Leading an urban invasion: risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy

  1. Department of Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
  2. Science of Intelligence Excellence Cluster, Technical University Berlin, 10623 Berlin, Germany
  3. Center for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Rosalyn Gloag
    University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
  • Senior Editor
    Michael Frank
    Brown University, Providence, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

In this highly ambitious paper, Breen and Deffner used a multi-pronged approach to generate novel insights on how differences between male and female birds in their learning strategies might relate to patterns of invasion and spread into new geographic and urban areas.

The empirical results, drawn from data available in online archives, showed that while males and females are similar in their initial efficiency of learning a standard color-food association (e.g., color X = food; color Y = no food) scenario when the associations are switched (now, color Y = food, X= no food), males are more efficient than females at adjusting to the new situation (i.e., faster at 'reversal learning'). Clearly, if animals live in an unstable world, where associations between cues (e.g., color) and what is good versus bad might change unpredictably, it is important to be good at reversal learning. In these grackles, males tend to disperse into new areas before females. It is thus fascinating that males appear to be better than females at reversal learning. Importantly, to gain a better understanding of underlying learning mechanisms, the authors use a Bayesian learning model to assess the relative role of two mechanisms (each governed by a single parameter) that might contribute to differences in learning. They find that what they term 'risk sensitive' learning is the key to explaining the differences in reversal learning. Males tend to exhibit higher risk sensitivity which explains their faster reversal learning. The authors then tested the validity of their empirical results by running agent-based simulations where 10,000 computer-simulated 'birds' were asked to make feeding choices using the learning parameters estimated from real birds. Perhaps not surprisingly, the computer birds exhibited learning patterns that were strikingly similar to the real birds. Finally, the authors ran evolutionary algorithms that simulate evolution by natural selection where the key traits that can evolve are the two learning parameters. They find that under conditions that might be common in urban environments, high-risk sensitivity is indeed favored.

The paper addresses a critically important issue in the modern world. Clearly, some organisms (some species, some individuals) are adjusting well and thriving in the modern, human-altered world, while others are doing poorly. Understanding how organisms cope with human-induced environmental change, and why some are particularly good at adjusting to change is thus an important question.

The comparison of male versus female reversal learning across three populations that differ in years since they were first invaded by grackles is one of few, perhaps the first in any species, to address this important issue experimentally.

Using a combination of experimental results, statistical simulations, and evolutionary modeling is a powerful method for elucidating novel insights.

The match between the broader conceptual background involving range expansion, urbanization, and sex-biased dispersal and learning, and the actual comparison of three urban populations along a range expansion gradient was somewhat confusing. The fact that three populations were compared along a range expansion gradient implies an expectation that they might differ because they are at very different points in a range expansion. Indeed, the predicted differences between males and females are largely couched in terms of population differences based on their 'location' along the range-expansion gradient. However, the fact that they are all urban areas suggests that one might not expect the populations to differ. In addition, the evolutionary model suggests that all animals, male or female, living in urban environments (that the authors suggest are stable but unpredictable) should exhibit high-risk sensitivity. Given that all grackles, male and female, in all populations, are both living in urban environments and likely come from an urban background, should males and females differ in their learning behavior? Clarification would be useful.

Reinforcement learning mechanisms:
Although the authors' title, abstract, and conclusions emphasize the importance of variation in 'risk sensitivity', most readers in this field will very possibly misunderstand what this means biologically. Both the authors' use of the term 'risk sensitivity' and their statistical methods for measuring this concept have potential problems.

First, most behavioral ecologists think of risk as predation risk which is not considered in this paper. Secondarily, some might think of risk as uncertainty. Here, as discussed in more detail below, the 'risk sensitivity' parameter basically influences how strongly an option's attractiveness affects the animal's choice of that option. They say that this is in line with foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 2019) where sensitivity means seeking higher expected payoffs based on prior experience. To me, this sounds like 'reward sensitivity', but not what most think of as 'risk sensitivity'. This problem can be easily fixed by changing the name of the term.

In addition, however, the parameter does not measure sensitivity to rewards per se - rewards are not in equation 2. As noted above, instead, equation 2 addresses the sensitivity of choice to the attraction score which can be sensitive to rewards, though in complex ways depending on the updating parameter. Second, equations 1 and 2 involve one specific assumption about how sensitivity to rewards vs. to attraction influences the probability of choosing an option. In essence, the authors split the translation from rewards to behavioral choices into 2 steps. Step 1 is how strongly rewards influence an option's attractiveness and step 2 is how strongly attractiveness influences the actual choice to use that option. The equation for step 1 is linear whereas the equation for step 2 has an exponential component. Whether a relationship is linear or exponential can clearly have a major effect on how parameter values influence outcomes. Is there a justification for the form of these equations? The analyses suggest that the exponential component provides a better explanation than the linear component for the difference between males and females in the sequence of choices made by birds, but translating that to the concepts of information updating versus reward sensitivity is unclear. As noted above, the authors' equation for reward sensitivity does not actually include rewards explicitly, but instead only responds to rewards if the rewards influence attraction scores. The more strongly recent rewards drive an update of attraction scores, the more strongly they also influence food choices. While this is intuitively reasonable, I am skeptical about the authors' biological/cognitive conclusions that are couched in terms of words (updating rate and risk sensitivity) that readers will likely interpret as concepts that, in my view, do not actually concur with what the models and analyses address.

To emphasize, while the authors imply that their analyses separate the updating rate from 'risk sensitivity', both the 'updating parameter' and the 'risk sensitivity' parameter influence both the strength of updating and the sensitivity to reward payoffs in the sense of altering the tendency to prefer an option based on recent experience with payoffs. As noted in the previous paragraph, the main difference between the two parameters is whether they relate to behaviour linearly versus with an exponential component.

Overall, while the statistical analyses based on equations (1) and (2) seem to have identified something interesting about two steps underlying learning patterns, to maximize the valuable conceptual impact that these analyses have for the field, more thinking is required to better understand the biological meaning of how these two parameters relate to observed behaviours, and the 'risk sensitivity' parameter needs to be re-named.

Agent-based simulations:
The authors estimated two learning parameters based on the behaviour of real birds, and then ran simulations to see whether computer 'birds' that base their choices on those learning parameters return behaviours that, on average, mirror the behaviour of the real birds. This exercise is clearly circular. In old-style, statistical terms, I suppose this means that the R-square of the statistical model is good. A more insightful use of the simulations would be to identify situations where the simulation does not do as well in mirroring behaviour that it is designed to mirror.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

The study is titled "Leading an urban invasion: risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy", and consists of three different parts. First, the authors analyse data on initial and reversal learning in Grackles confronted with a foraging task, derived from three populations labeled as "core", "middle" and "edge" in relation to the invasion front. The suggested difference between study populations does not surface, but the authors do find moderate support for a difference between male and female individuals. Secondly, the authors confirm that the proposed mechanism can actually generate patterns such as those observed in the Grackle data. In the third part, the authors present an evolutionary model, in which they show that learning strategies as observed in male Grackles do evolve in what they regard as conditions present in urban environments.

The manuscript's strength is that it combines real learning data collected across different populations of the Great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) with theoretical approaches to better understand the processes with which grackles learn and how such learning processes might be advantageous during range expansion. Furthermore, the authors also take sex into account revealing that males, the dispersing sex, show moderately better reversal learning through higher reward-payoff sensitivity. I also find it refreshing to see that the authors took the time to preregister their study to improve transparency, especially regarding data analysis.

One major weakness of this manuscript is the fact that the authors are working with quite low sample sizes when we look at the different populations of edge (11 males & 8 females), middle (4 males & 4 females), and core (17 males & 5 females) expansion range. Although I think that when all populations are pooled together, the sample size is sufficient to answer the questions regarding sex differences in learning performance and which learning processes might be used by grackles but insufficient when taking the different populations into account.

Another weakness of this manuscript is that it does not set up the background well in the introduction. Firstly, are grackles urban dwellers in their natural range and expand by colonising urban habitats because they are adapted to it? The introduction also fails to mention why urban habitats are special and why we expect them to be more challenging for animals to inhabit. If we consider that one of their main questions is related to how learning processes might help individuals deal with a challenging urban habitat, then this should be properly introduced.

Also, the authors provide a single example of how learning can differ between populations from more urban and more natural habitats. The authors also label the urban dwellers as the invaders, which might be the case for grackles but is not necessarily true for other species, such as the Indian rock agama in the example which are native to the area of study. Also, the authors need to be aware that only male lizards were tested in this study. I suggest being a bit more clear about what has been found across different studies looking at: (1) differences across individuals from invasive and native populations of invasive species and (2) differences across individuals from natural and urban populations.

Finally, the introduction is very much written with regard to the interaction between learning and dispersal, i.e. the 'invasion front' theme. The authors lay out four predictions, the most important of which is No. 4: "Such sex-mediated differences in learning to be more pronounced in grackles living at the edge, rather than the intermediate and/or core region of their range." The authors, however, never return to this prediction, at least not in a transparent way that clearly pronounces this pattern not being found. The model looking at the evolution of risk-sensitive learning in urban environments is based on the assumption that urban and natural environments "differ along two key ecological axes: environmental stability 𝑢 (How often does optimal behaviour change?) and environmental stochasticity 𝑠 (How often does optimal behaviour fail to pay off?). Urban environments are generally characterised as both stable (lower 𝑢) and stochastic (higher 𝑠)". Even though it is generally assumed that urban environments differ from natural environments the authors' assumption is just one way of looking at the differences which have generally not been confirmed and are highly debated. Additionally, it is not clear how this result relates to the rest of the paper: The three populations are distinguished according to their relation to the invasion front, not with respect to a gradient of urbanization, and further do not show a meaningful difference in learning behaviour possibly due to low sample sizes as mentioned above.

In conclusion, the manuscript was well written and for the most part easy to follow. The format of having the results before the methods makes it a bit harder to follow because the reader is not fully aware of the methods at the time the results are presented. It would, therefore, be important to more clearly delineate the different parts and purposes. Is this article about the interaction between urban invasion, dispersal, and learning? Or about the correct identification of learning mechanisms? Or about how learning mechanisms evolve in urban and natural environments? Maybe this article can harbor all three, but the borders need to be clear. The authors need to be transparent about what has and especially what has not been found, and be careful to not overstate their case.

Author Response

eLife assessment

This study uses a multi-pronged empirical and theoretical approach to advance our understanding of how differences in learning relate to differences in the ways that male versus female animals cope with urban environments, and more generally how reversal learning may benefit animals in urban habitats. The work makes an important contribution and parts of the data and analyses are solid, although several of the main claims are only partially supported or overstated and require additional support.

We thank the Editor and both Reviewers for their time and for their constructive evaluation of our manuscript. We will work to address each comment and suggestion offered by the Reviewers in a revision.

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


In this highly ambitious paper, Breen and Deffner used a multi-pronged approach to generate novel insights on how differences between male and female birds in their learning strategies might relate to patterns of invasion and spread into new geographic and urban areas.

The empirical results, drawn from data available in online archives, showed that while males and females are similar in their initial efficiency of learning a standard color-food association (e.g., color X = food; color Y = no food) scenario when the associations are switched (now, color Y = food, X= no food), males are more efficient than females at adjusting to the new situation (i.e., faster at 'reversal learning'). Clearly, if animals live in an unstable world, where associations between cues (e.g., color) and what is good versus bad might change unpredictably, it is important to be good at reversal learning. In these grackles, males tend to disperse into new areas before females. It is thus fascinating that males appear to be better than females at reversal learning. Importantly, to gain a better understanding of underlying learning mechanisms, the authors use a Bayesian learning model to assess the relative role of two mechanisms (each governed by a single parameter) that might contribute to differences in learning. They find that what they term 'risk sensitive' learning is the key to explaining the differences in reversal learning. Males tend to exhibit higher risk sensitivity which explains their faster reversal learning. The authors then tested the validity of their empirical results by running agent-based simulations where 10,000 computer-simulated 'birds' were asked to make feeding choices using the learning parameters estimated from real birds. Perhaps not surprisingly, the computer birds exhibited learning patterns that were strikingly similar to the real birds. Finally, the authors ran evolutionary algorithms that simulate evolution by natural selection where the key traits that can evolve are the two learning parameters. They find that under conditions that might be common in urban environments, high-risk sensitivity is indeed favored.


The paper addresses a critically important issue in the modern world. Clearly, some organisms (some species, some individuals) are adjusting well and thriving in the modern, human-altered world, while others are doing poorly. Understanding how organisms cope with human-induced environmental change, and why some are particularly good at adjusting to change is thus an important question.

The comparison of male versus female reversal learning across three populations that differ in years since they were first invaded by grackles is one of few, perhaps the first in any species, to address this important issue experimentally.

Using a combination of experimental results, statistical simulations, and evolutionary modeling is a powerful method for elucidating novel insights.

Thank you—we are delighted to receive this positive feedback, especially regarding the inferential power of our analytical approach.


The match between the broader conceptual background involving range expansion, urbanization, and sex-biased dispersal and learning, and the actual comparison of three urban populations along a range expansion gradient was somewhat confusing. The fact that three populations were compared along a range expansion gradient implies an expectation that they might differ because they are at very different points in a range expansion. Indeed, the predicted differences between males and females are largely couched in terms of population differences based on their 'location' along the range-expansion gradient. However, the fact that they are all urban areas suggests that one might not expect the populations to differ. In addition, the evolutionary model suggests that all animals, male or female, living in urban environments (that the authors suggest are stable but unpredictable) should exhibit high-risk sensitivity. Given that all grackles, male and female, in all populations, are both living in urban environments and likely come from an urban background, should males and females differ in their learning behavior? Clarification would be useful.

Thank you for highlighting a gap in clarity in our conceptual framework. To answer the Reviewer’s question—yes, even with this shared urban ‘history’, it seems plausible that males and females could differ in their learning. For example, irrespective of population membership, such sex differences could come about via differential reliance on learning strategies mediated by an interaction between grackles’ polygynous mating system and male-biased dispersal system, as we discuss in L254–265. Population membership might, in turn, differentially moderate the magnitude of any such sex-effect since an edge population, even though urban, could still pose novel challenges—for example, by requiring grackles to learn novel daily temporal foraging patterns such as when and where garbage is collected (grackles appear to track this food resource: Rodrigo et al. 2021 [DOI: 10.1101/2021.06.14.448443]). We will make sure to better introduce this important conceptual information in our revision.

Reinforcement learning mechanisms:

Although the authors' title, abstract, and conclusions emphasize the importance of variation in 'risk sensitivity', most readers in this field will very possibly misunderstand what this means biologically. Both the authors' use of the term 'risk sensitivity' and their statistical methods for measuring this concept have potential problems.

Please see our below responses concerning our risk-sensitivity term

First, most behavioral ecologists think of risk as predation risk which is not considered in this paper. Secondarily, some might think of risk as uncertainty. Here, as discussed in more detail below, the 'risk sensitivity' parameter basically influences how strongly an option's attractiveness affects the animal's choice of that option. They say that this is in line with foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 2019) where sensitivity means seeking higher expected payoffs based on prior experience. To me, this sounds like 'reward sensitivity', but not what most think of as 'risk sensitivity'. This problem can be easily fixed by changing the name of the term.

We apologise for not clearly introducing the field of risk-sensitive foraging, which focuses on how animals evaluate and choose between distinct food options, and how such foraging decisions are influenced by pay-off variance i.e., risk associated with alternative foraging options (seminal reviews: Bateson 2002 [DOI: 10.1079/PNS2002181]; Kacelnik & Bateson 1996 [DOI: 10.1093/ICB/36.4.402]). We further apologise for not clearly explaining how our lambda parameter estimates such risk-sensitive foraging. To do so here, we need to consider our Bayesian reinforcement learning model in full. This model uses observed choice-behaviour during reinforcement learning to infer our phi (informationupdating) and lambda (risk-sensitivity) learning parameters. Thus, payoffs incurred through choice simultaneously influence estimation of each learning parameter—that is, in a sense, they are both sensitive to rewards. But phi and lambda differentially direct any reward sensitivity back on choicebehaviour due to their distinct definitions (we note this does not imply that the two cannot influence one another i.e., co-vary on the latent scale). Glossing over the mathematics, for phi, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger phi values) means faster internal updating about stimulus-reward pairings, which translates behaviourally into faster learning about ‘what to choose’. For lambda, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger lambda values) means stronger internal determinism about seeking the non-risk foraging option (i.e., the one with the higher expected payoffs based on prior experience), which translates behaviourally into less choice-option switching i.e., ‘playing it safe’. We hope this information, which we will incorporate into our revision, clarifies the rationale and mechanics of our reinforcement learning model, and why lamba measures risk-sensitivity.

In addition, however, the parameter does not measure sensitivity to rewards per se - rewards are not in equation 2. As noted above, instead, equation 2 addresses the sensitivity of choice to the attraction score which can be sensitive to rewards, though in complex ways depending on the updating parameter. Second, equations 1 and 2 involve one specific assumption about how sensitivity to rewards vs. to attraction influences the probability of choosing an option. In essence, the authors split the translation from rewards to behavioral choices into 2 steps. Step 1 is how strongly rewards influence an option's attractiveness and step 2 is how strongly attractiveness influences the actual choice to use that option. The equation for step 1 is linear whereas the equation for step 2 has an exponential component. Whether a relationship is linear or exponential can clearly have a major effect on how parameter values influence outcomes. Is there a justification for the form of these equations? The analyses suggest that the exponential component provides a better explanation than the linear component for the difference between males and females in the sequence of choices made by birds, but translating that to the concepts of information updating versus reward sensitivity is unclear. As noted above, the authors' equation for reward sensitivity does not actually include rewards explicitly, but instead only responds to rewards if the rewards influence attraction scores. The more strongly recent rewards drive an update of attraction scores, the more strongly they also influence food choices. While this is intuitively reasonable, I am skeptical about the authors' biological/cognitive conclusions that are couched in terms of words (updating rate and risk sensitivity) that readers will likely interpret as concepts that, in my view, do not actually concur with what the models and analyses address.

To answer the Reviewer’s question—yes, these equations are very much standard and the canonical way of analysing individual reinforcement learning (see: Ch. 15.2 in Computational Modeling of Cognition and Behavior by Farrell & Lewandowsky 2018 [DOI: 10.1017/CBO9781316272503]; McElreath et al. 2008 [DOI: 10.1098/rstb/2008/0131]; Reinforcement Learning by Sutton & Barto 2018). To provide a “justification for the form of these equations'', equation 1 describes a convex combination of previous values and recent payoffs. Latent values are updated as a linear combination of both factors, there is no simple linear mapping between payoffs and behaviour as suggested by the reviewer. Equation 2 describes the standard softmax link function. It converts a vector of real numbers (here latent values) into a simplex vector (i.e., a vector summing to 1) which represents the probabilities of different outcomes. Similar to the logit link in logistic regression, the softmax simply maps the model space of latent values onto the outcome space of choice probabilities which enter the categorial likelihood distribution. We can appreciate how we did not make this clear in our manuscript by not highlighting the standard nature of our analytical approach. We will do better in our revision. As far as what our reinforcement learning model measures, and how it relates cognition and behaviour, please see our previous response.

To emphasize, while the authors imply that their analyses separate the updating rate from 'risk sensitivity', both the 'updating parameter' and the 'risk sensitivity' parameter influence both the strength of updating and the sensitivity to reward payoffs in the sense of altering the tendency to prefer an option based on recent experience with payoffs. As noted in the previous paragraph, the main difference between the two parameters is whether they relate to behaviour linearly versus with an exponential component.

Please see our two earlier responses on the mechanics of our reinforcement learning model.

Overall, while the statistical analyses based on equations (1) and (2) seem to have identified something interesting about two steps underlying learning patterns, to maximize the valuable conceptual impact that these analyses have for the field, more thinking is required to better understand the biological meaning of how these two parameters relate to observed behaviours, and the 'risk sensitivity' parameter needs to be re-named.

Please see our earlier response to these suggestions.

Agent-based simulations:

The authors estimated two learning parameters based on the behaviour of real birds, and then ran simulations to see whether computer 'birds' that base their choices on those learning parameters return behaviours that, on average, mirror the behaviour of the real birds. This exercise is clearly circular. In old-style, statistical terms, I suppose this means that the R-square of the statistical model is good. A more insightful use of the simulations would be to identify situations where the simulation does not do as well in mirroring behaviour that it is designed to mirror.

Based on the Reviewer’s summary of agent-based forward simulation, we can see we did a poor job explaining the inferential value of this method—we apologise. Agent-based forward simulations are posterior predictions, and they provide insight into the implied model dynamics and overall usefulness of our reinforcement learning model. R-squared calculations are retrodictive, and they say nothing about the causal dynamics of a model. Specifically, agent-based forward simulation allows us to ask—what would a ‘new’ grackle ‘do’, given our reinforcement learning model parameter estimates? It is important to ask this question because, in parameterising our model, we may have overlooked a critical contributing mechanism to grackles’ reinforcement learning. Such an omission is invisible in the raw parameter estimates; it is only betrayed by the parameters in actu. Agent-based forward simulation is ‘designed’ to facilitate this call to action—not to mirror behavioural results. The simulation has no apriori ‘opinion’ about computer ‘birds’ behavioural outcomes; rather, it simply assigns these agents random phi and lambda draws (whilst maintaining their correlation structure), and tracks their reinforcement learning. The exercise only appears circular if no critical contributing mechanism(s) went overlooked—in this case computer ‘birds’ should behave similar to real birds. A disparate mapping between computer ‘birds’ and real birds, however, would mean more work is needed with respect to model parameterisation that captures the causal, mechanistic dynamics behind real birds’ reinforcement learning (for an example of this happening in the human reinforcement learning literature, see Deffner et al. 2020 [DOI: 10.1098/rsos.200734]). In sum, agent-based forward simulation does not access goodness-of-fit—we assessed the fit of our model apriori in our preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb)—but it does assess whether one did a comprehensive job of uncovering the mechanistic basis of target behaviour(s). We will work to make the above points on the insight afforded by agent-based forward simulation explicitly clear in our revision.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


The study is titled "Leading an urban invasion: risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy", and consists of three different parts. First, the authors analyse data on initial and reversal learning in Grackles confronted with a foraging task, derived from three populations labeled as "core", "middle" and "edge" in relation to the invasion front. The suggested difference between study populations does not surface, but the authors do find moderate support for a difference between male and female individuals. Secondly, the authors confirm that the proposed mechanism can actually generate patterns such as those observed in the Grackle data. In the third part, the authors present an evolutionary model, in which they show that learning strategies as observed in male Grackles do evolve in what they regard as conditions present in urban environments.


The manuscript's strength is that it combines real learning data collected across different populations of the Great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) with theoretical approaches to better understand the processes with which grackles learn and how such learning processes might be advantageous during range expansion. Furthermore, the authors also take sex into account revealing that males, the dispersing sex, show moderately better reversal learning through higher reward-payoff sensitivity. I also find it refreshing to see that the authors took the time to preregister their study to improve transparency, especially regarding data analysis.

Thank you—we are pleased to receive this positive evaluation, particularly concerning our efforts to improve scientific transparency via our study’s preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb).


One major weakness of this manuscript is the fact that the authors are working with quite low sample sizes when we look at the different populations of edge (11 males & 8 females), middle (4 males & 4 females), and core (17 males & 5 females) expansion range. Although I think that when all populations are pooled together, the sample size is sufficient to answer the questions regarding sex differences in learning performance and which learning processes might be used by grackles but insufficient when taking the different populations into account.

In Bayesian statistics, there is no strict lower limit of required sample size as the inferences do not rely on asymptotic assumptions. With inferences remaining valid in principle, low sample size will of course be reflected in rather uncertain posterior estimates. We note all of our multilevel models use partial pooling on individuals (the random-effects structure), which is a regularisation technique that generally reduces the inference constraint imposed by a low sample size (see Ch. 13 in Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath [PDF: https://bit.ly/3RXCy8c]). We further note that, in our study preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb), we formally tested our reinforcement learning model for different effect sizes of sex on learning for both target parameters (phi and lambda) across populations, using a similarly modest N (edge: 10 M, 5 F; middle: 22 M, 5 F ; core: 3 M, 4 F) to our actual final N, that we anticipated to be our final N at that time. This apriori analysis shows our reinforcement learning model: (i) detects sex differences in phi values >= 0.03 and lambda values >= 1; and (ii) infers a null effect for phi values < 0.03 and lambda values < 1 i.e., very weak simulated sex differences (see Figure 4 in https://osf.io/v3wxb). Thus, both of these points together highlight how our reinforcement learning model allows us to say that across-population null results are not just due to small sample size. Nevertheless the Reviewer is not wrong to wonder whether a bigger N might change our population-level results (it might; so might much-needed population replicates—see L270), but our Bayesian models still allow us to learn a lot from our current data.

Another weakness of this manuscript is that it does not set up the background well in the introduction. Firstly, are grackles urban dwellers in their natural range and expand by colonising urban habitats because they are adapted to it? The introduction also fails to mention why urban habitats are special and why we expect them to be more challenging for animals to inhabit. If we consider that one of their main questions is related to how learning processes might help individuals deal with a challenging urban habitat, then this should be properly introduced.

In L53–56 we introduce that the estimated historical niche of grackles is urban environments, and that shifts in habitat breadth—e.g., moving into more arid, agricultural environments—is the estimated driver of their rapid North American colonisation. We will work towards flushing out how urban-imposed challenges faced by grackles, such as the wildlife management efforts introduced in L64–65, may apply to animals inhabiting urban environments more broadly.

Also, the authors provide a single example of how learning can differ between populations from more urban and more natural habitats. The authors also label the urban dwellers as the invaders, which might be the case for grackles but is not necessarily true for other species, such as the Indian rock agama in the example which are native to the area of study. Also, the authors need to be aware that only male lizards were tested in this study. I suggest being a bit more clear about what has been found across different studies looking at: (1) differences across individuals from invasive and native populations of invasive species and (2) differences across individuals from natural and urban populations.

We apologise for not specifying that the review we cite in L42 by Lee & Thornton (2021) covers additional studies on cognition in both urban invasive species as well as urban-dwellers versus nonurban counterparts—we will remedy this omission in our revision. We will also revise our labelling of the lizard species. We are aware only male lizards were tested but this information is not relevant to substantiating our use of this study; that is, to highlight that learning can differ between urban-dwelling and non-urban counterparts. Finally, the Reviewer’s general suggestion is a good one—we will work to add this biological clarity to our revision.

Finally, the introduction is very much written with regard to the interaction between learning and dispersal, i.e. the 'invasion front' theme. The authors lay out four predictions, the most important of which is No. 4: "Such sex-mediated differences in learning to be more pronounced in grackles living at the edge, rather than the intermediate and/or core region of their range." The authors, however, never return to this prediction, at least not in a transparent way that clearly pronounces this pattern not being found. The model looking at the evolution of risk-sensitive learning in urban environments is based on the assumption that urban and natural environments "differ along two key ecological axes: environmental stability 𝑢 (How often does optimal behaviour change?) and environmental stochasticity 𝑠 (How often does optimal behaviour fail to pay off?). Urban environments are generally characterised as both stable (lower 𝑢) and stochastic (higher 𝑠)". Even though it is generally assumed that urban environments differ from natural environments the authors' assumption is just one way of looking at the differences which have generally not been confirmed and are highly debated. Additionally, it is not clear how this result relates to the rest of the paper: The three populations are distinguished according to their relation to the invasion front, not with respect to a gradient of urbanization, and further do not show a meaningful difference in learning behaviour possibly due to low sample sizes as mentioned above.

Thank you for highlighting a gap in our reporting clarity. We will take care in our revision to transparently report our null result regarding our fourth prediction; more specifically, that we did not detect meaningful behavioural or mechanistic population-level differences in grackles’ learning. Regarding our evolutionary model, we agree with the Reviewer that this analysis is only one way of looking at the interaction between learning phenotype and apparent urban environmental characteristics. Indeed, in L282–288 we state: “Admittedly, our evolutionary model is not a complete representation of urban ecology dynamics. Relevant factors—e.g., spatial dynamics and realistic life histories—are missed out. These omissions are tactical ones. Our evolutionary model solely focuses on the response of reinforcement learning parameters to two core urban-like (or not) environmental statistics, providing a baseline for future study to build on”. But we can see now that ‘core’ is too strong a word, and instead ‘supposed’, ‘purported’ or ‘theorised’ would be more accurate—we will revise our wording. As far as how our evolutionary results relate to the rest of the paper, these results suggest successful urban living should favour risk-sensitive learning, and our other analyses in our paper reveal male grackles—the dispersing sex in this historically urban-dwelling and currently urban-invading species—show pronounced risk-sensitive learning, so it appears risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy for urban-invading male grackles and urban-invasion leaders more generally (we note, of course, other factors undoubtedly contribute to grackles’ urban invasion success, as discussed in ‘Ideas and speculation’; see also our first response to R1). We will work to make these links clearer in our revision. Finally, please see our above response on the inferential sufficiency of our sample size.

In conclusion, the manuscript was well written and for the most part easy to follow. The format of eLife having the results before the methods makes it a bit harder to follow because the reader is not fully aware of the methods at the time the results are presented. It would, therefore, be important to more clearly delineate the different parts and purposes. Is this article about the interaction between urban invasion, dispersal, and learning? Or about the correct identification of learning mechanisms? Or about how learning mechanisms evolve in urban and natural environments? Maybe this article can harbor all three, but the borders need to be clear. The authors need to be transparent about what has and especially what has not been found, and be careful to not overstate their case.

Thank you, we are pleased to read that the Reviewer found our manuscript to be generally digestible. In our revision, we will work to add further clarity, and to temper our tone.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation