Knockout of coHpo and coWts.
(A) A diagram of the coHpo genomic loci in WT or a putative coHpo -/- knockout line is shown. “KD” indicates kinase domain, “SD” indicates SARAH domain, “GenR” indicates a geneticin resistance cassette, and “NatR” indicates a nourseothricin resistance cassette. Arrows indicate a pair of primers used in PCR reactions. The same primer pair were used in all PCRs shown. Expected PCR product sizes for different alleles are given. A SacII site present only within the allele containing the NatR cassette is shown. (B) PCR products from WT and coHpo -/- cells using primers shown in (A). Because the product sizes for the WT and τιcoHpo::NatR alleles are close in size, we digested PCR products with SacII, which uniquely cuts the τιcoHpo::NatR allele. The coHpo -/- cell line shows the expected products for a homozygous knockout. Sequencing of PCR products confirmed the identity of the WT, τιcoHpo::GenR, and τιcoHpo::NatR alleles. (C) A diagram of the coWts genomic loci in WT or a putative coWts -/- knockout line is shown. “KD” indicates kinase domain, “GenR” indicates a geneticin resistance cassette, and “NatR” indicates a nourseothricin resistance cassette. Arrows indicate a pair of primers used in PCR reactions. The same primer pair were used in all PCRs shown. (D) PCR products from WT and coHpo -/- cells using primers shown in (C). The coWts -/- cell line shows the expected products for a homozygous knockout. Sequencing of PCR products confirmed the identity of the WT, ýcoWts::GenR, and ýcoWts::NatR alleles.