Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorMelissa BatesUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, United States of America
- Senior EditorLaura ColginUniversity of Texas at Austin, Austin, United States of America
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The main focus of the current study is to identify the anatomical core of an expiratory oscillator in the medulla using pharmacological disinhibition. Although expiration is passive in normal eupneic conditions, activation of the parafacial (pFL) region is believed to evoke active expiration in conditions of elevated ventilatory demands. The authors and others in the field have previously attempted to map this region using pharmacological, optogenetic, and chemogenetic approaches, which present their own challenges.
In the present study, the authors take a systematic approach to determine the precise anatomical location within the ventral medulla's rostrocaudal axis where the expiratory oscillator is located. The authors used a bicuculline (a GABA-A receptor antagonist) and fluorobeads solution at 5 distinct anatomical locations to study the effects on neuronal excitability and functional circuitry in the pFL. The effects of bicuculline on different phases of the respiratory cycle were characterized using a multidimensional cycle-by-cycle analysis. This analysis involved measuring the differences in airflow, diaphragm electromyography (EMG), and abdominal EMG signals, as well as using a phase-plane analysis to analyze the combined differences of these respiratory signals. Anatomical immunostaining techniques were also used to complement the functional mapping of the pFL.
Major strengths of this work include a robust study design, complementary neurophysiological and immunohistochemical methods, and the use of a novel phase-plane analysis. The authors construct a comprehensive functional map revealing functional nuances in respiratory responses to bicuculline along the rostrocaudal axis of the parafacial region. They convincingly show that although bicuculline injections at all coordinates of the pFL generated an expiratory response, the most rostral locations in the lateral parafacial region play the strongest role in generating active expiration. These were characterized by a strong impact on the duration and strength of ABD activation and a robust change in tidal volume and minute ventilation. The authors also confirmed histologically that none of the injection sites overlapped grossly with PHOX2B+ neurons, thus confirming the specificity of the injections in the pFL and not the neighboring RTN.
Collectively, these findings advance our understanding of the presumed expiratory oscillator, the pFL, and highlight the functional heterogeneity in the functional response of this anatomical structure.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Pisanski and colleagues map regions of the brainstem that produce the rhythm for active expiratory breathing movements and influence their motor patterns. While the neural origins of inspiration are very well understood, the neural bases for expiration lag considerably. The problem is important and new knowledge pertaining to the neural origins of expiration is welcome.
The authors perturb the parafacial lateral (pFL) respiratory group of the brainstem with microinjection of bicuculline, to elucidate how disinhibition in specific locations of the pFL influences active expiration (and breathing in general) in anesthetized rats. They provide valuable, if not definitive, evidence that the borders of the pFL appear to extend more rostrally than previously appreciated. Prior research suggests that the expiratory pFL exists at the caudal pole of the facial cranial nucleus (VIIc). Here, the authors show that its borders probably extend as much as 1 mm rostral to VIIc. The evidence is convincing albeit with caveats.
The authors achieve their aim in terms of showing that the borders of the expiratory pFL are not well understood at present and that it (the pFL) extends more rostrally. The results support that point. The data are strong enough to cause many respiratory neurobiologists to look at the sites rostral to the VIIc for expiratory rhythmogenic neurons and characterize their properties and mechanisms. At present my view is that most respiratory neurobiologists overlook the regions rostral to VIIc in their studies of expiratory rhythm and pattern.
The injection of bicuculline has indiscriminate effects on excitatory and inhibitory neurons, and the parafacial region is populated by excitatory neurons that are expiratory rhythmogenic and GABA and glycinergic neurons whose roles in producing active expiration are contradictory (Flor et al. J Physiol, 2020, DOI: 10.1113/JP280243). It remains unclear how the microinjections of bicuculline differentially affect all three populations. A more selective approach would be able to disinhibit the populations separately. Nevertheless, for the main point at hand, the data do suggest that we should reconsider the borders of the expiratory pFL nucleus and begin to examine its physiology up to 1 mm rostral to VIIc.
The control experiment showed that bicuculline microinjections induced cFos expression in the pFL, which is good, but again we don't know which neurons were disinhibited: glutamatergic, GABAergic, or glycinergic.
The manuscript characterizes how bicuculline microinjections affect breathing parameters such as tidal volume, frequency, ventilation, inspiratory and expiratory time, as well as oxygen consumption. Those aspects of the manuscript are a bit tedious and sometimes overanalyzed. Plus, there was no predictive framework established at the outset for how one should expect disinhibition to affect breathing parameters. In other words, if the authors are seeking to map the pFL borders, then why analyze the breathing patterns so much? Does doing so provide more insight into the borders of pFL? I did not think it was compellingly argued.
Further, lines 382-386 make a point about decreasing inspiratory time even though the data do not meet the statistical threshold.
In lines 386-395, the reporting appears to reach significance (line 388) but not reach significance (line 389). I had trouble making sense of that disparity.
The other statistical hiccups include "tended towards significance" (line 454), "were found to only reach significance for a short portion of the response" (line 486-7), "did not reach the level of significance" (line 506), which gives one the sense of cherry picking or over-analysis. Frankly, this reviewer finds the paper much more compelling when just asking whether the microinjections evoke active expiration. If yes, then the site is probably part of the pFL.
I encourage the authors to consider the fickleness of p-values in general and urge them to consider not just p but also effect size.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
The study conducted by Pisanski et al investigates the role of the lateral parafacial area (pFL) in controlling active expiration. Stereotactic injections of bicuculline were utilized to map various pFL sites and their impact on respiration. The results indicate that injections at more rostral pFL locations induce the most robust changes in tidal volume, minute ventilation, and combined respiratory responses. The study indicates that the rostrocaudal organization of the pFL and its influence on breathing is not simple and uniform.
The data provide novel insights into the importance of rostral locations in controlling active expiration. The authors use innovative analytic methods to characterize the respiratory effects of bicuculline injections into various areas of the pFL.
Bicuculline injections increase the excitability of neurons. Aside from blocking GABA receptors, bicuculline also inhibits calcium-activated potassium currents and potentiates NMDA current, thus insights into the role of GABAergic inhibition are limited.
Increasing the excitability of neurons provides little insights into the activity pattern and function of the activated neurons. Without recording from the activated neurons, it is impossible to know whether an effect on active expiration or any other respiratory phase is caused by bicuculline acting on rhythmogenic neurons or tonic neurons that modulate respiration. While this approach is inappropriate to study the functional extent of the conditional "oscillator" for active expiration, it provides valuable insights into this region's complex role in controlling breathing.