Neural network emulation of the human ventricular cardiomyocyte action potential: a tool for more efficient computation in pharmacological studies

  1. Department of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz
  2. NAWI Graz, University of Graz
  3. Gottfried Schatz Research Center for Cell Signaling, Metabolism and Aging - Division of Medical Physics and Biophysics, Medical University of Graz
  4. BioTechMed-Graz
  5. Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, University of Szeged
  6. ELKH-TKI, Research Group of Phamacology
  7. Centre for Mathematical Medicine & Biology, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
  8. Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical Engineering, King’s College London

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Yongliang Yang
    Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
  • Senior Editor
    Aleksandra Walczak
    École Normale Supérieure - PSL, Paris, France

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

The authors present a neural network (NN)-based approach to computationally cheaper emulation of simulations of biophysically relatively detailed cardiac cell models based on systems of ordinary differential equations. Relevant case studies are used to demonstrate the performance in the prediction of standard action potentials, as well as action potentials manifesting early depolarizations. Application to the "reverse problem" (inferring the effect of pharmacological compounds on ion channels based on action potential data before and after drug treatment) is also explored, which is a task of generally high interest.

This is a well-designed study, which explores an area that many in the cardiac simulation community will be interested in. The article is well written and I particularly commend the authors on transparency of methods description, code sharing, etc. - it feels rather exemplary in this regard and I only wish more authors of cardiac simulation studies took such an approach. The training speed of the network is encouraging and the technique is accessible to anyone with a reasonably strong GPU, not needing specialized equipment.

Below are several points that I consider to be weaknesses and/or uncertainties of the work:

1. I am not convinced by the authors' premise that there is a great need for further acceleration of cellular cardiac simulations - it is easy to simulate tens of thousands of cells per day on a workstation computer, using simulation conditions similar to those of the authors. I do not really see an unsolved task in the field that would require further speedup of single-cell simulations.

At the same time, simulations offer multiple advantages, such as the possibility to dissect mechanisms of the model behaviour, and the capability to test its behaviour in a wide array of protocols - whereas a NN is trained for a single purpose/protocol, and does not enable a deep investigation of mechanisms. Therefore, I am not sure the cost/benefit ratio is that strong for single-cell emulation currently.

An area that is definitely in need of acceleration is simulations of whole ventricles or hearts, but it is not clear how much potential for speedup the presented technology would bring there. I can imagine interesting applications of rapid emulation in such a setting, some of which could be hybrid in nature (e.g. using simulation for the region around the wavefront of propagating electrical waves, while emulating the rest of the tissue, which is behaving more regularly/predictable, and is likely to be emulated well), but this is definitely beyond of the scope of this article.

2. The authors run a cell simulation for 1000 beats, training the NN emulator to mimic the last beat. It is reported that the simulation of a single cell takes 293 seconds, while emulation takes only milliseconds, implying a massive speedup. However, I consider the claimed speedup achieved by emulation to be highly context-dependent, and somewhat too flattering to the presented method of emulation. Two specific points below:

First, it appears that a not overly efficient (fixed-step) numerical solver scheme is used for the simulation. On my (comparable, also a Threadripper) CPU, using the same model ("ToR-ORd-dyncl"), but a variable step solver ode15s in Matlab, a simulation of a cell for 1000 beats takes ca. 50 seconds, rather than 293 of the authors. This can be further sped up by parallelization when more cells than available cores are simulated: on 32 cores, this translates into ca. 2 seconds amortized time per cell simulation (I suspect that the NN-based approach cannot be parallelized in a similar way?). By amortization, I mean that if 32 models can be simulated at once, a simulation of X cells will not take X*50 seconds, but (X/32)*50. (with only minor overhead, as this task scales well across cores).

Second, and this is perhaps more important - the reported speed-up critically depends on the number of beats in the simulation - if I am reading the article correctly, the runtime compares a simulation of 1000 beats versus the emulation of a single beat. If I run a simulation of a single beat across multiple simulated cells (on a 32-core machine), the amortized runtime is around 20 ms per cell, which is only marginally slower than the NN emulation. On the other hand, if the model was simulated for aeons, comparing this to a fixed runtime of the NN, one can get an arbitrarily high speedup.

Therefore, I'd probably emphasize the concrete speedup less in an abstract and I'd provide some background on the speedup calculation such as above, so that the readers understand the context-dependence. That said, I do think that a simulation for anywhere between 250 and 1000 beats is among the most reasonable points of comparison (long enough for reasonable stability, but not too long to beat an already stable horse; pun with stables was actually completely unintended, but here it is...). I.e., the speedup observed is still valuable and valid, albeit in (I believe) a somewhat limited sense.

3. It appears that the accuracy of emulation drops off relatively sharply with increasing real-world applicability/relevance of the tasks it is applied to. That said, the authors are to be commended on declaring this transparently, rather than withholding such analyses. I particularly enjoyed the discussion of the not-always-amazing results of the inverse problem on the experimental data. The point on low parameter identifiability is an important one and serves as a warning against overconfidence in our ability to infer cellular parameters from action potentials alone. On the other hand, I'm not that sure the difference between small tissue preps and single cells which authors propose as another source of the discrepancy will be that vast beyond the AP peak potential (probably much of the tissue prep is affected by the pacing electrode?), but that is a subjective view only. The influence of coupling could be checked if the simulated data were generated from 2D tissue samples/fibres, e.g. using the Myokit software.

Given the points above (particularly the uncertain need for further speedup compared to running single-cell simulations), I am not sure that the technology generated will be that broadly adopted in the near future. However, this does not make the study uninteresting in the slightest - on the contrary, it explores something that many of us are thinking about, and it is likely to stimulate further development in the direction of computationally efficient emulation of relatively complex simulations.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

This study provided a neural network emulator of the human ventricular cardiomyocyte action potential. The inputs are the corresponding maximum conductances and the output is the action potential (AP). It used the forward and inverse problems to evaluate the model. The forward problem was solved for synthetic data, while the inverse problem was solved for both synthetic and experimental data. The NN emulator tool enables the acceleration of simulations, maintains high accuracy in modeling APs, effectively handles experimental data, and enhances the overall efficiency of pharmacological studies. This, in turn, has the potential to advance drug development and safety assessment in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.

(1) Low computational cost: The NN emulator demonstrated a massive speed-up of more than 10,000 times compared to the simulator. This substantial increase in computational speed has the potential to expedite research and drug development processes

(2) High accuracy in the forward problem: The NN emulator exhibited high accuracy in solving the forward problem when tested with synthetic data. It accurately predicted normal APs and, to a large extent, abnormal APs with early afterdepolarizations (EADs). High accuracy is a notable advantage over existing emulation methods, as it ensures reliable modeling and prediction of AP behavior

(1) Input space constraints: The emulator relies on maximum conductances as inputs, which explain a significant portion of the AP variability between cardiomyocytes. Expanding the input space to include channel kinetics parameters might be challenging when solving the inverse problem with only AP data available.

(2) Simplified drug-target interaction: In reality, drug interactions can be time-, voltage-, and channel state-dependent, requiring more complex models with multiple parameters compared to the oversimplified model that represents the drug-target interactions by scaling the maximum conductance at control. The complex model could also pose challenges when solving the inverse problem using only AP data.

(3) Limited data variety: The inverse problem was solved using AP data obtained from a single stimulation protocol, potentially limiting the accuracy of parameter estimates. Including AP data from various stimulation protocols and incorporating pacing cycle length as an additional input could improve parameter identifiability and the accuracy of predictions.

(4) Larger inaccuracies in the inverse problem using experimental data: The reasons for this result are not quite clear. Hypotheses suggest that it may be attributed to the low parameter identifiability or the training data set were collected in small tissue preparation.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

Grandits and colleagues were trying to develop a new tool to accelerate pharmacological studies by using neural networks to emulate the human ventricular cardiomyocyte action potential (AP). The AP is a complex electrical signal that governs the heartbeat, and it is important to accurately model the effects of drugs on the AP to assess their safety and efficacy. Traditional biophysical simulations of the AP are computationally expensive and time-consuming. The authors hypothesized that neural network emulators could be trained to predict the AP with high accuracy and that these emulators could also be used to quickly and accurately predict the effects of drugs on the AP.

One of the study's major strengths is that the authors use a large and high-quality dataset to train their neural network emulator. The dataset includes a wide range of APs, including normal and abnormal APs exhibiting EADs. This ensures that the emulator is robust and can be used to predict the AP for a variety of different conditions.

Another major strength of the study is that the authors demonstrate that their neural network emulator can be used to accelerate pharmacological studies. For example, they use the emulator to predict the effects of a set of known arrhythmogenic drugs on the AP. The emulator is able to predict the effects of these drugs, even though it had not been trained on these drugs specifically.

One weakness of the study is that it is important to validate neural network emulators against experimental data to ensure that they are accurate and reliable. The authors do this to some extent, but further validation would be beneficial. In particular for the inverse problem, where the estimation of pharmacological parameters was very challenging and led to particularly large inaccuracies.

Additional context:
The work by Grandits et al. has the potential to revolutionize the way that pharmacological studies are conducted. Neural network emulation has the promise to reduce the time and cost of drug development and to improve the safety and efficacy of new drugs. The methods and data presented in the paper are useful to the community because they provide a starting point for other researchers to develop and improve neural network emulators for the human ventricular cardiomyocyte AP. The authors have made their code and data publicly available, which will facilitate further research in this area.

It is important to note that neural network emulation is still a relatively new approach, and there are some challenges that need to be addressed before it can be widely adopted in the pharmaceutical industry. For example, neural network emulators need to be trained on large and high-quality datasets. Additionally, it is important to validate neural network emulators against experimental data to ensure that they are accurate and reliable. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of neural network emulation for pharmacological studies are significant. As neural network emulation technology continues to develop, it is likely to become a valuable tool for drug discovery and development.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation