The Recurrent Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machine Captures Neural Assembly Dynamics in Whole-brain Activity

  1. Computational Neuroscience Lab, Donders Center for Neuroscience, Radboud University

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Peter Latham
    University College London, London, United Kingdom
  • Senior Editor
    Laura Colgin
    University of Texas at Austin, Austin, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


Understanding large-scale neural activity remains a formidable challenge in neuroscience. While several methods have been proposed to discover the assemblies from such large-scale recordings, most previous studies do not explicitly model the temporal dynamics. This study is an attempt to uncover the temporal dynamics of assemblies using a tool that has been established in other domains.

The authors previously introduced the compositional Restricted Boltzmann Machine (cRBM) to identify neuron assemblies in zebrafish brain activity. Building upon this, they now employ the Recurrent Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RTRBM) to elucidate the temporal dynamics within these assemblies. By introducing recurrent connections between hidden units, RTRBM could retrieve neural assemblies and their temporal dynamics from simulated and zebrafish brain data.


The RTRBM has been previously used in other domains. Training in the model has been already established. This study is an application of such a model to neuroscience. Overall, the paper is well-structured and the methodology is robust, the analysis is solid to support the authors' claim.


The overall degree of advance is very limited. The performance improvement by RTRBM compared to their cRBM is marginal, and insights into assembly dynamics are limited.

(1) The biological insights from this method are constrained. Though the aim is to unravel neural ensemble dynamics, the paper lacks in-depth discussion on how this method enhances our understanding of zebrafish neural dynamics. For example, the dynamics of assemblies can be analyzed using various tools such as dimensionality reduction methods once we have identified them using cRBM. What information can we gain by knowing the effective recurrent connection between them? It would be more convincing to show this in real data.

(2) Despite the increased complexity of RTRBM over cRBM, performance improvement is minimal. Accuracy enhancements, less than 1% in synthetic and zebrafish data, are underwhelming (Figure 2G and Figure 4B). Predictive performance evaluation on real neural activity would enhance model assessment. Including predicted and measured neural activity traces could aid readers in evaluating model efficacy.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


In this work, the authors propose an extension to some of the last author's previous work, where a compositional restricted Boltzmann machine was considered as a generative model of neuron-assembly interaction. They augment this model by recurrent connections between the Boltzmann machine's hidden units, which allow them to explicitly account for temporal dynamics of the assembly activity. Since their model formulation does not allow the training towards a compositional phase (as in the previous model), they employ a transfer learning approach according to which they initialise their model with a weight matrix that was pre-trained using the earlier model so as to essentially start the actually training in a compositional phase. Finally, they test this model on synthetic and actual data of whole-brain light-sheet-microscopy recordings of spontaneous activity from the brain of larval zebrafish.


This work introduces a new model for neural assembly activity. Importantly, being able to capture temporal assembly dynamics is an interesting feature that goes beyond many existing models. While this work clearly focuses on the method (or the model) itself, it opens up an avenue for experimental research where it will be interesting to see if one can obtain any biologically meaningful insights considering these temporal dynamics when one is able to, for instance, relate them to development or behaviour.


For most of the work, the authors present their RTRBM model as an improvement over the earlier cRBM model. Yet, when considering synthetic data, they actually seem to compare with a "standard" RBM model. This seems odd considering the overall narrative, and it is not clear why they chose to do that. Also, in that case, was the RTRBM model initialised with the cRBM weight matrix?

A few claims made throughout the work are slightly too enthusiastic and not really supported by the data shown. For instance, when the authors refer to the clusters shown in Figure 3D as "spatially localized", this seems like a stretch, specifically in view of clusters 1, 3, and 4. Moreover, when they describe the predictive performance of their model as "close to optimal" when the down-sampling factor coincided with the interaction time scale, it seems a bit exaggerated given that it was more or less as close to the upper bound as it was to the lower bound.

When discussing the data statistics, the authors quote correlation values in the main text. However, these do not match the correlation values in the figure to which they seem to belong. Now, it seems that in the main text, they consider the Pearson correlation, whereas in the corresponding figure, it is the Spearman correlation. This is very confusing, and it is not really clear as to why the authors chose to do so.

Finally, when discussing the fact that the RTRBM model outperforms the cRBM model, the authors state it does so for different moments and in different numbers of cases (fish). It would be very interesting to know whether these are the same fish or always different fish.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

With ever-growing datasets, it becomes more challenging to extract useful information from such a large amount of data. For that, developing better dimensionality reduction/clustering methods can be very important to make sense of analyzed data. This is especially true for neuroscience where new experimental advances allow the recording of an unprecedented number of neurons. Here the authors make a step to help with neuronal analyses by proposing a new method to identify groups of neurons with similar activity dynamics. I did not notice any obvious problems with data analyses here, however, the presented manuscript has a few weaknesses:

(1) Because this manuscript is written as an extension of previous work by the same authors (van der Plas et al., eLife, 2023), thus to fully understand this paper it is required to read first the previous paper, as authors often refer to their previous work for details. Similarly, to understand the functional significance of identified here neuronal assemblies, it is needed to go to look at the previous paper.

(2) The problem of discovering clusters in data with temporal dynamics is not unique to neuroscience. Therefore, the authors should also discuss other previously proposed methods and how they compare to the presented here RTRBM method. Similarly, there are other methods using neural networks for discovering clusters (assemblies) (e.g. t-SNE: van der Maaten & Hinton 2008, Hippocluster: Chalmers et al. 2023, etc), which should be discussed to give better background information for the readers.

(3) The above point to better describe other methods is especially important because the performance of the presented here method is not that much better than previous work. For example, RTRBM outperforms the cRBM only on ~4 out of 8 fish datasets. Moreover, as the authors nicely described in the Limitations section this method currently can only work on a single time scale and clusters have to be estimated first with the previous cRBM method. Thus, having an overview of other methods which could be used for similar analyses would be helpful.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation