SCC3 is required for sister chromatid cohesion during mitosis
(A) Morphology of seedlings and root tips in wild type and scc3.
(B) Morphology of plants in wild type and scc3.
(C) Morphology of panicles in wild type and scc3.
(D) Pollen grains stained in 1% I2-KI solution in wild type and scc3. Bars, 50 μm.
(E) The chromosome behaviors of root tip cells in wild type and scc3, stained with DAPI. Individual chromosomes are marked by red boxes. The distance between the sister chromatids increased significantly at prometaphase, and the sister chromatids separated in advance at metaphase in scc3. Bars, 5 μm.
(F) FISH analysis of mitotic cells with centromere-specific probes in the wild type and scc3. The distance between centromeres increased significantly in scc3. CentO (red) signals indicate centromeres. Chromosomes were stained with DAPI (blue). Bars, 5μm.
(G) The distance between sister chromatids in different mitotic chromosomes. In normal condition, two sister chromatids form tight stick. In scc3, the distance between chromosome arms and telomeres were increased significantly. Curve diagrams show the distance between the arms and the telomeres, respectively, as measured by IMAGEJ. Bars, 1 μm.
(H) Graphical representation of the frequency of each type of chromosome morphology. The classification was assigned when >50% chromosomes in a spread showing the indicated morphology.