Haplotype Function Score improves biological interpretation and cross-ancestry polygenic prediction of human complex traits

  1. Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, School of Bioengineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China
  2. Bio-X Institutes, Key Laboratory for the Genetics of Developmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders (Ministry of Education), Collaborative Innovation Center for Brain Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
  3. Biomedical Sciences Institute of Qingdao University (Qingdao Branch of SJTU Bio-X Institutes), Qingdao University, Qingdao, China

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Detlef Weigel
    Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
  • Senior Editor
    Detlef Weigel
    Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

In this paper, Song, Shi, and Lin use an existing deep learning-based sequence model to derive a score for each haplotype within a genomic region, and then perform association tests between these scores and phenotypes of interest. The authors then perform some downstream analyses (fine-mapping, various enrichment analyses, and building polygenic scores) to ensure that these associations are meaningful. The authors find that their approach allows them to find additional associations, the associations have biologically interpretable enrichments in terms of tissues and pathways, and can slightly improve polygenic scores when combined with standard SNP-based PRS.

- I found the central idea of the paper to be conceptually straightforward and an appealing way to use the power of sequence models in an association testing framework.
- The findings are largely biologically interpretable, and it seems like this could be a promising approach to boost power for some downstream applications.

- The methods used to generate polygenic scores were difficult to follow. In particular, a fully connected neural network with linear activations predicting a single output should be equivalent to linear regression (all intermediate layers of the network can be collapsed using matrix-multiplication, so the output is just the inner product of the input with some vector). Using the last hidden layer of such a network for downstream tasks should also be equivalent to projecting the input down to a lower dimensional space with some essentially randomly chosen projection. As such, I am surprised that the neural network approach performs so well, and it would be nice if the authors could compare it to other linear approaches (e.g., LASSO or ridge regression for prediction; PCA or an auto-encoder for converting the input to a lower dimensional representation).

- A very interesting point of the paper was the low R^2 between the HFS scores in adjacent windows, but the explanation of this was unclear to me. Since the HFS scores are just deterministic functions of the SNPs, it feels like if the SNPs are in LD then the HFS scores should be and vice versa. It would be nice to compare the LD between adjacent windows to the average LD of pairs of SNPs from the two windows to see if this is driven by the fact that SNPs are being separated into windows, or if sei is somehow upweighting the importance of SNPs that are less linked to other SNPs (e.g., rare variants).

- There were also a number of robustness checks that would have been good to include in the paper. For instance, do the findings change if the windows are shifted? Do the findings change if the sequence is reverse-complemented?

- It was also difficult to contextualize the present work in terms of recent results showing that sequence models tend to not do very well at predicting cross-individual expression changes (and such results presumably hold for predicting cross-individual chromatin changes). In particular, it would be good for the authors to contrast their findings with the work of Alex Sasse and colleagues (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.16.532969.abstract) and Connie Huang and colleagues (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.30.547100.abstract).

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

In this work, Song et al. propose a locus-based framework for performing GWAS and related downstream analyses including finemapping and polygenic risk score (PRS) estimation. GWAS are not sufficiently powered to detect phenotype associations with low-frequency variants. To overcome this limitation, the manuscript proposes a method to aggregate variant impacts on chromatin and transcription across a 4096 base pair (bp) loci in the form of a haplotype function score (HFS). At each locus, an association is computed between the HFS and trait. Computing associations at the level of imputed functional genomic scores should enable the integration of information across variants spanning the allele frequency spectrum and bolster the power of GWAS.

The HFS for each locus is derived from a sequence-based predictive model. Sei. Sei predicts 21,907 chromatin and TF binding tracks, which can be projected onto 40 pre-defined sequence classes ( representing promoters, enhancers, etc.). For each 4096 bp haplotype in their UKB cohort, the proposed method uses the Sei sequence class scores to derive the haplotype function score (HFS). The authors apply their method to 14 polygenic traits, identifying ~16,500 HFS-trait associations. They finemap these trait-associated loci with SuSie, as well as perform target gene/pathway discovery and PRS estimation.

Sequence-based deep learning predictors of chromatin status and TF binding have become increasingly accurate over the past few years. Imputing aggregated variant impact using Sei, and then performing an HFS-trait association is, therefore, an interesting approach to bolster power in GWAS discovery. The manuscript demonstrates that associations can be identified at the level of an aggregated functional score. The finemapping and pathway identification analyses suggest that HFS-based associations identify relevant causal pathways and genes from an association study. Identifying associations at the level of functional genomics increases the portability of PRSs across populations. Imputing functional genomic predictions using a sequence-based deep learning model does not suffer from the limitation of TWAS where gene expression is imputed from a limited-size reference panel such as GTEx.

However, there are several major limitations that need to be addressed.

Major concerns/weaknesses:
1. There is limited characterization of the locus-level associations to SNP-level associations. How does the set of HFS-based associations differ from SNP-level associations?

2. A clear advantage of performing HFS-trait associations is that the HFS score is imputed by considering variants across the allele frequency spectrum. However, no evidence is provided demonstrating that rare variants contribute to associations derived by the model. Similarly, do the authors find evidence that allelic heterogeneity is leveraged by the HFS-based association model? It would be useful to do simulations here to characterize the model behavior in the presence of trait-associated rare variants.

3. Sei predicts chromatin status / ChIP-seq peaks in the center of a 4kb region. It would therefore be more relevant to predict HFS using overlapping sequence windows that tile the genome as opposed to using non-overlapping windows for computing HFS scores. Specifically, in line 482, the authors state that "the HFS score represents overall activity of the entire sequence, not only the few bp at the center", but this would not hold given that Sei is predicting activity at the center for any sequence.

4. Is the HFS-based association going to miss coding variation and several regulatory variants such as splicing variants? There are also going to be cases where there's an association driven by a variant that is correlated with a Sei prediction in a neighboring window. These would represent false positives for the method, it would be useful to identify or characterize these cases.

Additional minor concerns:
1. It's not clear whether SuSie-based finemapping is appropriate at the locus level, when there is limited LD between neighboring HFS bins. How does the choice of the number of causal loci and the size of the segment being finemapped affect the results and is SuSie a good fit in this scenario?

2. It is not clear how a single score is chosen from the 117 values predicted by Sei for each locus. SuSie is run assuming a single causal signal per locus, an assumption which may not hold at ~4kb resolution (several classes could be associated with the trait of interest). It's not clear whether SuSie, run in this parameter setting, is a good choice for variable selection here.

3.. A single HFS score is being chosen from amongst multiple tracks at each locus independently. Does this require additional multiple-hypothesis correction?

4. The results show that a larger number of loci are identified with HFS-based finemapping & that causal loci are enriched for causal SNPs. However, it is not clear how the number of causal loci should relate to the number of SNPs. It would be really nice to see examples of cases where a previously unresolved association is resolved when using HFS-based GWAS + finemapping.

5. Sequence-based deep learning model predictions can be miscalibrated for insertions and deletions (INDELs) as compared to SNPs. Scaling INDEL predictions would likely improve the downstream modeling.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation