Deep learning for rapid analysis of cell divisions in vivo during epithelial morphogenesis and repair

  1. School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1UG, UK
  2. School of Biochemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TD, UK

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Karsten Kruse
    University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Senior Editor
    Aleksandra Walczak
    École Normale Supérieure - PSL, Paris, France

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

The authors present a number of deep-learning models to analyse the dynamics of epithelia. In this way, they want to overcome the time-consuming manual analysis of such data and also remove a potential operator bias. Specifically, they set up models for identifying cell division events and cell division orientation. They apply these tools to the epithelium of the developing Drosophila pupal wing. They confirm a linear decrease of the division density with time and identify a burst of cell division after the healing of a wound that they had induced earlier. These division events happen a characteristic time after and a characteristic distance away from the wound. These characteristic quantities depend on the size of the wound.

The methods developed in this work achieve the goals set by the authors and are a very helpful addition to the toolbox of developmental biologists. They could potentially be used on various developing epithelia. The evidence for the impact of wounds on cell division is solid.

Some aspects of the deep-learning models remained unclear, and the authors might want to think about adding details. First of all, for readers not being familiar with deep-learning models, I would like to see more information about ResNet and U-Net, which are at the base of the new deep-learning models developed here. What is the structure of these networks? How many parameters do you use? What is the difference between validating and testing the model? Do the corresponding data sets differ fundamentally? How did you assess the quality of the training data classification?

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

In this manuscript, the authors propose a computational method based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to automatically detect cell divisions in two-dimensional fluorescence microscopy timelapse images. Three deep learning models are proposed to detect the timing of division, predict the division axis, and enhance cell boundary images to segment cells before and after division. Using this computational pipeline, the authors analyze the dynamics of cell divisions in the epithelium of the Drosophila pupal wing and find that a wound first induces a reduction in the frequency of division followed by a synchronised burst of cell divisions about 100 minutes after its induction.

In general, novelty over previous work does not seem particularly important. From a methodological point of view, the models are based on generic architectures of convolutional neural networks, with minimal changes, and on ideas already explored in general. The authors seem to have missed much (most?) of the literature on the specific topic of detecting mitotic events in 2D timelapse images, which has been published in more specialized journals or Proceedings. (TPMAI, CCVPR etc., see references below). Even though the image modality or biological structure may be different (non-fluorescent images sometimes), I don't believe it makes a big difference. How the authors' approach compares to this previously published work is not discussed, which prevents me from objectively assessing the true contribution of this article from a methodological perspective.

On the contrary, some competing works have proposed methods based on newer - and generally more efficient - architectures specifically designed to model temporal sequences (Phan 2018, Kitrungrotsakul 2019, 2021, Mao 2019, Shi 2020). These natural candidates (recurrent networks, long-short-term memory (LSTM), gated recurrent units (GRU), or even more recently transformers), coupled to CNNs are not even mentioned in the manuscript, although they have proved their generic superiority for inference tasks involving time series (Major point 2). Even though the original idea/trick of exploiting the different channels of RGB images to address the temporal aspect might seem smart in the first place - as it reduces the task of changing/testing a new architecture to a minimum - I guess that CNNs trained this way may not generalize very well to videos where the temporal resolution is changed slightly (Major point 1). This could be quite problematic as each new dataset acquired with a different temporal resolution or temperature may require manual relabeling and retraining of the network. In this perspective, recent alternatives (Phan 2018, Gilad 2019) have proposed unsupervised approaches, which could largely reduce the need for manual labeling of datasets.

Regarding the other convolutional neural networks described in the manuscript:

  1. the one proposed to predict the orientation of mitosis performs a regression task, predicting a probability for the division angle. The architecture, which must be different from a simple Unet, is not detailed anywhere, so the way it was designed is difficult to assess. It is unclear if it also performs mitosis detection, or if it is instead used to infer orientation once the timing and location of the division have been inferred by the previous network.

  2. the one proposed to improve the quality of cell boundary images before segmentation is nothing new, it has now become a classic step in segmentation, see for example Wolny et al. eLife 2020.

As a side note, I found it a bit frustrating to realise that all the analysis was done in 2D while the original images are 3D z-stacks, so a lot of the 3D information had to be compressed and has not been used. A novelty, in my opinion, could have resided in the generalisation to 3D of the deep-learning approaches previously proposed in that context, which are exclusively 2D, in particular, to predict the orientation of the division.

Concerning the biological application of the proposed methods, I found the results interesting, showing the potential of such a method to automatise mitosis quantification for a particular biological question of interest, here wound healing. However, the deep learning methods/applications that are put forward as the central point of the manuscript are not particularly original.

Major point 1: generalisation potential of the proposed method.

The neural network model proposed for mitosis detection relies on a 2D convolutional neural network (CNN), more specifically on the Unet architecture, which has become widespread for the analysis of biology and medical images. The strategy proposed here exploits the fact that the input of such an architecture is natively composed of several channels (originally 3 to handle the 3 RGB channels, which is actually a holdover from computer vision, since most medical/biological images are gray images with a single channel), to directly feed the network with 3 successive images of a timelapse at a time. This idea is, in itself, interesting because no modification of the original architecture had to be carried out. The latest 10-channel model (U-NetCellDivision10), which includes more channels for better performance, required minimal modification to the original U-Net architecture but also simultaneous imaging of cadherin in addition to histone markers, which may not be a generic solution.

Since CNN-based methods accept only fixed-size vectors (fixed image size and fixed channel number) as input (and output), the length or time resolution of the extracted sequences should not vary from one experience to another. As such, the method proposed here may lack generalization capabilities, as it would have to be retrained for each experiment with a slightly different temporal resolution. The paper should have compared results with slightly different temporal resolutions to assess its inference robustness toward fluctuations in division speed.

Another approach (not discussed) consists in directly convolving several temporal frames using a 3D CNN (2D+time) instead of a 2D, in order to detect a temporal event. Such an idea shares some similarities with the proposed approach, although in this previous work (Ji et al. TPAMI 2012 and for split detection Nie et al. CCVPR 2016) convolution is performed spatio-temporally, which may present advantages. How does the authors' method compare to such an (also very simple) approach?

Major point 2: innovatory nature of the proposed method.

The authors' idea of exploiting existing channels in the input vector to feed successive frames is interesting, but the natural choice in deep learning for manipulating time series is to use recurrent networks or their newer and more stable variants (LSTM, GRU, attention networks, or transformers). Several papers exploiting such approaches have been proposed for the mitotic division detection task, but they are not mentioned or discussed in this manuscript: Phan et al. 2018, Mao et al. 2019, Kitrungrotaskul et al. 2019, She et al 2020.

An obvious advantage of an LSTM architecture combined with CNN is that it is able to address variable length inputs, therefore time sequences of different lengths, whereas a CNN alone can only be fed with an input of fixed size.

Another advantage of some of these approaches is that they rely on unsupervised learning, which can avoid the tedious relabeling of data (Phan et al. 2018, Gilad et al. 2019).

References :
Ji, S., Xu, W., Yang, M., & Yu, K. (2012). 3D convolutional neural networks for human action recognition. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 35(1), 221-231. >6000 citations

Nie, W. Z., Li, W. H., Liu, A. A., Hao, T., & Su, Y. T. (2016). 3D convolutional networks-based mitotic event detection in time-lapse phase contrast microscopy image sequences of stem cell populations. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (pp. 55-62).

Phan, H. T. H., Kumar, A., Feng, D., Fulham, M., & Kim, J. (2018). Unsupervised two-path neural network for cell event detection and classification using spatiotemporal patterns. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(6), 1477-1487.

Gilad, T., Reyes, J., Chen, J. Y., Lahav, G., & Riklin Raviv, T. (2019). Fully unsupervised symmetry-based mitosis detection in time-lapse cell microscopy. Bioinformatics, 35(15), 2644-2653.

Mao, Y., Han, L., & Yin, Z. (2019). Cell mitosis event analysis in phase contrast microscopy images using deep learning. Medical image analysis, 57, 32-43.

Kitrungrotsakul, T., Han, X. H., Iwamoto, Y., Takemoto, S., Yokota, H., Ipponjima, S., ... & Chen, Y. W. (2019). A cascade of 2.5 D CNN and bidirectional CLSTM network for mitotic cell detection in 4D microscopy image. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 18(2), 396-404.

Shi, J., Xin, Y., Xu, B., Lu, M., & Cong, J. (2020, November). A Deep Framework for Cell Mitosis Detection in Microscopy Images. In 2020 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS) (pp. 100-103). IEEE.

Wolny, A., Cerrone, L., Vijayan, A., Tofanelli, R., Barro, A. V., Louveaux, M., ... & Kreshuk, A. (2020). Accurate and versatile 3D segmentation of plant tissues at cellular resolution. Elife, 9, e57613.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation