Reduced presynaptic neurotransmission ability in the NMJs of SMN2 1-copy SmnΔMPC mice.
(A) Representative traces of mEPP from SMN2 1-copy SmnΔWT (top) and SMN2 1-copy SmnΔMPC (bottom) mice. (B-C) SMN2 1-copy mutant’s NMJs showed an increase in mEPP amplitude and no differences in mEPP frequency (1-copy control, n = 25, 9 mice; 1-copy mutant, n = 21, 8 mice; Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction). (D) Representative traces of eEPP from SMN2 1-copy SmnΔWT (top) and SMN2 1-copy SmnΔMPC (bottom) mice. (E) The mutant’s NMJs showed a stronger amplitude of eEPPs (1-copy control, n = 12, 4 mice; 1-copy mutant, n = 12, 3 mice; Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction). (F) Representative traces of paired-pulse response from SMN2 1-copy SmnΔWT (top) and SMN2 1-copy SmnΔMPC (bottom) mice. (G) Paired-pulse response was not different between SMN2 1-copy control and mutant NMJs, indicating a comparable neurotransmitter release probability (1-copy control, n = 8, 3 mice; 1-copy mutant, n = 6, 3 mice; Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction). The electrophysiological recording was performed in the EDL muscle at P56. ns; not significantly different. *p < 0.05. All box-and-whisker plots show the median, interquartile range, minimum, and maximum. For the box-and-whisker plots, range bars show minimum and maximum (B, C, E, G).