Invasion scenario for Top row: one immune group, Middle row: M = 10 immune groups and fast mixing Cij = 1/M and Bottom row M = 10 immune groups and slow mixing Cij = 1/10M. Other parameters are the same for all rows: in units of δ, we set α = 3 and γ = 5 · 10−3, and f = 0.65, b = 0.8, ε = 0.99. For both rows, graphs represent: Left: number of hosts infectious with the wild-type and the variant; Middle: number of hosts susceptible to the wild-type and the variant, with the equilibrium value δ/α as a gray line; Right: fraction of the infections due to the variant. The thick gray line shows the expected equilibrium frequency ¡3 in the case with one immune group, given in Eq. 6. The dashed line shows the trajectory of a constant fitness logistic growth with the same initial growth rate.