(A) The relationship between parameters of the cooperative state. plotted vs β for λ = 2, δ = 1 and increasing values of β0: 0.015 (green), 0.03 (purple) and 0.045 (red). Lines are given by the parametric equation describing the state and derived in the SI Appendix (Eq. S14), while open circles are obtained by direct numerical solution of dynamical equations (7-11). Monotonically increasing branches (solid lines) correspond to the stable cooperative fixed point, while the decreasing branches (dashed lines) - to the dynamically unstable saddle points separating different steady state solutions in Fig. 2B. (B) Phase diagram of the cooperative state. The shaded region marks the values of β/δ and β0/δ for which the cooperative solution exists. Green, purple and red lines show the ranges of β for which the cooperative solution exists for the corresponding value of β0 shown in Panel A. Increasing the parameter β0 makes the range of β for which the cooperative solution exists progressively smaller until it altogether disappears above β0/δ ≈ 0.057.