SWEETS induce degradation of ASGR1 in HuH-7 cells.
(A) Dose-dependent ASGR1 degradation promoted by different concentrations of 4F3-, 8M24-, and 8G8-RSPO2RA SWEETS. (B) Time course of ASGR1 degradation treated with 10nM of 4F3-, 8M24-, and 8G8-RSPO2RA for 24h. (C) Western blot analysis demonstrating the efficacy of ASGR1 degradation in cells treated with 4F3-, 8M24-, and 8G8-RSPO2RA SWEETS compared to ASGR1 antibodies lacking the RSPO2RA domain. (D) Western blot data showing total protein levels of ASGR1, Ubiquitin, and LC3B in HuH-7 cells pre-treated with DMSO, lysosomal pathway inhibitor bafilomycin A1 (Baf.A1), proteasome inhibitor MG132, and E1 ubiquitin ligase inhibitor TAK-243 to test which degradation pathways govern ASGR1 degradation by SWEETS. Data in (A-C) are representatives of three independent experiments, while data in (D) are representatives of two independent experiments. For (A-B), total ASGR1 levels were normalized to generate graphs representing the mean of those three experiments. In (C), data are represented as mean ± s.e.m. of normalized total ASGR1 levels and one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test was used for statistical analysis. *p<0.05, **p<0.01.