortality do not allow the publication of a trial where comparators do not come from the randomized patient population.
We wish to thank the editors and reviewers for their useful comments. Given that the study was designed with both randomised and CC participants we can’t easily exclude the CC analysis from the paper. However, we do provide graphs for both randomised only and randomised and CC participants for the primary and secondary endpoints. The fact that the primary endpoint (CRP) results are mirrored in both instances is also informative form a trial design perspective and indicative of the effect of dornase alfa therapy on inflammation being robust enough to yield the same results with small and larger cohorts.
We agree that there are potential drawbacks of using contemporary controls. To address these potential biases we used CC patients recruited at the same time period at single site using the same selection criteria as the randomised group, which minimised potential bias. However, the enrolment and comparison of CRP in CC-BAC participants to concurrent randomised control R-BAC patients indicated that the two groups responded to BAC treatment in the same manner (Table 2, LS means log(CRP) 3.78 vs 3.53, P=0.386), whereas the R-BAC+DA vs R-BAC group comparison yielded significant differences (Table 2, LS means log(CRP) 3.1 vs 3.59, P=0.041). These comparisons mitigate to a large degree these potential problems.
Still, to make easy to distinguish the groups we now use the following unique nomenclature throughout the manuscript which is clearly defined on ln. 111 and state that comparisons of treated participants were performed with both control groups separately and combined.
R-BAC: Randomised BAC
CC-BAC: Contemporary control BAC
R-BAC+DA : Randomised BAC+ dornase alfa
In fact, the most important bias in our study, might actually be the placebo effect, given that participants randomised to BAC did not receive a nebulized control substance. We now discuss these points in more detail in the manuscript and modified the title by removing the reference to a randomised trial and clinical outcomes.
• The presentation remains confusing and the manuscript should be critically revised for clarity. There is a repetition of methods (e.g. lines 176-187 repeat 160-175) and redundant results (e.g. Figure S2, Table 3).
We apologise for the repetition. We removed the repeated text in the Exclusion criteria (lines 176-187 in the old manuscript).
Figure S2 is not related to Table 3. Figure S2 depicts baseline characteristics, whereas Table 3 complements the graph in Figure 3A but lists the mean daily value of the primary endpoint as requested by Reviewer 1 in the first round of revision.
At Table 4: the authors should select one method of illustration for lab results, either Table or figure, without repetitions
We agree and have removed Table 4 leaving the graphs instead.
• Regarding inclusion criteria, it is unclear whether high radiological suspicion is sufficient for inclusion or whether PCR based confirmation is required in all instances (differences in wording between lines 153 and 191), and under which oxygen requirements (lines 155 and 192)
We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Indeed, radiological suspicion was not sufficient and all participants in this study had a positive PCR test as part of their diagnosis prior to inclusion in the study. The entire eligibility section was rewritten to reflect this important point.
• Table 1 should be merged with Table S2 and a better description of cohort baseline severity (P/F, SOFA, APACHE, organ support, number of patients in each point of the WHO severity score) and treatments should be made available.
We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now merged Table 1 and S2 and included WHO ordinal severity information in Table 1, with median, average, SD, min and max values which reflect the participant distribution. Unfortunately, although the additional requested information was recorded, it was not systematically collected for the analysis of the trial and it was not straight forward to compile at this stage.