Assessment of surface marker combinations to capture molecularly defined BCR::ABL1+ and BCR::ABL1- primitive cells
(A) Heatmap comparing ADT expression between BCR::ABL1+ and BCR::ABL1+ cells within the Lin-CD34+CD38-/low primitive cluster across CML patients (black = surface markers significantly up-regulated in BCR::ABL1- cells (log2 fold change < - 1, p-value < .05); red = surface markers significantly up-regulated in BCR::ABL1+ cells (log2 fold change > 1, p-value < .05); grey = non-significant change in ADT expression; white = surface marker was not present in the ADT panel used for the specific patient).
(B) Visualization of the relative ADT expression of CD25, CD26, CD93, CD117 and CD35 in the UMAPs of Lin-CD34+ cells from CML patient 5 and 9 (red = high expression, blue = low expression).
(C) Assessment of a selection of ADTs; CD25, CD26, CD93, CD117 and CD35 capacity to capture BCR::ABL1+ primitive, BCR::ABL1- primitive, all primitive cells, and specific progenitors across patients by gating on their expression within the Lin- CD34+ compartment (x-axis shows specific clusters, y-axis: percentage of specific cluster captured; each white circle represents a patient sample).
(D) Assessment of specific ADTs: CD26, CD25 and CD35 capacity to capture BCR::ABL1+ primitive versus BCR::ABL1- primitive cluster within the Lin- CD34+CD38-/low compartment across patients; x-axis shows specific clusters, y-axis: percentage of specific cluster captured; each white circle represents a patient sample.
(E) Assessment of specific combinations of ADTs: CD26+CD35-, CD26-CD35+, CD26- CD35-, and CD26+CD35+ capacity to capture BCR::ABL1+ primitive versus BCR::ABL1- primitive cluster within the Lin-CD34+CD38-/low compartment across patients; x-axis shows specific clusters, y-axis: percentage of specific cluster captured; each white circle represents a patient sample.