Author Response
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The manuscript needs proper editing and is not complete. Some wordings lack precision and make it difficult to follow (e.g. line 98 "we assembled a chromosome-scale genome of ..." should read instead "we assembled a chromsome-scla genome sequence of ...". Also, panel Figure 2E is missing.
We will make the suggested change of adding “sequence”. Concerning additional changes, we have carefully edited our manuscript and looked for any incomplete sections. Unfortunately, it is difficult to see what other issues are being raised here without any further information. And the example given is not helpful to ascertain what other changes may be necessary, since we cannot see any problem with the sentence “we assembled a chromosome-scale genome of” as this phrase is widely used in many similar publications.
As for panel E of figure 2, it is not missing. The panel located to the right, just below “Target Cells”.
The shortcomings of the manuscripts are not limited to the writing style, and important technical and technological information is missing or not clear enough, thereby preventing a proper evaluation of the resolution of the genomic resources provided:
- Several RNASeq libraries from different tissues have been built to help annotate the genome and identify transcribed regions. This is fine. But all along the manuscript, gene expression changes are summarized into a single panel where it is not clear at all which tissue this comes from (whole embryo or a specific tissue ?), or whether it is a cumulative expression level computed across several tissues (and how it was computed) etc. This is essential information needed for data interpretation.
No fertilised eggs or embryos have been sequenced, individual tissues derived from juvenile fish were used for the genome annotation and whole larval fish for the developmental analysis. We will specify in the figures and text that the results shown are from whole larvae, and add more detail to the material and methods section about which type of sample was analysed in which way.
- The bioinformatic processing, especially of the assemble and annotation, is very poorly described. This is also a sensitive topic, as illustrated by the numerous "assemblathon" and "annotathon" initiatives to evaluate tools and workflows. Importantly, providing configuration files and in-depth description of workflows and parameter settings is highly recommended. This can be made available through data store services and documents even benefit from DOIs. This provides others with more information to evaluate the resolution of this work. No doubt that it is well done,but especially in the field of genome assembly and annotation, high resolution is VERY cost and time-intensive. Not surprisingly, most projects are conditioned by trade-offs between cost, time, and labor. The authors should provide others with the information needed to evaluate this.
We will upload the code used to assemble and annotate this genome to a public repository or add it to the supplementary material.
The genome assembly did not use a specific workflow (e.g., nextflow), but was done with a simple command and standard parameters in IPA. Scaffolding was carried out by Phase Genomics using their standardised proprietary workflow, of which a detailed description provided by Phase Genomics can be found in the supplementary material. The annotation workflow has been described in a previous publication already, but an in-depth description can also be found in the Material and methods section, including parameters used for specific steps. The RNA-seq mapping and analysis part has also been described in the Material and Methods section, including parameters and models for DESEq2.
- Quantifications of T3 and T4 levels look fairly low and not so convincing. The work would clearly benefit from a discussion about why the signal is so low and what are the current technological limitations of these quantifications. This would really help (general) readers.
We will add a comment on this in the manuscript as suggested. Basically, the T3/T4 levels are consistent with other published work in fish. In the present manuscript for grouper we have a peak level of 1.2 ng/g (1,200 pg/g) of T4 and 0.06 ng/g (60 pg/g) of T3. This is a higher level of T4 and comparable level of T3 to what was found in convict tang (Holzer et al. 2017; Figure 2) with 30 pg/g of T4 and 100 pg/g of T3. Of course, there are also examples with higher levels, such as clownfish (Roux et al. 2023; Figure 1), with 10 ng/g (10,000 pg/g) of T4 and 2 ng/g (2,000 pg/g) of T3.
The differences could be due to different structure of fish tissues and therefore different hormone extraction efficiency, different hormone measurement protocols, different fish physiology, different fish size (e.g., the weighting of tiny grouper larvae is difficult and less precise than in convict tang). What is important is not the absolute level but the relative level, which shows the change within different larval stages of a species with identical extraction and measurement protocols. Which means our data is internally consistent and coherent with what the grouper literature says.
Holzer, Guillaume, et al. "Fish larval recruitment to reefs is a thyroid hormone-mediated metamorphosis sensitive to the pesticide chlorpyrifos." Elife 6 (2017): e27595.
Roux, Natacha, et al. "The multi-level regulation of clownfish metamorphosis by thyroid hormones." Cell Reports 42.7 (2023).
- Differential analysis highlights up to ~ 15,000 differentially expressed genes (DEG), out of a predicted 26k genes. This corresponds to more than half of all genes. ANOVA-based differential analysis relies on the simple fact that only a minority of genes are DEG. Having >50% DEG is well beyond the validity of the method. This should be addressed, or at least discussed.
As the reviewer notes, there are a large number of differentially expressed genes due to the fact that this is coming from a larval developmental transcriptome going from one day old larva to fully metamorphosed juveniles at around day 60.
While DESeq2 indeed works on an assumption that most genes are not differentially expressed, this affects normalization but not hypothesis testing (Wald-test, LRT tests or ANOVA). Normalisation in DESeq2 is fairly robust to this assumption. According to the author of DESeq2, Micheal Love, DESeq2 is using the median ratio for normalisation, and as long as the number of up and down regulated genes is relatively even, DESeq2 will be able to handle the data. As part of our general quality control for this project we consulted the MA plots, which do not show any overrepresented up or down expression patterns. Additionally see Michael Love comment on comparing different tissues, which is also applicable here when comparing vastly different larval stages ( “For experiments where all genes increase in expression across conditions, the median ratio method will not be able to capture this difference, but this is typically not the case for a tissue comparison, as there are many "housekeeping" genes with relatively similar expression pattern across tissues.”
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
However, the authors make substantial considerations that are not proven by experimental or functional data. In fact, this is a descriptive study that does not provide any functional evidence to support the claims made.
We agree with the reviewer that our paper lacks functional experiments but despite that, the transcriptomic data clearly show the activation of TH and corticoid pathways during two distinct periods; an early activation between D1 and D10, and a second one between D32 and juvenile stage. These data are interesting as they call for further examination of 1) the possible interaction of corticoids and TH during metamorphosis, a question that is certainly not settled yet in teleost fishes, and 2) the existence of an early larval developmental step also involving TH and corticosteroids.
Especially 2) is of interest and importance, since this early activation (unique to our knowledge in any teleost fish studied so far) raises a lot of new questions and once again will certainly be scrutinised by other groups in the years to come, therefore ensuring a good citation impact of our study. We hope that the reviewer, while disagreeing with some our statements, will recognize that our study will be stimulating at that level and that this is what scientific studies should do.
The consideration that cortisol is involved in metamorphosis in teleosts has never been shown, and the only example cited by the authors (REF 20) clearly states that cortisol alone does not induce flatfish metamorphosis. In that work, the authors clearly state that in vivo cortisol treatment had no synergistic effect with TH in inducing metamorphosis. Moreover, in Senegalensis, the sole pre-otic CRH neuron number decreases during metamorphosis, further arguing that, at least in flatfish, cortisol is not involved in flatfish metamorphosis (PMID: 25575457).
We will do our best to improve the clarity of the revised manuscript to avoid any misunderstanding about our claims. However, we would like to point out the semantic shift in the reviewer first sentence: Indeed “being involved” is not the same as “cortisol alone does not induce”. In ref 20 the authors explicitly wrote that “Cortisol further enhanced the effects of both T4 and T3, but was ineffective in the absence of thyroid hormones” and in our view this indeed corresponds to ”being involved in metamorphosis”.
We are not claiming that cortisol alone is involved in metamorphosis as the reviewer suggests, but simply that there is a possible involvement of cortisol together with TH in metamorphosis. We stand on this claim as we indeed observed an activation of corticoid pathway genes around D32, which is sufficient to say it is involved. We do agree that functional experiments will be needed to properly demonstrate the involvement of corticoids in grouper metamorphosis, but this was not possible in the current study as it would imply to set up a full grouper life cycle in lab conditions which is impossible for the scope of this manuscript.
We also mentioned in the discussion that the role of corticoids in fish larval development is still debated, and we agree that this remain a contentious issue.
We wrote that “there is contrasting evidence of communication between these two pathways [TH and corticosteroids] in teleost fish with some data suggesting a synergic and other an antagonistic relationship. In terms of synergy, an increase in cortisol level concomitantly with an increase in TH levels has been observed in flatfish (ref 19), golden sea bream (ref 100) and silver sea bream (ref 101). Cortisol was also shown to enhance in vitro the action of TH on fin ray resorption (phenomenon occurring during flatfish metamorphosis) in flounder (ref 20). TH exposure increases MR and GR genes expression in zebrafish embryo (ref 55). It has also been shown that cortisol regulates local T3 bioavailability in the juvenile sole via regulation of deiodinase 2 in an organ-specific manner (ref 56) On the antagonistic side, it has been shown that experimentally induced hyperthyroidism in common carp, decreasing cortisol levels (ref 57), whereas cortisol exposure decreases TH levels in European eel (ref 58). Given this scattered evidence, the existence of a crosstalk active during teleost metamorphosis has never been formally demonstrated. The results we obtained in grouper are clearly indicating that HPI axis and cortisol synthesis are activated (i) during early development and (ii) during metamorphosis. This may suggest that in some aspect cortisol synthesis can work in concert with TH, as has been shown in several different contexts in amphibians (ref 17).” In the revised manuscript, we will also add the interesting case of the Senegal sole mentioned by the reviewer.
In the last revision, we had also added that our results “brought a first insight into the potential role of corticoids in the metamorphosis of E. malabaricus and call for functional experiments directly testing a possible synergy” meaning that we clearly acknowledge that we are only revealing a hypothesis that remains to be tested. We later follow up with a discussion about the most novel observation and focus of our study, the increase in THs and cortisol during early development, which was unexpected and very intriguing. Again, these results suggest that there might be a link between the two, as has been shown in amphibians. This is typically the kind of results that should encourage more investigations into other fish species. Indeed, this has been pointed out by other authors and in particular by Bob Denver (probably the foremost expert on this topic) in Crespi and Denver 2012: “Elevation in HPA/I axis activity has been described prior to Metamorphosis in amphibians and fish, birth in mammals (reviewed in Crespi & Denver 2005a; Wada 2008)”. B. Denver also adds that: “Experiments in which GCs were elevated prior to metamorphosis or prior to hatching or birth (e.g. Weiss, Johnston & Moore 2007) or inhibited by treatments with GC synthesis blockers (e.g. metyrapone) or receptor antagonists (e.g. RU486, Glennemeir & Denver 2002) demonstrate that GCs play a causal role in precipitating these life-history transitions (also reviewed in Crespi & Denver 2005a; Wada 2008).” We believe the reviewer will be convinced by these elements coming from a colleague unanimously respected in the field.
Furthermore, the authors need to recognise that the transcriptomic analysis is whole-body and that HPA axis genes are upregulated, which does not mean they are involved in regulating the HPT axis. The authors do not show that in thyrotrophs, any CRH receptor is expressed or in any other HPT axis-relevant cells and that changes in these genes correlate with changes in TSH expression. An in-situ hybridisation experiment showing co-expression on thyrotrophs of HPA genes and TSH could be a good start. However, the best scenario would be conducting cortisol treatment experiments to see if this hormone affects grouper metamorphosis.
We agree that functional experiments are needed to validate our hypothesis. As the early peaks of expression levels observed for many genes were very intriguing for us, we did carry out thyroid hormones and goitrogenic treatment on young grouper larvae to test their effect on the morphological changes. Unfortunately, such experiments, already tricky on metamorphosing larvae, are even more risky on such tiny individuals just after hatching and we encountered high mortality rates. We must add that because we cannot establish a full grouper life cycle under lab conditions, we have done these experiment in the context of a commercial husbandry system in Japan, which while excellent limits the scope of possible experiments. We were thus not able to provide functional validation of our hypothesis. Such experiments will be a full project in itself, requiring setting up a rearing system suitable for both larval survival and economical constraints related to drug treatments. We were further limited by the spawning times of the grouper in the operational aquaculture farm, which are limited to a short time during each year. So even if we strongly agree with the necessity of conducting such experiments, we think that this is not in the scope of the present paper, but something future research can explore.
High TSH and Tg levels usually parallel whole-body TH levels during teleost metamorphosis. However, in this study, high Tg expression levels are only achieved at the juvenile stage, whereas high TSH is achieved at D32, and at the juvenile stage, they are already at their lowest levels.
This is exactly our point. We observe two peaks in TSH expression, one at D3 and one at D32. The peak at D3 coincides with high thyroid hormone levels on the same day, and while we have not measured TH at D32, existing literature shows that there is a peak in TH during that time (e.g., de Jesus et al., 1998). Similarly, there is a small peak of Tg at D3. Our manuscript focused more on the upregulation of these genes at D3, which has not been reported before in the literature and raised the question of the role of TH so early in the larval development, outside of the metamorphosis period.
Regarding the respective levels of TSH and Tg, we first would like to add that their respective order of appearance before metamorphosis (TSH at D32, Tg after) is consistent with what we would expect. We agree however that the strong increase of Tg and TPO expression is later than expected. We will make this clear in the revised manuscript.
It is very difficult to conclude anything with the TH and cortisol levels measurements. The authors only measured up until D10, whereas they argue that metamorphosis occurs at D32. In this way, these measurements could be more helpful if they focus on the correct developmental time. The data is irrelevant to their hypothesis.
We respectfully disagree with the reviewer, considering that 1) TH levels have already been investigated in groupers coinciding with pigmentation changes and fin rays resorption, 2) that there is also evidence in numerous fish species that TH level increase is concomitant with increase of TH related genes, and 3) that we observed in our data an increase in the expression of TH related genes as well as pigmentation changes and fin rays resorption. Based on our experience in fish metamorphosis and the literature we can say confidently that those observations indicate that metamorphosis is occurring between D32 and the juvenile stage. To reinforce our point, we plan to add a figure to the revised manuscript, which puts our data in the context of earlier studies done in grouper. This will clearly show that our inference is correct. Additionally, we would like to point out that from our experience in several fish species transcriptomic data are more robust and precise than hormone measurements.
However, as we were surprised by the activation of TH and corticoid pathway genes very early in the larval development (at D3), which is clearly outside of the metamorphosis period, we decided to measure TH and cortisol levels during this period of time to determine if whether or not there this surprising early activation was indeed corresponding to an increase in both TH and cortisol. As such observation has never been made in other teleost species (to our knowledge), and as we were wondering if gene activation was accompanied by hormonal increase, the measurements we did for TH and cortisol between D1 and D10 are relevant. We will make sure to improve the clarity of the revised version of the manuscript to avoid any confusion between the two periods we are studying: early larval development (between D1 and D10) and metamorphosis (between D32 and juvenile stage).
Moreover, as stated in the previous review, a classical sign of teleost metamorphosis is the upregulation of TSHb and Tg, which does not occur at D32 therefore, it is very hard for me to accept that this is the metamorphic stage. With the lack of TH measurements, I cannot agree with the authors. I think this has to be toned down and made clear in the manuscript that D32 might be a putative metamorphic climax but that several aspects of biology work against it. Moreover, in D10, the authors show the highest cortisol level and lowest T4 and T3 levels. These observations are irreconcilable, with cortisol enhancing or participating in TH-driven metamorphosis.
We thank the reviewer for this comment, but we think that there might be a misunderstanding here.
(1) We clearly observed an increase of TSHb (that occurs between D18 and juvenile stage) and an increase of tg from D32 which coincide with the activation of other genes involved in TH pathway (dio2, dio3, and also a strong increase of TRb). All this and put in the context of what we know from previous grouper studies, clearly supports our conclusion that TH-regulated metamorphosis is starting at around D32 in grouper. We also observed morphological changes such as fin rays resorption and pigmentation changes between D32 and juvenile stage. Such morphological changes have already been associated as corresponding to metamorphosis in groupers (De Jesus et al 1998) as they occur during TH level increase, and they also happen to be under the control of TH in grouper (De Jesus et al 1998). Based on this study but also on studies (conducted on many other teleost species) showing that the increase of TH levels is always associated with an activation of TH pathway genes and morphological and pigmentation changes we concluded that metamorphosis of E. malabaricus occurs between D32 and juvenile stage. We will improve the clarity of the manuscript to make sure that our conclusion is based on our transcriptomic and morphological data plus the available literature.
(2) We clearly observed another activation of TH related gene earlier in the development (between D1 and D10, with a surge of trhrs, tg and tpo at D3. As this activation was very unexpected for us, we decided to focus the analysis of TH levels between D1 and D10 and very interestingly we observed high level of T4 at D3 indicating that THs are instrumental very precociously in the larval development of the malabar grouper which has never been shown before. We declared line 195 that our “data reinforce the existence of two distinct periods of TH signalling activity, one early on at D3 and one late corresponding to classic metamorphosis at D32”. However, we agree that we could have been clearer and clearly explained that this early activation was very intriguing for us and that we wanted to investigate hormonal levels around that period. However, we never claimed anywhere in the manuscript that this early developmental period corresponds to metamorphosis. Something else is occurring and both TH and cortisol seem to be involved but further experiments need to be conducted to understand their role and their possible interaction.
(3) Finally, regarding the comment about cortisol enhancing or participating in TH driven metamorphosis, our data clearly showed an activation of the corticoid pathway genes around metamorphosis (between D32 and juvenile stage) suggesting a potential implication of corticoids in metamorphosis, but we agree with the reviewer that further experiment are needed to test that. We never claimed that cortisol was enhancing or participating in metamorphosis, on the contrary we are “suggesting a possible interaction between TH and corticoid pathway during metamorphosis”. And we also say that our “results brought a first insight into the potential role of corticoids in the metamorphosis of E. malabaricus and call for functional experiments directly testing a possible synergy.” Nonetheless, we agree that some parts of our manuscript can be confusing in regards of cortisol synthesis during metamorphosis as we did not measure cortisol levels between D32 and juvenile stage. We will correct this in the revised version.
Given this, the authors should quantify whole-body TH levels throughout the entire developmental window considered to determine where the peak is observed and how it correlates with the other hormonal genes/systems in the analysis.
We did not measure TH levels at later stages as it has already been measured during Epinephelus coioides metamorphosis and the morphological changes observed in this species around the TH peak corresponds to what we observed in Epinephelus malabaricus around the peak of expression of TH pathway genes (see De Jesus et al., 1998 General and Comparative Endocrinology, 112:10-16). We are planning to add a figure reconciling all these data together. However, the main focus of this manuscript is the novel observation of the existence of an early activation period observed at D3, and for which we needed TH levels to determine if they were involved in another early developmental process (not related to metamorphosis). Our hypothesis is that this early activation might be related to the growth of fin rays necessary to enhance floatability during the oceanic larval dispersal. As we may have arrived at the explanation of this hypothesis too rapidly without setting up the context well enough, we will pay attention to improve that part too.
Even though this is a solid technical paper and the data obtained is excellent, the conclusions drawn by the authors are not supported by their data, and at least hormonal levels should be present in parallel to the transcriptomic data. Furthermore, toning down some affirmations or even considering the different hypotheses available that are different from the ones suggested would be very positive.
We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the solidity of the method of our paper and the quality of the results. We agree that there were several parts where our message is unclear, which we will address in the revised version of the manuscript to make sure there is no more confusion between the two distinct periods we studied in this paper (early larval development and metamorphosis). We will also make sure that our claims about TH/corticoids interaction during both periods remain hypothetical as we cannot yet, despite trials, sustain them with functional experiment.