Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorBenjamin BlackmanUniversity of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, United States of America
- Senior EditorSergio RasmannUniversity of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Understanding the mechanisms of how organisms respond to environmental stresses is a key goal of biological research. Assessment of transcriptional responses to stress can provide some insights into those underlying mechanisms. The researchers quantified traits, fitness, and gene expression (transcriptional) response to salinity stress (control vs stress treatments) for 130 accessions of rice (three replicates for each accession), which were grown in the field in the Philippines. This experimental design allowed for many different types of downstream analyses to better understand the biology of the system. These analyses included estimating the strength of selection imposed on transcription in each environment, evaluating possible trade-offs in gene expression, testing whether salinity induces transcriptional decoherence, and conducting various eQTL-type analyses.
The study provides an extensive analysis of gene expression responses to stress in rice and offers some insights into underlying mechanisms of salinity responses in this important crop system. The fact that the study was conducted under field conditions is a major plus, as the gene expression responses to soil salinity are more realistic than if the study was conducted in a greenhouse or growth chamber. The preprint is generally well-written and the methods and results are mostly well-described.
While the study makes good use of analyzing the dataset, it is not clear how the current work advances our understanding of gene regulatory evolution or plant responses to soil salinity generally. Overall, the results are consistent with other prior studies of gene expression and studies of selection across environmental conditions. Some of the framing of the paper suggests that there is more novelty to this study than there is in reality. That said, the results will certainly be useful for those working in rice and should be interesting to scientists interested in how gene expression responses to stress occur under field conditions. I detail other concerns I had about the preprint below:
The abstract on lines 33-35 illustrates some of my concerns about the overstatement of the novelty of the current study. For example, is it really true that the role of gene expression in mediating stress response and adaptation is largely unexplored? There have been numerous studies that have evaluated gene expression responses to stresses in a wide range of organisms. Perhaps, I am missing something critically different about this study. If so, I would recommend that the authors reword this sentence to clarify what gap is being filled by this study. Further, is it really the case that none of them have evaluated how the correlational structure of gene expression changes in response to stresses in plants, as implied in lines 263-265? Don't the various modules and PC analyses of gene expression get at this question?
There were some places in the methods of the preprint that required more information to properly evaluate. For example, more information should be provided on lines 664-668 about how G, E, and GxE effects were established, especially since this is so central to this study. What programs/software (R? SAS? Other?) were used for these analyses? If R, how were the ANOVAs/models fit? What type of ANOVA was used? How exactly was significance determined for each term? Which effects were considered fixed and which were random? If the goal was to fit mixed models, why not use an approach like voom-limma (Law et al. 2014 Genome Biology)? More details should also be added to lines 688-709 about these analyses, including what software/programs were used for these analyses.
One thing that I found a bit confusing throughout was the intermixing of different terms and types of selection. In particular, there seemed to be some inconsistencies with the usage of quantitative genetics terms for selection (e.g. directional, stabilizing) vs molecular evolution terms for selection (e.g. positive, purifying). I would encourage the authors to think carefully about what they mean by each of these terms and make sure that those definitions are consistently applied here.
It would be useful to clarify the reasons for the inherent bias in the detection of conditional neutrality (CN) and antagonistic pleiotropy (AP; Lines 187-196). It is also not clear to me what the authors did to deal with the bias in terms of adjusting P-value thresholds for CN and AP the way it is currently written. Further, I found the discussion of antagonistic pleiotropy and conditional neutrality to be a bit confusing for a couple of reasons, especially around lines 489-491. First of all, does it really make sense to contrast gene expression versus local adaptation, when lots of local adaptation likely involves changes in gene expression? Second, the implication that antagonistic pleiotropy is more common for local adaptation than the results found in this study seems questionable. Conditional neutrality appears to be more common for local adaptation as well: see Table 2 of Wadgymar et al. 2017 Methods in Ecology and Evolution. That all said, it is always difficult to conclude that there are no trade-offs (antagonistic pleiotropy) for a particular locus, as the detecting trade-offs may only manifest in some years and not others and can require large sample sizes if they are subtle in effect.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
The authors investigate the gene expression variation in a rice diversity panel under normal and saline growth conditions to gain insight into the underlying molecular adaptive response to salinity. They present a convincing case to demonstrate that environmental stress can induce selective pressure on gene expression, which is in agreement to their earlier study (Groen et al, 2020). The data seems to be a good fit for their study and overall the analytic approach is robust.
(1) The work started by investigating the effect of genotype and their interaction at each transcript level using 3'-end-biased mRNA sequencing, and detecting a wide-spread GXE effect. Later, using the total filled grain number as a proxy of fitness, they estimated the strength of selection on each transcript and reported stronger selective pressure in a saline environment. However, this current framework relies on precise estimation of fitness and, therefore can be sensitive to the choice of fitness proxy.
(2) Furthermore, the authors decomposed the genetic architecture of expression variation into cis- and trans-eQTL in each environment separately and reported more unique environment-specific trans-eQTLs than cis-. The relative contribution of cis- and trans-eQTL depends on both the abundance and effect size. I wonder why the latter was not reported while comparing these two different genetic architectures. If the authors were to compare the variation explained by these two categories of eQTL instead of their frequency, would the inference that trans-eQTLs are primarily associated with expression variation still hold?
(3) Next, the authors investigated the relationship between cis- and trans-eQTLs at the transcript level and revealed an excess of reinforcement over the compensation pattern. Here, I struggle to understand the motivation for testing the relationship by comparing the effect of cis-QTL with the mean effect of all trans-eQTLs of a given transcript. My concern is that taking the mean can diminish the effect of small trans-eQTLs potentially biasing the relationship towards the large-effect eQTLs.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
In this work, the authors conducted a large-scale field trial of 130 indica accessions in normal vs. moderate salt stress conditions. The experiment consists of 3 replicates for each accession in each treatment, making it 780 plants in total. Leaf transcriptome, plant traits, and final yield were collected. Starting from a quantitative genetics framework, the authors first dissected the heritability and selection forces acting on gene expression. After summarizing the selection force acting on gene expression (or plant traits) in each environment, the authors described the difference in gene expression correlation between environments. The final part consists of eQTL investigation and categorizing cis- and trans-effects acting on gene expression.
Building on the group's previous study and using a similar methodology (Groen et al. 2020, 2021), the unique aspect of this study is in incorporating large-scale empirical field works and combining gene expression data with plant traits. Unlike many systems biology studies, this study strongly emphasizes the quantitative genetics perspective and investigates the empirical fitness effects of gene expression data. The large amounts of RNAseq data (one sample for each plant individual) also allow heritability calculation. This study also utilizes the population genetics perspective to test for traces of selection around eQTL. As there are too many genes to fit in multiple regression (for selection analysis) and to construct the G-matrix (for breeder's equation), grouping genes into PCs is a very good idea.
Building on large amounts of data, this study conducted many analyses and described some patterns, but a central message or hypothesis would still be necessary. Currently, the selection analysis, transcript correlation structure change, and eQTL parts seem to be independent. The manuscript currently looks like a combination of several parallel works, and this is reflected in the Results, where each part has its own short introduction (e.g., 185-187, 261-266, 349-353). It would be great to discuss how these patterns observed could be translated to larger biological insights. On a related note, since this and the previous studies (focusing on dry-wet environments) use a similar methodology, one would also wonder what the conclusions from these studies would be. How do they agree or disagree with each other?
Many analyses were done separately for each environment, and results from these two environments are listed together for comparison. Especially for the eQTL part, no specific comparison was discussed between the two environments. It would be interesting to consider whether one could fit the data in more coherent models specifically modeling the X-by-environment effects, where X might be transcripts, PCs, traits, transcript-transcript correlation, or eQTLs.
As stated, grouping genes into PCs is a good idea, but although in theory, the PCs are orthogonal, each gene still has some loadings on each PC (ie. each PC is not controlled by a completely different set of genes). Another possibility is to use any gene grouping method, such as WGCNA, to group genes into modules and use the PC1 of each module. There, each module would consist of completely different sets of genes, and one would be more likely to separate the biological functions of each module. I wonder whether the authors could discuss the pros and cons of these methods.
Reviewer #4 (Public Review):
The manuscript examines how patterns of selection on gene expression differ between a normal field environment and a field environment with elevated salinity based on transcript abundances obtained from leaves of a diverse panel of rice germplasm. In addition, the manuscript also maps expression QTL (eQTL) that explains variation in each environment. One highlight from the mapping is that a small group of trans-mapping regulators explains some gene expression variation for large sets of transcripts in each environment. The overall scope of the datasets is impressive, combining large field studies that capture information about fecundity, gene expression, and trait variation at multiple sites. The finding related to patterns indicating increased LD among eQTLs that have cis-trans compensatory or reinforcing effects is interesting in the context of other recent work finding patterns of epistatic selection. However, other analyses in the manuscript are less compelling or do not make the most of the value of collected data. Revisions are also warranted to improve the precision with which field-specific terminology is applied and the language chosen when interpreting analytical findings.
Selection of gene expression:
One strength of the dataset is that gene expression and fecundity were measured for the same genotypes in multiple environments. However, the selection analyses are largely conducted within environments. The addition of phenotypic selection analyses that jointly analyze gene expression across environments and or selection on reaction norms would be worthwhile.
Gene expression trade-offs:
The terminology and possibly methods involved in the section on gene expression trade-offs need amendment. I specifically recommend discontinuing reference to the analysis presented as an analysis of antagonistic pleiotropy (rather than more general trade-offs) because pleiotropy is defined as a property of a genotype, not a phenotype. Gene expression levels are a molecular phenotype, influenced by both genotype and the environment. By conducting analyses of selection within environments as reported, the analysis does not account for the fact that the distribution of phenotypic values, the fitness surface, or both may differ across environments. Thus, this presents a very different situation than asking whether the genotypic effect of a QTL on fitness differs across environments, which is the context in which the contrasting terms antagonistic pleiotropy and conditional neutrality have been traditionally applied. A more interesting analysis would be to examine whether the covariance of phenotype with fitness has truly changed between environments or whether the phenotypic distribution has just shifted to a different area of a static fitness surface.
Biological processes under selection / Decoherence: PCs are likely not the most ideal way to cluster genes to generate consolidated metrics for a selection gradient analysis. Because individual genes will contribute to multiple PCs, the current fractional majority-rule method applied to determine whether a PC is under direct or indirect selection for increased or decreased expression comes across as arbitrary and with the potential for double-counting genes. A gene co-expression network analysis could be more appropriate, as genes only belong to one module and one can examine how selection is acting on the eigengene of a co-expression module. Building gene co-expression modules would also provide a complementary and more concrete framework for evaluating whether salinity stress induces "decoherence" and which functional groups of genes are most impacted.
Selection of traits:
Having paired organismal and molecular trait data is a strength of the manuscript, but the organismal trait data are underutilized. The manuscript as written only makes weak indirect inferences based on GO categories or assumed gene functions to connect selection at the organismal and molecular levels. Stronger connections could be made for instance by showing a selection of co-expression module eigengene values that are also correlated with traits that show similar patterns of selection, or by demonstrating that GWAS hits for trait variation co-localize to cis-mapping eQTL.
Genetic architecture of gene expression variation:
The descriptive statistics of the eQTL analysis summarize counts of eQTLs observed in each environment, but these numbers are not broken down to the molecular trait level (e.g., what are the median and range of cis- and trans-eQTLs per gene). In addition, genetic architecture is a combination of the numbers and relative effect sizes of the QTLs. It would be useful to provide information about the relative distributions of phenotypic variance explained by the cis- vs. trans- eQTLs and whether those distributions vary by environment. The motivation for examining patterns of cis-trans compensation specifically for the results obtained under high salinity conditions is unclear to me. If the lines sampled have predominantly evolved under low salinity conditions and the hypothesis being evaluated relates to historical experience of stabilizing selection, then my intuition is that evaluating the eQTL patterns under normal conditions provides the more relevant test of the hypothesis.