Figures and data

Regional (a) mortality rates and (b) prevalence rates for Stroke, its subtypes and comorbid factors.
The figure shows the age-standardized mortality and prevalence rates per 100,000 people for Stroke, its subtypes and its comorbid factors in 2009, 2014 and 2019 in the geographical regions. The size of the points indicates the rate and position indicates rank.

EAPC from 2009 to 2019 of age-standardized mortality rates of Stroke and its comorbid conditions.
ASMR per 100,000 for Stroke and its comorbid conditions for 2009 and 2019, as well as EAPC from 2009 to 2019 is show. 95% uncertainty interval is shown in paranthesis, statistically significant intervals are highlighted in bold.

EAPC from 2009 to 2019 of age-standardized prevalence rates of Stroke and its comorbid conditions.
ASPR per 100,000 for Stroke and its comorbid conditions for 2009 and 2019, as well as EAPC from 2009 to 2019 is show. 95% uncertainty interval is shown in paranthesis, statistically significant intervals are highlighted in bold.

Proportional (a) mortality rates and (b) prevalence rates for Strokes, High SBP and Metabolic disorders.
The figure shows the proportional mortality and prevalence for all strokes in yellow (ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage and ischemic heart disease), high systolic blood pressure in red, and metabolic disorders in green (high BMI, high LDL, diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, chronic kidney disorder). CSA – Central and South Asia, AFR – Africa, EAS – East Asia, EUR – Europe, MDE – Middle East, OCE – Oceania, AMR – America.

Correlation of mortality versus prevalence rates of Stroke, its subtypes and comorbid factors.
The figure shows the Pearson correlation coefficients of age-standardized mortality rates versus prevalence rates across different continents for 2014. CSA – Central and South Asia, AFR – Africa, EAS – East Asia, EUR – Europe, MDE – Middle East, OCE – Oceania, AMR – America.

Population structure of risk variants for Stroke and its comorbid factors using a model-based clustering.
The proportion of ancestral populations was estimated from the genotype of risk variants of each disease in unrelated individuals from the 1000 Genomes project using a model-based clustering approach. The individuals were represented by their super-population in 1000 Genomes (African, East Asian, South Asian, European and American). The estimated ancestral populations clustered into either 5 clusters or 3 clusters (in case of BMI) represented by the different colors.

Clustering of risk variants for Stroke and its comorbid factors using a PCA.
The eigenvectors were estimated from the genotype of risk variants of each disease in unrelated individuals from the 1000 Genomes project using PCA clustering. The individuals were represented by their super-population in 1000 Genomes (African, East Asian, South Asian, European and American) shown in five different colors.

Distribution of unique and shared risk variants in stroke and its comorbid conditions.
The barplot shows the number of GWAS risk variants unique for stroke and its comorbidities, as well as number of GWAS risk variants shared among the different diseases. The intersection of diseases is indicated below. Intersections containing stroke are highlighted in red. The total number of GWAS risk variants considered are stroke (366), IHD (1137), High SBP (419), T2D (2227), T1D (269), CKD (125), High BMI (27) and High LDL (1734).

Risk variants of Stroke shared among super-populations.
The GWAS risk variants for stroke (total 291) shared among the five super-populations in 1000 Genomes (African, East Asian, South Asian, European and American). A risk variant was considered to be present in a population if the alternate allele frequency in 1000 Genomes was greater than or equal to 0.05.

Linkage disequilibrium of low frequency variants proxy to risk variants of stroke unique in South Asian population.
Proxy variants with frequency less than 0.1 in 1MB region flanking the stroke risk variants unique in South Asia (a) rs528002287 and (b) rs148010464. The risk variants are marked in blue box. LD plots of variants in different 1000 Genome super-populations (AFR-Africa, EAS-East Asia, SAS – South Asia, AMR – America, EUR – Europe) are shown.