Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorWei YanWashington State University, Pullman, United States of America
- Senior EditorWei YanWashington State University, Pullman, United States of America
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This study aims to address the mechanism of eccDNA generation during spermatogenesis in mice. Previous efforts for cataloging eccDNA in mammalian germ cells have provided inconclusive results, particularly in the correlation between meiotic recombination and the generation of eccDNA. The authors employed an established approach (Circle-seq) to enrich and amplify eccDNA for sequencing analyses and reported that sperm eccDNA is not associated with miotic recombination hotspots. Rather, the authors reported that eccDNAs are widespread, and oligonucleosomal DNA fragments from sperm undergoing apoptosis, with the ligation of DNA ends by microhomology-mediated end-joining, would be a major source of eccDNA.
The strength of the study includes evaluating the eccDNA contents not only in sperm but also from earlier stages of cells in spermatogenesis. The differences in eccDNA size peaks between sperm and other progenitors, in particular, the unique peak in sperm around 360 bp, are intriguing. Results from sequencing data analysis were presented elegantly.
I also have critiques. First, the lack of eccDNA quality control step is a concern. Previous studies employed electron microscopy to ensure that DNA species are mostly circular before rolling-circle amplification. Phi29 polymerase is widely used for DNA amplification, including whole genome amplification of linear chromosomal DNA. Phi29 polymerase has a high processivity and strand displacement activity. When those activities occur within a molecule, it creates circular DNA from linear DNA in vitro. In vitro-created eccDNA from linear DNA would be randomly distributed in the genome, which may explain the low incidence of common eccDNA between replicates. Therefore, it will be crucial to show that DNA prior to amplification is dominantly circular. Electron microscopy would be challenging for the study because the relatively small number of cells were processed to enrich eccDNA. An alternative method for quality controls includes spiking samples with linear and circular exogenous DNA and measuring the ratios of circular/linear control DNA before and after column purification/exonuclease digestion. eccDNA isolation procedures can be validated by a very high circular/linear control DNA ratio.
Another critique is regarding the limitation of the study. It is important to remind the readers of the limitations of the study. As the authors mentioned, rolling circle amplification preferentially increases the copy numbers of smaller eccDNA. Therefore, the native composition of eccDNA is skewed. In addition, the candidate eccDNAs are identified by split reads or discordant read pairs. The details of the mapping process are unclear from the methods, but such a method would require reads with high mapping quality; the identification of eccDNA is expected to require sequencing reads that are mapped to genomic locations uniquely with high confidence, and reads mapped to more than one genomic location, such as highly similar repeat sequences or duplications, are eliminated. Such identification criteria would favor eccDNA formed by little or no homology at the junction sequences, and eliminate eccDNA formed by long homologies at the ends, such as eccDNA formed exclusively by satellite DNA. Therefore, it is not surprising that the authors found the dominance of microhomology-mediated eccDNA. It remains to be determined whether small eccDNA with microhomologies are the dominant species of eccDNA in the native composition. In this regard, it is noted that similar procedures of eccDNA enrichment (column purification, exonuclease digestion, and rolling circle amplification ) revealed variable sizes and characteristics of eccDNA in sperm (human from Henriksen et al. or mice from this study), dependent on the methods of sequencing (long-read or short-read sequencing). Considering these limitations, the last sentence of the introduction, "We conclude that germline eccDNAs are formed largely by microhomology mediated ligation of nucleosome protected fragments, and barely contribute to de novo genomic deletions at meiotic recombination hotspots" needs to be revised.
Small eccDNA (microDNA) data from various mouse tissues are available from the study by Dillion et al., (Cell Reports 2015). Authors are encouraged to examine whether the notable findings in this study (oligonucleosomal-sized eccDNA peaks and the association with apoptotic cell death) are unique to sperm or common in the eccDNA from other tissues.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This study presents a useful investigation of eccDNAs in spermatogenesis of mouse. It provides evidence about the biogenesis of eccDNAs and suggests that eccDNAs are derived from oligonucleosmal DNA fragmentation during apoptosis by MMEJ and may not be the direct products of germline deletions. However, the method of data analyses were not fully described and data analysis is incomplete. It provides additional observations about the eccDNA biogenesis and can be used as a starting point for functional studies of eccDNA in sperms. However, many aspects about data analyses and data interpretations need to be improved.
• Most of the conclusions made by the work are only based on the bioinformatics analyses, the validation of these foundlings using other method (biochemistry/molecular biology method) are missing. For example, no QC results presented for the eccDNA purification, which may show whether contaminates such as linear DNA or mitochondria DNA have been fully removed. Additionally, it is also helpful to use simple PCR to test the existence of identified eccDNAs in sperm or other samples to validate the specificity of the Circle-seq method.
• The reliability of the data analysis methods is uncertain, as the authors constructed and utilized their own pipeline to identify eccDNAs, despite the availability of established bioinformatics tools such as ECCsplorer, eccFinder, and Amplicon Architect. Moreover, the lack of validation of the pipeline using either ground truth datasets or simulation data raises concerns about its accuracy. Additionally, the methodology employed for identifying eccDNA that encompasses multiple gene loci remains unclear.
• Although the author stated that previous studies utilizing short-read sequencing technologies may have incorrectly annotated eccDNA breakpoints, this claim requires careful scrutiny and supporting evidence, which was not provided in the manuscript.
• The similarity between the eccDNA profiles of human and mouse sperm remains uncertain, and therefore, analyses of human eccDNA data and comparisons between the two are necessary if the authors claim that their findings of widespread eccDNA formation in mouse spermatogenesis extend to human sperms.