Functional classification of missense somatic mutations in CDKN2A.
(A) Somatic missense variants in CDKN2A reported in COSMIC, TCGA, JHU, or MSK-IMPACT, by functional classification (deleterious – black box; indeterminate – gray box; neutral – white box). (B) Distribution of functionally deleterious missense somatic mutations CDKN2A reported in COSMIC, TCGA, JHU, or MSK-IMPACT by ankyrin (ANK) repeat. (C) Percent of missense somatic mutations in CDKN2A that were classified as functionally deleterious (black box), indeterminate function (gray box), or functionally neutral (white box) group by tumor type. Missense somatic mutations reported in COSMIC, TCGA, JHU, and MSK-IMPACT were combined. The number of missense somatic mutations for each tumor type given in parentheses. COSMIC; the Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer, TCGA; The Cancer Genome Atlas, JHU; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, MSK-IMPACT; Memorial Sloan Kettering-Integrated Mutation Profiling of Actionable Cancer Targets.