Figures and data
Embryology and development of S. benedicti (A) Timeline of early development of the two morphs. The ‘swimming’ stage is the onset of swimming ability in both morphs. The ‘1-week’ old stage (7 days post fertilization) occurs approximately 1-4 days following larval release from maternal brood pouches under natural conditions. PP larvae at this stage were not fed. Stages used in this study are marked with a red dot. (B) Adult male. The adults of both morphs are indistinguishable outside of reproductive traits. (C) Table of larval traits. LL offspring are facultatively feeding, meaning that feeding is not obligatory, but they are capable of feeding (Pernet and McArthur 2006). Gut formation from (Pernet and McHugh 2010) where the 3-band stage is our swimming stage and the 5-band stage is shortly before our 1-week stage.
DE genes across six developmental stages in the two developmental morphs. (A) Sequenced libraries. Colors indicate morphs: Green = PP, Orange = LL, Purple = (F1) PL, Pink = (F1) LP. Numbers in boxes are the sample’s sequencing depth in million reads. Total number of replicates for each timepoint are in bold. Samples for which all six stages were collected from the same cross are indicated as ‘complete” with a check mark. (B) Principal component analysis of PP and LL samples. PC1 represents developmental time, whereas PC2 separates pre-gastrulation from post-gastrulation (C) DE between morphs over development. Black line is the percentage of total expressed genes that are DE at each stage, ribbon displays the relative mean and median log2 fold-change between morphs for those genes that are DE.
Classifications with examples of gene expression categories. Functional heterochrony is a change in the developmental stage at which a particular pattern of gene expression appears instead of a difference in absolute time.
Six gene expression profiles representing the patterns of expression. The number of conserved genes and heteromorphic genes that match each cluster is listed to summarize overall trends in expression patterns that appear mostly similar in both morphs. Clusters 2 (early expression) and 5 (late expression) represent the most genes.
Magnitude of expression profile changes. (A) Number of switches between each cluster. Clusters are arranged on the axes in order from high early developmental expression (left/bottom) to high late developmental gene expression (right/top). The diagonal represents genes which are assigned to the same cluster in both PP and LL samples, boxes near the diagonal are switches between similar cluster profiles, and boxes furthest from the diagonal are extreme cluster switches. Genes expressed earlier in PP are above diagonal and earlier in LL are below. (B) Density plot of genes correlations between PP and LL. Heterochronic genes are yellow and heteromorphic genes in blue. Most heterochronies are minor changes in gene expression timing but the left-tailed distribution shows that few genes have large differences in timing.
Morph-specific gene expression by stage. These genes are never expressed in the opposite morph, but may be expressed at 1-6 stages within a morph.
Distribution of the 772 genes with differentiated expression between morphs. Heteromorphy makes up nearly half of all differentiated genes, while heterochrony and morph-specific genes split the remainder nearly equally.
A) Principal component analysis (PCA) of the top 500 most variable genes, including F1 (PL or LP) offspring. F1s have more misexpression in early stages but converge after the swimming stage and become intermediate to PP and LL samples. B) Plot relating F1 expression back to parental types. Dots indicate the number of DEGs between PP and LL samples at each stage. Purple bars represent the number of those DEGs for which the F1 gene expression is more like its maternal parent, and gray bars represent the number of those DEGs for which the F1 gene expression is more similar to its paternal parent.
Distribution of regulatory mode over time. The majority of regulatory changes act in trans, and compensatory changes emerge after gastrulation.
Genes with parental effects. Early developmental stages have significantly more genes, likely due to maternal transcript differences. Maternal transcripts are likely degraded around the gastrula stage and any remaining parental effects observed are likely due to other mechanisms.