Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorKevin EadeLowy Medical Research Institute, La Jolla, United States of America
- Senior EditorLois SmithBoston Children's Hospital, Boston, United States of America
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
This is a follow-up study to the authors' previous report about the roles of an alpha-arrestin called protein thioredoxin interacting protein (Txnip) in cone photoreceptors and in the retinal pigment epithelium. The findings are important because they provide new information about the mechanism of glucose and lactate transport to cone photoreceptors and because they may become the basis for therapies for retinal degenerative diseases.
Overall, the study is carefully done and, although the analysis is fairly comprehensive with many different versions of the protein analyzed, it is clearly enough described to follow. Figure 4 greatly facilitated my ability to follow, understand and interpret the study.
I have just one concern that I would like the authors to address. It is about the text that begins at line 133: "We assayed their ability to clear GLUT1 from the RPE surface (Figure 2A)". Please provide more details about this. From the figure it appears that n = 1 for this experiment, but given how careful the authors are with these types of studies that seems unlikely. How did the authors quantify the ability to clear GLUT1 from the surface? Was it cleared from both the apical and basal surface? (It is hard to resolve the apical and basal surfaces in the images provided). The experiments shown in Fig. 1H and Fig. 1I of PMID 31365873 shows how GLUT1 disappears only from the apical surface (under the conditions of that experiment and through the mechanism described in their text). It would be helpful for the authors to discuss their current results in the context of that experiment.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The hard work of the authors is much appreciated. With overexpression of a-arrestin Txnip in RPE, cones and the combined respectively, the authors show a potential gene agnostic treatment that can be applied to retinitis pigmentosa. Furthermore, since Txnip is related to multiple intracellular signaling pathway, this study is of value for research in the mechanism of secondary cone dystrophy as well.
There are a few areas in which the article may be improved through further analysis and application of the data, as well as some adjustments that should be made in to clarify specific points in the article.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Xue et al. extended their groundbreaking discovery demonstrating the protective effect of Txnip on cone photoreceptor survival. This was achieved by investigating the protection of cone degeneration through the overexpression of five distinct mutated variants of Txnip within the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Moreover, the study explored the roles of two proteins, HSP90AB1 and Arrdc4, which share similarities or associations with Txnip. They found the protection of Txnip in RPE cells and its mechanism is different from its protection in cone cells. These discoveries have significant implications for advancing our understanding of the mechanisms underlying Txnip's protection on cone cells.
1. Identify the roles of different Txnip mutations in RPE and their effects on the expression of glucose transporter
2. Dissect the mechanism of Txnip in RPE vs Cone photoreceptors in retinal degeneration models.
3. Explore the functions of ARrdc4, a protein similar to Txnip and HSP90AB1 in cone degeneration.
1. Arrdc4 has deleterious effect on cone survival but no discussion on its mechanism.
2. Inhibition of HSP90 is known to cause retinal generation. It is unclear why inhibition enhances the protection of Txnip.