Figures and data

Behavioral task and model predictions.
A, Behavioral task. The monkey was required to report the perceived motion direction of the random-dot stimulus by making a saccade towards the corresponding choice target at a self-determined time. B, Three previous models predicted different patterns of STN activity. Sensitive to choice: differential responses for trials ending with different choices. Sensitive to uncertainty: differential responses for trials with different evidence strength.

STN neurons have diverse response profiles.
A, Activity of three STN neurons (rows) aligned to motion (left) and saccade (right) onsets and grouped by choice x motion coherence (see legend). For motion-onset alignment, activity was truncated at 100 ms before saccade onset. For saccade-onset alignment, activity was truncated before 200 ms after motion onset. B, Summary of average activity patterns. Each row represents the activity of a neuron, z-scored by baseline activity in a 300 ms window before target onset and averaged across all trial conditions. Rows are grouped by monkey (red and green shown to the right of each panel: monkeys C and F, respectively) and sorted by the time of peak values relative to motion onset. Only correct trials were included. C, Heatmaps of linear regression coefficients for choice (top), coherence for trials with contralateral choices (middle), and coherence for trials with ipsilateral choices (bottom), for activity aligned to motion (left) and saccade (right) onsets. Regression was performed in running windows of 300 ms. Regression coefficients that were not significantly different from zero (t-test, p>0.05) were set to zero (green) for display purposes. Neurons were sorted in rows by the time of peak coefficient magnitude. Only correct trials were included. D, Time courses of the fractions of regression coefficients that were significantly different from zero (t-test, p<0.05), for choice (black), coherence for trials with contralateral choices (red), and coherence for trials with ipsilateral choices (blue). Dashed line indicates chance level. E, Time courses of the fractions of non-zero regression coefficients for coherence. Separate fractions were calculated for trials with the preferred (purple) and null (green) choices from choice-selectivity activity and for all trials from activity that was not choice selective (gray). Only time points after motion onset with fractions > 0.05 for choice-selective activity were included. Dashed line indicates chance level.

STN contains distinct subpopulations.
A, Three activity vectors that were constructed based on theoretical predictions in Figure 1B and used as seeds for k-means clustering (see Methods). B, Each panel shows the average activity of neurons in a cluster, same format as Figure 2A. The numbers indicate the cluster size. C, Visualization of the clusters using the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) dimension-reduction method. D, Average activity of clusters identified using random-seeded k-means clustering. Same format as Figure 3B. E, Visualization of the random-seeded clusters in the same tSNE space.

Clustering parameters.
A, Silhouette plots for clustering results using different combinations of settings. Silhouette scores for neurons are grouped by clusters and sorted. Red lines indicate the mean scores. Yellow shaded box indicates the chosen setting for results in Figure 3. B, Average Rand indices for different clustering settings. For each setting, the k-means algorithm was run 50 times, each time picking the best clusters out of 100 repetitions. Higher Rand index indicates greater cluster stability across different runs. Blue box indicates settings with Rand indices > 0.95. C, Mean silhouette scores and the number of negative scores as a function of number of clusters, using the firing rate vectors and correlation distance. Higher mean score and fewer negative scores indicate better clustering.

STN microstimulation affects monkeys’ choice and RT.
A-C, Monkey’s choice (top) and RT (bottom) performance for trials with (red) and without (black) microstimulation for three example sessions (A,B: two sites in monkey C; C: monkey F). Lines: DDM fits. D, Distributions of microstimulation effects on bias and slope terms of the logistic function. Filled bars in histograms indicate sessions with significant modulation of the specific term (bootstrap method). Triangles indicate the median values. Filled triangle: Wilcoxon sign-rank test for H0: median=0, p < 0.05. E and F, Summary of microstimulation effects on the offset (E) and slope (F) terms of a linear regression fit to RT data. Two separate linear regressions were performed for the two choices (Ipsi/Contra, as indicated). Triangles indicate the median values. Filled triangles: Wilcoxon sign-rank test, p < 0.05.

STN microstimulation affected multiple computational components in the DDM.
A, Illustration of the DDM. Red/black lines represent across-trial mean/single-trial example of the evidence (top) and drift rate (bottom). Blue lines represent the collapsing decision bounds. B, Distribution of the difference in AIC between the None and Full models. Red dashed line indicates the criterion for choosing the full model: AIC difference = 3. C, Histograms of microstimulation effects on DDM parameters. Each histogram included only sessions in which the Full model outperformed the corresponding reduced model (e.g., the histogram for parameter a included only sessions in which AICNoA – AICFull > 3 and AICNone – AICFull > 3). Triangles indicate median values. Filled triangles: Wilcoxon sign rank test, p < 0.05. D, Summary of microstimulation effects on all parameters, for sessions in which at least one significant effect was present. Sessions were sorted by the prevalence and sign of the effects.

Different STN subpopulations are intermingled.
Locations of STN neurons, color-coded by clusters based on random-seed clustering (same as Figure 3D). The Medial-Lateral (ML) values were jittered for better visualization of neurons recorded along the same track and at similar depths. Anterior-Posterior (AP) levels were relative to the anterior commissure. ML and depth levels were relative to the center of the recording chambers.

STN microstimulation effects depend partially on neural clusters.
A, Average activity at stimulation sites, grouped by four clusters based on the clusters in Figure 3D. B, Fractions of significant microstimulation effects for sites with the presence of each neuron cluster. Significance was based on AIC comparison between reduced and Full models. C, Microstimulation effects grouped by neuron cluster. Same format as Figure 5D. D, Fractions of significant microstimulation effects, grouped by effects reflecting changes in bound, decision variable computation, and non-decision processes.