EPIC-ATAC and EPIC RNA-seq based deconvolution have similar accuracy and can complement each other.
A-B) Pearson’s correlation (left) and RMSE (right) values comparing the proportions predicted by the ATAC-Seq deconvolution, the RNA-Seq deconvolution and the GA-based RNA deconvolution and true cell-type proportions in 100 pseudobulks simulated form the 10x multiome PBMC dataset (10x Genomics, 2021) (panel A) and in the pseudobulks generated from the HTAN cohorts (panel B). Dots correspond to outlier pseudobulks. C) Left panel: Schematic description of the dataset from Morandini et al. (Morandini et al., 2024) composed of matched bulk ATAC-Seq, RNA-Seq and flow cytometry data from PBMC samples. Right panel: Pearson’s correlation (left) and RMSE values (right) obtained by EPIC-ATAC, EPIC-RNA and EPIC-ATAC/RNA (i.e., averaged predictions of EPIC-ATAC and EPIC-RNA) in each cell type separately or all cell types together (columns).
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