Figures and data

Conceptual diagram of per-population copy number (PPCN) calculation.
Each step of the calculation is demonstrated in (A) for a sample with high diversity (6 microbial populations) and in (B) for a sample with low diversity (3 populations). Metagenome sequences are shown as black lines. The left panel shows the single-copy core genes annotated in the metagenome (indicated by letters), with a barplot showing the counts for different SCGs. The dashed black line indicates the mode of the counts, which is taken as the estimate of the number of populations. The middle panel shows the annotations of metabolic pathways (indicated by boxes and numerically labeled), with a barplot showing the copy number of each pathway (for more details on how this copy number is computed, see Supplementary File 1 and Supplementary Figure 2). The right panel shows the equation for per-population copy number (PPCN), with the barplots indicating the PPCN values for each metabolic pathway in each sample and arrows differentiating between different types of modules based on the comparison of their normalized copy numbers between samples.

Comparison of metabolic potential across healthy and IBD cohorts.
Panels A – C show unnormalized copy number data and the remaining panels show normalized per-population copy number (PPCN) data. A) Scatterplot of module copy number in IBD samples (x-axis) and healthy samples (y-axis). Transparency of points indicates the p-value of the module in a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test for enrichment (based on PPCN data), and color indicates whether the module is enriched in the IBD samples (in this study), enriched in the good colonizers from the fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) study (Watson et al. 2023), or enriched in both. B) Heatmap of unnormalized copy numbers for all modules. IBD-enriched modules are highlighted by the red bar on the left. Sample group is indicated by the blue (healthy) and red (IBD) bars on the bottom. C) Boxplots of median copy number for each module enriched in the FMT colonizers from (Watson et al. 2023) in the healthy samples (blue) and the IBD samples (red). Solid lines connect the same module in each plot. D) Scatterplot of module PPCN values in IBD samples (x-axis) and healthy samples (y-axis). Transparency and color of points are defined as in panel (A). The pink dashed line indicates the effect size threshold applied to modules when determining their enrichment in IBD. E) Heatmap of PPCN values for all modules. Side bars defined as in (B). F) Boxplots of median PPCN values for modules enriched in the FMT colonizers from (Watson et al. 2023) in the healthy samples (blue) and the IBD samples (red). Lines defined as in (D). Modules that were also enriched in the IBD samples (in this study) are highlighted in red. G) Boxplots of PPCN values for individual modules in the healthy samples (blue) and the IBD samples (red). All example modules were enriched in both this study and in (Watson et al. 2023).

Identification of HMI genomes and their distribution across gut samples.
A) Histogram of Ribosomal Protein S6 gene clusters (94% ANI) for which at least 50% of the representative gene sequence is covered by at least 1 read (>= 50% ‘detection’) in fecal metagenomes from the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) (Human Microbiome Project Consortium 2012). The dashed line indicates our threshold for reaching at least 50% detection in at least 10% of the HMP samples; gray bars indicate the 11,145 gene clusters that do not meet this threshold while purple bars indicate the 836 clusters that do. The subplot shows data for the 836 genomes whose Ribosomal Protein S6 sequences belonged to one of the passing (purple) gene clusters. The y-axis indicates the number of healthy/IBD gut metagenomes from our set of 330 in which the full genome sequence has at least 50% detection, and the x-axis indicates the genome’s maximum detection across all 330 samples. The dashed line indicates our threshold for reaching at least 50% genome detection in at least 2% of samples; the 338 genomes that pass this threshold are tan and those that do not are purple. The phylogeny of these 338 genomes is shown in B) along with the following data, from top to bottom: taxonomic classification as assigned by GTDB; proportion of healthy samples with at least 50% detection of the genome sequence; proportion of IBD samples with at least 50% detection of the genome sequence; square-root normalized ratio of percent abundance in IBD samples to percent abundance in healthy samples; metabolic independence score (sum of completeness scores of 33 HMI-associated metabolic pathways); whether (red) or not (white) the genome is classified as having HMI with a threshold score of 26.4; heatmap of completeness scores for each of the 33 HMI-associated metabolic pathways (0% completeness is white and 100% completeness is black). Pathway name is shown on the right and colored according to its category of metabolism. C) Boxplot showing the proportion of healthy (blue) or IBD (red) samples in which genomes of each class are detected >= 50%, with p-values from a Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test on the underlying data. D) Barplot showing the proportion of detected genomes (with >= 50% genome sequence covered by at least 1 read) in each sample that are classified as HMI, for each group of samples. The black lines show the median for each group: 37.0% for IBD samples, 25.5% for non-IBD samples, and 18.4% for healthy samples.

Performance of our metagenome classifier trained on per-population copy numbers of IBD-enriched modules.
A) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for 25-fold cross-validation. Each fold used a random subset of 80% of the data for training and the other 20% for testing. In each fold, we calculated a set of IBD-enriched modules from the training dataset and used the PPCN of these modules to train a logistic regression model whose performance was evaluated using the test dataset. Light gray lines show the ROC curve for each fold, the dark blue line shows the mean ROC curve, the gray area delineates the confidence interval for the mean ROC, and the pink dashed line indicates the benchmark performance of a naive (random guess) classifier. B) Confusion matrix for each fold of the random cross-validation. Categories of classification, from top left to bottom right, are: true positives (correctly classified IBD samples), false positives (incorrectly classified Healthy samples), false negatives (incorrectly classified IBD samples), and true negatives (correctly classified Healthy samples). Each fold is represented by a box within each category. Opacity of the box indicates the proportion of samples in that category, and the actual proportion is written within the box with one significant digit. Underlying data for this matrix can be accessed in Supplementary Table 4d.

Classification results on an antibiotic time-series dataset from
(Palleja et al. 2018). Note that antibiotic treatment was taken on days 1-4. A) Samples collected per subject during the time series. B) Species richness data (figure reproduced from (Palleja et al. 2018)). C) Classification of each sample by the metabolism classifier profiled in Figure 4. Samples with insufficient sequencing depth were not classified. D) Proportion of classes assigned to samples per day in the time series.

Scatterplot of sequencing depth vs estimated number of microbial populations in each of 2,893 stool metagenomes.
Sequencing depth is represented by the number of R1 reads, except for (Vineis et al. 2016) samples, in which case it is the number of merged paired-end reads. The vertical line indicates our sequencing depth threshold of 25 million reads. Per-group Spearman’s correlation coefficients and p-values are shown for the subset of samples with depth < 25 million reads (top left) and for the subset with depth >= 25 million reads (top right). Regression lines are shown for each group in each subset, with standard error indicated by the colored background.

Technical details of the metabolism reconstruction software framework in anvi’o. A)
Workflow of metabolism reconstruction programs and their inputs/outputs. Dark arrows indicate the primary analysis path utilized in this study. Blue background indicates optional features in the framework. A demonstration of completeness score and copy number calculations for metabolic pathways (performed by the program ‘anvi-estimate-metabolism‘ is shown using example enzyme annotation data in panels B – E (for a theoretical pathway) and F – I (for a real pathway). B) Theoretical metabolic pathway, where hexagons represent metabolites, arrows represent chemical reactions, letters represent enzymes (subscripts indicate enzyme components), and the example number of gene annotation hits for each enzyme is written in gray. C) The definition of the theoretical pathway from panel B, written in terms of the required enzymes. D) Table showing the major steps in the pathway and example calculations for step presence and copy number. Step presence is calculated by evaluating a boolean expression created from the step definition in which enzymes with > 0 hits are replaced with True (T) and the others with False (F). Step copy number is calculated by evaluating the corresponding arithmetic expression in which the enzymes are replaced with their annotation counts. E) Final calculations of completeness score (fraction of present steps) and copy number for the theoretical metabolic pathway. F – I) Same as panels B – E, but for KEGG module M00043.

Comparison of unnormalized copy number data and normalized (per-population copy number, or PPCN) data for the IBD-enriched modules.
A) Boxplot of median copy numbers for each module in the healthy samples (blue) and IBD samples (red). B) Boxplots of median PPCN for each module in the healthy samples (blue) and IBD samples (red). Lines connect data points for the same module in each plot. The gray dashed line in each plot indicates the overall median value.

Histograms of annotations per gene call
from A,B) NCBI COGs; C,D) KEGG KOfams; and E,F) Pfams. Panels A, C, and E show data for metagenomes in the subset of 330 deeply-sequenced samples from healthy people and people with IBD, and panels B, D, and F show data for all 2,893 samples including those from non-IBD controls. G) Proportion of genes with each classification from AGNOSTOS (Vanni et al. 2022) in the subset of 330 deeply-sequenced samples. H) Proportion of genes with at least one annotation from KEGG KOfams (Aramaki et al. 2020), NCBI COGs (Galperin et al. 2015), or Pfams (Mistry et al. 2021) (green) and proportion without any annotation (brown) in the subset of 330 deeply-sequenced samples.

Additional boxplots of median per-population copy number for various subsets of metabolic pathways and metagenome samples. A)
33 modules enriched in HMI populations from (Watson et al. 2023) compared to the 33 IBD-enriched modules from this study, with medians computed in the set of deeply-sequenced healthy (n = 229) and IBD (n = 101) samples. B) The 33 IBD-enriched modules from this study, with medians computed in the set of deeply-sequenced healthy (n = 229), non-IBD (n = 78), and IBD (n = 101) samples. C) All KEGG modules (n = 117) with non-zero copy number in at least one sample, with medians computed in the set of deeply-sequenced healthy (n = 229) and IBD (n = 101) samples. D) All biosynthesis modules (n = 88) from the KEGG MODULE database, with medians computed in the set of deeply-sequenced healthy (n = 229) and IBD (n = 101) samples. Where applicable, dashed lines indicate the overall median for all modules, and solid lines connect the points for the same module in each sample group. The IBD sample group is highlighted in red, the NONIBD group in pink, and the HEALTHY group in blue.

Boxplots of median per-population copy number of 33 IBD-enriched modules for samples from each individual cohort, A) with medians computed within each sample (ie, one point per sample) and B) with medians computed for each IBD-enriched module (ie, one point per module). The x-axis indicates study of origin. C) Boxplots of median per-population copy number of 33 IBD-enriched modules for the 115 samples in the deeply-sequenced set that are not from (Le Chatelier et al. 2013) or (Vineis et al. 2016). The dashed line indicates the overall median for all 33 modules, and solid lines connect the points for the same module in each sample group.

Assessing batch effect of the IBD-enrichment study.
A) Scatter plot comparing the module ranks of Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney p-values comparing IBD and healthy subjects on (Le Chatelier et al. 2013) and (Vineis et al. 2016) (y axis) and the rest of our dataset (x axis). B) Venn diagram displaying the overlap of IBD-enriched modules identified by the 33 smallest p-values in (Le Chatelier et al. 2013) and (Vineis et al. 2016) and the rest of our dataset. There is good agreement (20 out of 33) between the two sets of modules, indicating generalizability of the signals across studies used in our sample set.