Testing the functional activity of MSL1 mutants.
(A) Schematic presentation of the MSL1 deletion proteins expressed in flies. Alignment of the N-terminal domain (1-85 aa) of MSL1 among Drosophilidae. (B) Immunoblot analysis of protein extracts prepared from adult males y1w1118 (control) and msl-1−; Ubi:msl-1WT/ Ubi:msl-1WT(M1[WT]), and from adult females y1w1118 (control), − msl-1− (msl-1L60/ msl-1γ269), M1[WT] (msl-1−; Ubi:msl-1WT/Ubi:msl-1WT) and M1[WT]+MSL2 (msl-1−; Ubi:msl-2WT-FLAG / Ubi:msl-1WT). Immunoblot analysis was performed using anti- MSL1, anti-MSL2 and anti-lamin Dm0 (internal control) antibodies. (С) Immunoblot analysis of protein extracts prepared from adult females expressing different MSL1 protein variants (MSL1WT, MSL1Δ1-85 MSL1Δ1-15, MSL1Δ8-20 MSL1Δ24-39, MSL1Δ41-85, MSL1Δ41-65, MSL1Δ66-85) and y1w1118 females (control). Immunoblot analysis was performed using anti-MSL1, and anti- lamin Dm0 (internal control) antibodies. (D) Viability of males expressing MSL1 variants in the msl-1-null background (marked as M1[*]). Viability (as a relative percentage) of msl-1−(msl-1L60/ msl-1γ269); Ubi:msl-1*/ Ubi:msl-1* males to msl-1−; Ubi:msl-1*/Ubi:msl-1* females obtained in the progeny of crosses between females and males with the msl-1−/ CyO, GFP; Ubi:msl-1*/Ubi:msl- 1* genotype. Ubi:msl-1* is any transgene expressing one of the tested MSL1 variants. The results are expressed as the mean of three independent crosses, with error bars showing standard deviations. (E) Immunoblot analysis of protein extracts prepared from adult female flies expressing MSL2-FLAG in combination with different MSL1 protein variants (MSL1WT, MSL1Δ1-85 MSL1Δ1-15, MSL1Δ8-20 MSL1Δ24-39, MSL1Δ41-85, MSL1Δ41-65, MSL1Δ66-85) and y1w1118 females (control). Immunoblot analysis was performed using anti-MSL1, anti-MSL2, and anti- lamin Dm0 (internal control) antibodies.